Beauty arrested my eyes,
made my heart beat faster,
realizing beauty as the truth
ultimate, I wooed it every minute.
I sought beauty avidly
all through every experience,
came to understand,
it took forms one can
never imagine.
Ignorance makes one fall
in to the bottom of the pit
of doubt,though one wants
to be a brave heart
Love I sought all round,
with love in abundance
kept ready to give in return!
But love has quicksilver ways
transforms and becomes
different things,in
many realms of being
in many fascinating colors
The only hope for me to grasp it,
is to become love itself.
I sought peace always
in beauty and love,
when beauty touched me
with such deep, pure love,
I never would have imagined,
or when love displayed,
beauty beyond the borders
of body, soul and spirit,
I was touched by enlightenment.
I did bid goodbye to transience,
and became one with the
sky of limitlessness,
eternity without non duality,
where beauty and love
harmoniously transform in to truth
the one and only essence
effulgent, unchanging, eternal.
truth beauty harmony peace eternity.