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 May 2014
Brianna Ki
I couldn't stop tomorrow
believe me I gave it a try
turns out all those moments, are what made time go by.

As I took it all in
the voice inside
fell silenced, content, but extremely alive.

I didn't get enough time within those deep blue eyes
engaging me to want the pleasure of calling them mine.

I'd walk all those miles if it meant I were to see you tonight.
It may aid this determined desire just to stand by your side.

In your arms, my heart must have stayed
because in your arms is where I wish to lay.

I still feel the permanence of your kiss on my lips
I beg that I feel that kiss until the next one I get.

If all I feel is real, can I ask you this one time...?
To keep me within your heart, within your mind
Until our goodbyes turn into only goodnights...
 Apr 2014
Zabada Zipporah
nailed to the black board i hang from chains
while consistently racking my brain
unbalanced and aching i tear myself away
ancient sins and blemishes cover the skin i am in
like unnatural flesh as i await my death
lost in depth - hiding from Hades
trying to escape fire's plague
bald heads and coke filled nostrils sent me here
and Cerberus with no fear keeps me here
i try to cast away the memories of the "HE's"
in secrecy
"see no evil"
yet it has found me
bound and stored in the men who faked
stolen innocence
& trust
only seeking out the weak for lust
removing the soul from its core to restore with order
controlling the mind and numbing the heart
shattering any and every part of life from the start
and now here i lay lifeless
ending the fall at this bottomless pit
drowning in a burning river and i only feel the coldness
from within as my body quivers
salt-water taste stones my tongue
and i only wonder
"is this what the 'HEs' left me to become?"
and its the dark that encloses on my heart
that hides tears and bloodshed
left my the men who made me a 'woman'
way before time had its say
this piece was kinda hard for me, so bare with me and let me know what you guys think!
 Apr 2014
Brianna Ki
This reoccurring nightmare overrules me deep in sleep
Won’t wake me from my slumber,
Imprisons me in this keep

I try to run, I try to scream.
This is my certainty
Stuck in this bad dream

There, all about me are these stone cold walls
Over-protecting, so suspicious, untrusting …
They guard my soul.
Asking why are they so **** tall.

Restricting my heart I’m bound.
Powerless, I trail this authority
What hope is there now?

I pray in this frigid nightmare for the strength that I won’t break
Eager to be released from this lonely place
I’ll lie right here. My sanity they can’t take.
Written Oct. 2nd 2013
 Jul 2013
You gave up
Forgotten is the future we were too naive to construct
Is this what love has become? Second guesses and sobering recollections?

Darkness swallows the heart and mind as it strikes down emphatic optimism

I just wanted to say Goodbye Love
Goodbye to the life I once knew

Goodbye Love
 Jul 2013
Victoria Jennings
I would never see you again
I let the thought fill me
Walking away
I thought of us
And I tried
Just to remember
The look in your eyes
The sound of your voice
The curve of you
The lips that were mine
The hand I once held
I captured everything
And then I decided
This truly was
Even if I wish
It was still a hello.
 Jul 2013
Denise Ann
June 28, 2013.
Dear--no, this is not a diary entry, this is not a summary of the things I experienced today, this is not about how I felt when my crush said 'Hey', this is not about him or her, this is not about me.
Dear Cupid.
This is about you and your stupidity and idiocy, and your breathtaking suckery in archery, this is about how much I want to punch you in the face if you really exist, because of all the gods and goddesses the Greeks and Romans worship, you're the most vile of them all.

This is about how you whistled merrily down the street, completely unaware of everyone and everything around you, clutching your bow with an arrow nocked on its string, poised to strike.

This is about how you saw this girl who was indifferent to almost everyone and almost everything, this girl who never really cared, this girl who did not know love. This is about how you smirked to yourself and suddenly felt power surging through your veins, for you have found your target, this girl who always thought about everything and never let her heart decide, this girl who tried so hard to forget she can feel, this girl who never, ever loved, and was never, ever loved.

This is about how you felt everything slow down around you, how your sight narrowed down to the space between you and this girl, how your arrow yearned to be unleashed, to fly across the void that needed to be filled, to strike this girl who often forget she had a heart, this girl who needed to know love.
This is about how you pulled the bowstring to your cheek, felt the flecked feathers brush the bottom of your eyelids, saw nothing but this girl who forgot how to smile, this girl who never imagined you would set your sights on her, and this is about how your fingers set the string loose, set the arrow free, sent it soaring across the gap that you wanted to fill.

This is about the explosion of color in a gray room when the blade made contact with this girl's chest, this girl who went reeling back, stumbling back, so taken aback was she that the sudden fire in her ice-cold world rendered her blind and dumbstruck.

This is about how you snickered smugly to yourself because quite abruptly this girl was suddenly no longer indifferent, this girl suddenly cared, this girl remembered she had a heart--because it started beating too fast, it started screaming, it started living.

This is about how pleased you were you immediately set your bow and your arrows down, how you sighed in anticipation of an entertaining show, how you were so satisfied you instantly sat back and relaxed to enjoy the real life movie.
This is about how excited you were you forgot the most essential thing about your job.

