Taken aback , by the beauty of a' holler' in Quicksand one morning , songbirds echoing across the valley.. Traversed cool waters of the North Fork Kentucky River , window shopped on the streets of Jackson ..Wondering what it would be like to witness such beautiful scenery , day after day , vistas that most certainly play upon a mans mindset , unparalleled views , chatty blue collar shopkeepers and farmers , she's unequivocally fodder for endless stories and legends ..Foggy , gray , early mornings turn into daytime masterpieces , Xanadu for artist , poet and musician ! At dusk as the air begins to cool , smoke permeates from farmhouse and hamlet , aroma of firewood trapped in the valley as the whippoorwill sings her evening lullaby ...Kentucky is at rest tonight ......
Copyright October 2 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved