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 Jun 2016
I have loved you longer than time
Walked with you before I had legs
And told you many times
Without the mouth to speak
Or the air to breathe
I have loved you longer than space
Collected your dust before the stars
And felt you many times
Without the hands to hold
Or the fingers to touch

I loved you in the ocean
And swam between your knees
I loved you in the sky
In your kiss of gentle breeze
You knew my face
Before your eyes could see
You felt me
Before skin

I have loved you before mountains
And before rivers carved the rock
I loved your canyons
Your precipices
Your crevices
When there was no earth and no sun

I have loved you
Before I knew what love was
 Jun 2016
Maddii Lloyd
My life was meant
to end.
With you and i
Not you and her.
 Jun 2016
Maddii Lloyd
Lay with me
in my bed
under the sheets
with nothing on
put your hand on my chest
and lean into me and
all your darkest
secrets and fantasies
trust me
with your body
let me ful fill
your dreams
and wishes
ill make them all
come true.
 Jun 2016
Pauline Morris
You are the single star in my midnight sky
You are the sun that brings the rainbow in my rain
You are the answer to my question why
You are the healing touch in the midst of my pain
You are the voice of reason when I go insane
You are the cooling breeze when my temperature rises
You are my knight in shining armor when the demons are in my brain
You are the new beginning that sets on my horizon
 Jun 2016
David Ehrgott
  Won't you shine your light
  Spread your loving on me
  My delight
  Send your loving to me

I walked to heaven
and fought the hell to get there
The pictures are the proof
I took 'em
You find them
You'll never see anything like it again
Snow-capped Mountains of paradise
as cold as it was ridged
Sunlight bouncing off of white clouds
The artist broke the easel


I saw your latest victim.  Enjoying summer camp
When colored leaves are falling  Then will you return
 Jun 2016
Pauline Morris
I'm being washed away
Your silence rings in my ears
I'm drowning in your quiet ocean
Your lack of words is beginning to weigh
My eyes are creating a flood, down my checks roll the tears
Make some waves, give me some emotion

Maybe it will wash the past away
If you tell me, maybe our love you won't fear
You'll see I cause no drama, no commotion
I won't run, right bedside you I'll stay
I'll give you my heart, if your's I steal
I promise you babe all of my devotion
 Jun 2016
Laura Duran
If I could, I would
slow down time
so that I could stay
in this moment
for as long as possible.

If I could, I would
take as many years
as possible to
let this moment unfold.

This moment with you.

I would take my time
and memorize every
line of your face.
I would run every
silky strand of your
hair through my fingers.

I would take my time
and linger over every kiss.
I would savor the sweet
smell of your skin.
Revel in the sound
of your deep throaty

In this moment with you....

I would show you
just how much I love you.
I would say it over and
over again.
I would marvel at just
how perfectly I fit in
your arms.

I would, If I could....

Instead....I'll hug you
and ask you how
you've been.
I'll talk with you
about times past,
then smile through
my tears as you walk away.
 Jun 2016

We wrote poems together
a poetic team
Phrases of feelings
and pieces of dreams

Kite strings, umbrellas,
and blue summer skies
Wishes and kisses,
desire filled sighs

Gazing at moonlight
and coffee at dawn
So much affection
and then you were gone

Then came the clouds
with a chill in the air
Words disappeared
with the poems we shared

Now I'm alone
only darkness remains
Stanzas are empty,
the lines filled with pain

The love that we penned
something I did adore
We wrote poems together
but not anymore
 Jun 2016
brandon nagley

Inside the aumbry of thy rib's,
Mine verses there queen
Shalt alway's live. When
Thou doth close thine
Engineer orb's,
Knoweth this
Mine Jane;
Mine pearl.


Long agone, god choose thee,
To be mine darling from the sea;
The one who whisper's to me when I sleep,
In thy soul mine poetry speaks.


If tonight mine inhalation shalt cease
I'm not just flesh, but a spirit antique;
Mine word's hath come from the up above,
To show thee forgiveness, and Christ's own love

And don't forget queen where thou camest from
From the Almighty's hand's wherein life dost come,
Where the Angel's fly, and the mountain's hum
Past the human sun, in the third heaven.


So go to sleep Reyna, and dream of me,
One day we'll meet, O' please believe;
And when thou dost wake in the morrow
Thou shalt seest the clear amour that follows.

And smile we wilt do plenty of,
For we aren't of earth, but sky's above;
And when thou shalt see the light
I'll guide thee where there is no night.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedicated
aumbry- cupboard or closet.
Thou- you
Doth - do.
Thine- another form of thy- meaning ( your)
Orb's - eyes
I use engineer eyes because Jane is studying to become engineer.
Agone- ago ( long agone means long ago)
Thee- like thou means you.
Thy- your.
inhalation- breathing in. Taking breath in.
By saying I'm  spirit antique - this means im an ancient spirit.
Hath- have.
Camest- means ( came)
Dost like doth doesn't just mean do but can use to as does.
Wherein - in which.
Reyna- means queen.
Morrow- the following day.
Seest - see.
Amour - love.
Wilt- will
 Jun 2016
Pauline Morris
At long last I can feel a cool breeze
     "I can breath again"
No need to cower, I'm off of my knees
     "I can stand again"
There on the horizon beams a bright light
     "I can see again"
Shining out hope in my darkest night
     "I can dream again"
A steady beacon to sail towards
     "I can raise my sails again"
In life's music I once again hear the cords
     "I can dance again"
Feel with in my chest, this shattered heart beating
     "I'm alive again"
I washed up on a new shore, a new beginning
     "I have hope again"

Please treat me gently, treat me kind
For a scared little rabbit is what you'll find
That's lived life way to long in that ******  hole
I was thrown down there so long ago
But my love comes with no possibility of pain
For what's been done to me, I could never do the same
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