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 May 2016
lean to the
lean to the
it doesn't matter
you still fall
you still
 May 2016
born with a halo shattered
human afterbirth in dirt
withered wings, feathers tattered
protrusions of pain and hurt

only an angel can be born
held by the devil's hands
flesh becomes hard when it's torn
only an angel understands
Children and animals are the only innocence in this world.
 May 2016
Come back to me
Some kinda insanity
It's feeding the hungry
And I'm scrawny
Come back to me
Some kinda crazy eyes
Or beer goggles
The only things that make me pretty
Come back to me
Some kinda devil
Please me
Mix me up in some kinda evil
Give me a scandal
Manic episodes, an abusive lover
That's my perfect overdose
Come back to me
Some kinda insanity
I'm so close
And I'm so hungry
Just one more overdose
******* end me
Make me pretty
Now laugh
Now cry
Now smile
Lover boy, **** me
Make me ugly
Or cut me till I'm lovely
Lover boy, make me pretty
Unwind then cuff me
Come back to me
Some kinda insanity
 May 2016
Slur pee
I fell in so quickly, though I perceived it in slow motion,
Like I was slowly sinking, into your heart's crimson ocean,
And I finally made it all the way to the bottom.
Where I sat amongst memories that remain unforgotten.

Scenes too important to be held by your brain,
Where short term memory loosely holds onto the reins.
Influenced by things, always mistaking flowers for weeds.
Vines effortlessly follow wrinkles, on gray matter they feed.

You stored me in your heart, next to things you could not part with,
Like the warmth of my smile, and the softness of my lips
Things that you held dear, like my reflection in the mirror.

You'd always feed my hungry ears,
With the things they like to hear.

You'd pull away my fears,
And pick at what makes me insecure.
You'd steal my salted tears,
And rub them into your open sores.
You felt my pain, when I couldn't take it anymore.
With me, in the darkness you fearlessly explored.

You followed me into my world,
Just to get a better look,
At all the sickness and the hurt.
You watched blood flow through the holes,
Where organs were.

Understanding this corpse,
On your fingertips it's coarse.
Learning how to trace around,
All the insides that can't be found.
Holes you plan to fill, with emotions I don't feel.
You planted seeds in me, to show me that it's real.

I think I can feel them grow,
Through my skin,
Through my bone.
Is this thing called love...
This little flower,
I can hold?

 May 2016
Slur pee
Alone again,
****** hole again,
I wish that I could hear you moan again.

Darkness is my home again.
Struggling to pay rent,
To be fed,
To see red.
To keep all this past tense.
To hear it-
What makes sense.
Blue views skew my mood through redos,
How many mundane days can I go through

Before I'm...

Insane again?
Bad brain again,
Feels like going down a drain again.
Tell myself to count to ten again.
Hear those voices in my head again.
Crying rivers in my bed again.
Smoking 'til my eyes are red again

It's already been said...

I'm alone again.
Not whole again.
I wish that I could feel your soul again.

 May 2016
whew...writing this gave me a headache...i tried to use one word on each line... xenial - of, relating to, or constituting hospitality or relations between host and guest
 May 2016
my aim is to put a face on the faceless
making statements for wasted cases
i take myself into forsaken spaces
all for the sake to escape those places

a fate to make shapes out of shapeless
creating grace on pages as my basis
a campaign to replace the fake embraces
leaving the traces that no eraser erases
 May 2016
Hey mister, can you spare me a dime
or maybe just a moment of your time
I hate to admit, I'm a starving artist
maybe my choices aren't the smartest

it seems senseless starving for art
artistic integrity plays a big part
parting my ways seems so hard
hardest part is silencing my heart

hey mister, can I sell you a rhyme
it might mean something over some time
I'm proud to admit I'm a starving artist
even though these days are the hardest
rewrite - ***, I have lost 6 followers and gained 8 in one day. ****! I have been nothing but nice to all who followed me, and done my best to support their poetry. I wish folks would let me know why, and not be so cowardly. I am sorry if you are frustrated, or for whatever reason you unfollowed me. This site isn't about poetry, it's about shutins who live on the net. If you have a problem, or hear a rumor, come to me with it. You better believe I am not in private messages talking about you.
 May 2016
The Lunchtime Poet
The love that you give
Is just like a drug
I need a fix
Give me a hug

There is no help
No way to detox
Somebody help me
I'm hooked on a fox

You have a strong hold
One I can't kick
Every time I try
I start to feel sick

There is no needle
To stick in my vein
Just a simple kiss
Or I'll go insane

No pill I could take
To give me that feeling
Anytime without you
My senses start reeling

Nothing I could smoke
To get me that high
If I'm without you
I surely would die
 May 2016
I stepped outside
To see the view
The sky still dark
The rain just thru

Then the sun
Burst out its rays
And they shown down
Thru all the haze

So it appeared
As if next door
The arc those blazing
Colours bore

It seemed so close
I could just reach
And with my hand
Those colours breach

And as I stood there
In the light
It was so clear
It was so bright

The air was fresh
So clean and pure
I was amazed
By its allure

My nostrils flared
My senses peaked
The moment seemed
So quite unique

But as I gazed
More clouds appeared
And then my rainbow
 May 2016
Elizabeth Burns
Their immense power that no individual will truly understand.
Your words that linger
That tread my peaceful thoughts
That wreck my numb heart
That pulsate through me.
Your words
Laced into me
So strategically
And eloquently as you do
The power of a single sentence that penetrates through me
The words you said
The words that stay behind
The words that will never leave my troubled mind.
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