You forgot to shoot the other one.
Dear Cupid.

You're such an *******.

But this is not only about you, this is not only about your folly, this is not only about your irresponsibility, this is not only about the wicked weapons you carry, because this is also about the one you forgot to shoot.

This is about him, and how I wish he could listen to the songs only I can hear, how I wish he knew I'm talking about him, how I wish that someone will somehow capture you, Cupid, so they can tie you to a stake and set you on fire, and maybe this feelings will hopefully dissipate along with the smoke into thin air.
This is about him, and how the sudden vibrancy of the colors around me disabled me almost completely. This is about him, and how his eyes suddenly seemed purer, his hair darker, his smile brighter. How I saw stars in the velvet sable of his irises, and I saw poems etched on his skin, words filling in the empty spaces inside him, the silence he wraps around himself a harsh barrier I can never bring myself to attempt breaking through.

This is about him, and the way every ounce of my awareness fixates on him every time he enters the room, and the way my heart flutters like a hummingbird's wings, singing a frantic, desperate melody of fear and panic and anticipation and everything dreadful contained in your arrows.
This is about him, and rainbows and sunshine and butterflies, and everything I've never known.
This is about how the girl who never knew love suddenly knew how love looks like. She knew the sharpness of his cheekbones, the angles along his jowls, the point of his chin. She knew the softness of his lips, the hardness of his jaw. She knew him a lot more than she wanted. She knew him intimately.

This is about him.

This is about the words I'll never have the courage to say, the poems I will never be able to write. This is about heartbreak and chocolates and long walks in the rain. This is about the tears I will never be able to shed, the smiles I forget to wear, the genuine laughter I always try my best to imitate.
And I lied, because this is also about me.
This is about me, and the lies I tell everyday. This is about gazing at the stars and wishing I could tack my fingertips on those bright pinpoints of light, wishing I could give my body to the sky, because having no body means not having to feel anything.
Dear Cupid.
If only you know what you've done. If only.
I would love to strangle you with my own two hands.
And maybe I'll forgive you for giving me this, the way I forgive him everyday for every hurt he gives me.
But this is not only about you, and this is not only about him. This is not only about me.
Because this is also about love.
 Jul 2013
H M Jeffrey
Crying, sobbing, screaming, running,
shut down, don't feel, look away
Run faster, farther, don't stop
hide, rest, wait for day

Sun bright, hot, blinding,
prepair, smile, be fake
Don't cry, be strong, almost night
stand up, stand tall, don't break

Sunset, day over, fall apart
curl up, lose control, feel the pain
Cry, wish to die, want to hide
sun up, do it again, this is insane
 Jul 2013
H M Jeffrey
When I hear your voice I ache inside
I wish from this pain I could run and hide
Even though try as I do
I can't seem to forget about you
Just when I think it won't hurt anymore
I hear your voice and it shakes me to my core
I see a shooting star and I wish to above
I wish to forget it was you that I love
I wish to forget the last year gone by
If only I could forget I wish with a sigh
 Jul 2013
H M Jeffrey
Pain rips through me like a lightening bolt hell bent to destroy
Paralizing fear suddenly drain all previous joy
Confusion leaves me motionless unknowing as what to do
A loneliness so deep scream to me the things that I already knew
River of tears flow continuously from blood shot eyes
Fairy tale becomes fantasy fantasy becomes unfulfilled promises and ugly lies
 Jul 2013
H M Jeffrey
My blood is on fire
can't help that your my desire
It builds hotter each day
I try to make it go away
But it's far to hard
having you just wasn't in my cards
You make it so clear you don't want me
I'm the best choice you have why don't you see
You tell me not to look at you like that
and sometimes I feel like you personal floor mat
You don't mean to hurt me like this
and one day you'll realize it's me you miss
Did you really miss me or just need help again
you make loving you feel like a sin
I never want to lose you
but I know I can't share too
You don't want me and that's ok
but deep down I keep hope you will some day
Don't judge me for how I feel
for now I'm just learning how to deal
I know nothing will change I'm not dumb
right now I just try and stay numb
 Jul 2013
Wild Girl
Lost in a tornado of motion

Caught in a tsunami of feelings

Confused in a hurricane of wind

Buried in an avalanche of broken promises

Burned in a wild fire of hate

Frozen in a blizzard of no hope

Shattered in an earthquake of heartbreaks

Consumed in a flood of tears

Parched in a drought of no love

Destroyed in a sandstorm with nothing
 Jul 2013
Elena Visan
~ 好き/嫌い ~

I love your smile.
     I hate it when it's not for me.  
I love your voice.
     I hate it when it's not addressing me.  
I love your eyes.
     I hate it when I can't see myself in them.  
I love your lips.
     I hate that I can't have their kiss.  
I love your hands.
     I hate how they'll never really touch me.  
I love your body.
     I hate how I'll never really feel its warmth.  
I love you.

     I hate how you'll never love me back...
 Jul 2013
Adam L Alexander
Notice the swirling
Red lines of anger
Circling blurred vision
Intensity reserved
For beyond worst enemies
And yet- Check
Yes my love
Is my target
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