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 Aug 2016
Darrel Weeks
In a field
Turn round and around
Until the sky becomes the earth
Until the wind becomes
The motion to carry a thought
Until love moves at the speed of sound and rests upon a star
And falls on solid ground
With a blanket of the heaven to break its fall
Just wanted to write as I sat on a train and watched a girl spinning in field whilst at play
Looking up at a blue sky I wondered if her emotions had taken her feet off the ground
To all those in love you must feel this every second I know I do
Thank you V
He stood on the grassland of Ledi Geraru.

The sky was a vast expanse of melancholic gray
and the crimson blue light made the night imminent.

Each twilight his feet felt the kiss of the dewy shrub
as he waited for the first star to come out
that in a hushed sweep descended as peace.

He would raise his finger to the sky
and upon the river of his eyes
the star broke into fragments of tears.

He was slowly dying
but a greater him was to tread the grassland.

His eyes weren't found.

Only his jaws still stuck with the beauty
were dug up from the stardust.
A fossil jaw plucked from the badlands of Ethiopia—points to East Africa as the birthplace of our evolutionary lineage.
The site where the jaw was found, called Ledi-Geraru, was a mix of grasslands and a few shrubs 2.8 million years ago.
This write draws inspiration from the above.
 Aug 2016
The Poetry Peddler
my heart weeps
at the thought
of you
in her arms

the dark
slicing away at me
like a cold steel blade
to my skin

the night
choking me
with my own regrets
 Aug 2016
Stephen E Yocum
His name was Bing,
one eye grey the other blue
an Australian Cattle Dog
the best I ever knew.
Cows or Sheep he was the man.
Nipping at their heels, heading
them where you bid them go.
Smart as a whip, quick as a bullet,
Work all day for a pat on the head.

One early day no Bing appeared,
Strange 'cause he was always the first
into the truck bed, first in the pasture,
first to work, the last to quit.

We called out his name many times,
began a search, buildings to barns, silo
to shed. In the center of a cut hay field,
I saw him, hunkered down not moving.
The boss and me approached and called
to him, yet still, he did not seem to hear.

At twenty feet he stood up quick,
turned to face us with a ****,
his eyes burned with hell's fire,
his muzzle and jowls were awash in foam,
his deep-throated growl a caution warned.

Not much doubt he'd been skunk bit,
was beyond redemption touched in rabies fit.
I was sent on the run to fetch
the long gun from the truck.

We approached him careful like,
I was still panting from my run.
The boss cocked the lever,
chambering a round into the gun.

Bing's eyes looked to be pleading,
as if to ask that we end his pain.
In his crazed anguished state,
he could have reached us in a flash
spread the contagion to our flesh,
yet through instinct or love
old Bing held his ground,
awaiting his inevitable fate.

I tried to swallow but had no spit,
and then the rifle thundered
and stung my ears,
One shot through the head
took old Bing's pain away.

The Boss, a hard-edged man of fifty
began to silently weep like a child of five,
the loss of his dog too much to abide.
I must admit my tears weren't far behind.

We bore him from the field
like an honored fallen warrior.
Buried him in the yard by the house,
He deserved that respect and more.
Over fifty years later and I still think fondly
of old Bing. His actual name was Bingo, but
we all called him Bing, either way, he did not
seem to have a preference, even a shrill whistle
of summoning pitch, would do to bring him near.
Unlike most dogs, he did not crave human attention,
he lived for his work, that was about all he needed.
 Aug 2016
He is addicted and when it’s bad, it’s bad.
He makes me miss our memories we once had.
He used to be my hero, a hero who now has gone mad.
He is now occupied by a bleak and depressing habit.
But the help is in his reach, he just simply has to grab it.

Mom tries so hard to believe all of his lies.
She still sees her son behind those blood shot eyes.
But when I look at him, my eyes are only filled with despise.
He has hurt her, both physically and mentally.
It makes me so sad and angry, but it also helped strengthen me.

I could see his body and mind were drowning in decay.
But he wouldn’t even listen to a single word I had to say.
Those close around me tell me it’s going to be okay, just pray.
But what will it help him, if I pray to a God I don’t believe in?
Even if the almighty cared to listen, I don’t think he could cure him.

I was so ashamed of him, ashamed of what he had become.
But now I am no longer feeling ashamed, because I’m completely numb.
He abused his second chance, what’s done can’t be undone.
People make mistakes, that’s why when we fall we learn to pick ourselves up.
But instead of rising, he keeps on falling, landing in the same spot.

I still remember the days when I wanted him dead.
His whole existence annoyed me so much that I wanted to fled.
He doesn’t know how sad I was, how many silent tears I have shed.
I love him, but I fear his habit one day will him smother.
Because this is only the empty shell of what used to be my brother.
 Aug 2016

our fing-                                 
ers to the                                 
nearest a-                                 
vailable s-                                 
uckers• to                                 
take respo-                                 
nsibility  a-                                 
nd be  acco-                                                         
one really bothers•we                  
do it so well unlike any other•al-
     most a skill that never gets duller•**** hits
the fan, we all look for someone to blame•it's a
hapless situation when we partake in such a ga-
  me•it's become a norm that simply never ends •
it's a nasty situation that makes enemies out of f-
riends•i look at myself and realise that i am no
   different•for i too, have my finger pointed si-
   lent•i too, have erred...warranting reproach
•milling over transgressions my words
dare not broach•sigh...why is it so
that such a habit we can never
sever•think no further...let's
just blame it on......................

human nature•

 Aug 2016
L Seagull
That strange beautiful dark sparkle in your eye
Or the velvety dark ******* in the light and night
Something in your eyes like
Wisdom or hopelessness
A particular calmness of a person
Who works hard to keep smiling but
With that smile is so **** inspiring
Yet escaped
No money or fame or success helped
To lift up the dying spirit He
Could not breathe the air of limitless
Knowing the heart of the livelihood is missing
Entirely and tragically
So he left and closed the door
Money or popularity are not the answer. Live to be alive the most you can be without paying a high price of loosing yourself. And create, always create!
 Aug 2016
Mirela Totić
I'm sitting in the dark
Corner of my kitchen
It's late at night
And all that i hear
Is my breathing and loud mind
Annoyed with some blood  thirsty mosquito.

I'm thinking of the hard past days
Of all my used energy for others
For ensuring balance between.
****** zone you know...
**** it's so exhausting
But I'm proud...they all sleep
And I'm broken tonight
With my rolled tobacco
Letting myself to be weak
Hiding tears even I know
There is Noone to see it.

I love this dark corner
And the moonlight trough the window
They are my breaking point companies
My silent partners in pain.

And while I'm siting here
Pulling force from the last inches of faith
With the last smoke of rolled tobacco
I finally manage to hit that ******* mosquito.

M.T. 2016
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