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 Feb 2016
Francie Lynch
He has a thing
That hangs on him;
Keeps it with him
At night, asleep,
In light of day,
He keeps his thing
At work or play.
It's craddled and cuddled,
It seems to double;
He's kept it all these years.
He hides it from fam and friends,
He'll keep his thing
From now til then,
Never knowing how or when
This thing will be no more.
It's not a ribbon,
It's not a bow,
How he got it
He doesn't know.
A keepsake that he never shows,
Unless you visit him,
But you're not invited in.
He's dogged by his thing,
His private, personal sin,
Thirsting from within.
Although his cup's filled to the brim,
It's not enough for him,
And his thing.
 Jan 2016
Rob Rutledge
She gazed out long and far,
Past half closed curtains  
And dozing, docile cars.
Witness to a world double glazed
Dampened by a passing rain.
Sound drowned still by fragile,
Stained glass pane.

Skies lay grey, like every other day,
Shrubs shrug and trees sadly sway.
She feels for the trees,
(And to an extent the shrub)
They're not so different from you or I.
We all plant roots, grow, love?

Thoughts disturbed by a startled dove,
Flew the coup, done, had enough,
Rose as Icarus toward the sun.
Basked in light of new found freedom.

Never heard the hunters gun.
 Jan 2016
Got Guanxi
Depression Sessions,

Without making light of those trapped in the dark,
that setraline sentimentality exposed modern art.
Theres a cavity in the canvass,
despair and distress,
decayed daily until theres only just the crevasses left.
I digress,
your highness.
High times, crash down finesse.

What did you expect?

Now you're acting as if theres nothing left.
When in three days you’ll make the same mistake again.
Just to take the pain away.
Or so you say.

But you’re not depressed.
Stressed, maybe.
jaded maybe,
but the lights not faded you just took the wrong road that day.

Now there’s no way of coming back.
You’re not cool for that, this isn’t a cul-de-sac.
You keep taking me back and I just relapse.
And collapse after the session,
ready for the sentence.

Repentance a breath away.
spoken word
 Jan 2016
Got Guanxi

Your not the one one to stay awake until the anxiety goes away,

Those teardrops fall like raindrops down the side of your contoured face.

Out of this world so vividly,
Watching the rain become the sea.

Opinions divided like rivers estuary,
That's where we meet,
And leave our legacy.

Sometimes it easier to let go and breath,
Than to carry on and bleed

But those tears
Melting my heart and changing the landscape of our lives.

Contours, contours,
Mountains divide us,
The sheer drop petrified me,
But I still want more than those tears,
A range of emotion and silent devotion,
To you and you alone.

At my highest peak
Another drop of tears fall down your cheeks,
That's for your fears my dear.

Or maybe,
Just maybe,
it's just me.
 Jan 2016
Got Guanxi
One day Dostoyevsk talked to me in dreams.
In my early teens, way before the time of my life.
A stripling adolescent,
misspent juvenile youth.
I sat on the roof of the bakery,
reading The Devils.
Over and over again,
until it started to make sense.

Before Kierkegaard,
I found life hard,
no meaning, no dreams came true.
Quantified in my mind,
applied to doctrinal differences I found within,
authenticating the delusions and disorientation of this absurd world we live in.

It all Sartre(d) with being and nothingness.
A cultural movement brought to public providence.
Ominously before I was born,
but I was still torn between being,
and nothingness,
like everyone else.
Distinguishing secular humanism,
rejecting pseudoscience,

Now the Blade run’s across my skin.
Married to the cause,
with the force like Harrison,
can you appreciate the retort of
my existential crisis.
We could get lost in the Matrix,
in the “necessary absurdity of the human condition and the horror war”
Like Kubrick.

There’s beautiful new tricks I use to wake up each morning and go about my personal piece of silver screen.
 Jan 2016
Got Guanxi
one last prose
for the road,
Rosebush regrets,
compunction and shame,
anguish and pain,
knowing things can never,
be the same as they were,
In prickly heat,
sweaty, sweet, benediction.
My demuric affliction,
masks and veils addiction.
Stifled in harbours
resentments first tooth.

Who knew,
the crow flew in a
Stinging' it’s way amongst the vagaries.
The geodesic distance,
hides in the light,
the road,
     throws those
       I swerved,
around them all,
I’m not ready to fall for you;
With my foot on the metal,
I took the road for granted.
I should of known better than a
kiss from a rose.
on the road
 Jan 2016
Got Guanxi
in between my insecurities

I can’t be found sometimes,
dumbfounded by my surroundings.
in between my

i’ve been captured in the moment,
scared to say another word,
caught ,
in between my

I got lost within the essence,
talking nonsensical thoughts,
lying inside,
in between my

I learnt my lesson swiftly,
teenage years, lunchbox idioms ,
in between my
I think i'll revisit this at some point...
 Jan 2016
Got Guanxi
On Angels Wings,

Dearly departed,
i miss the artist in you.
Soweto Springs.
Marooned in the mountains,
of stakes split socialism states.
Liberalise my mind one final time,
before you
f l o a t into paradise.
Enchanted wonderland,
big game Zion elysium,
in the Kruger National park.
I miss you after dark;
Your kingdom come in those
happy hunting grounds.
How low could one go.
Perched upon Kilimanjaro,
table top feasts,
perch upon the mountain range,
will eat you alive.
I miss you in the mourning.
I have no words.
Where you gave birth to my world.
for my nana x
 Jan 2016
Got Guanxi
Carpet burns,
Multicoloured neck in a beautiful bruise,
Red raw knees,
My beautiful muse.
Caught up in your eyes,
The war is over.
Not about the price oil anymore,
Just baby oil all over your body and floor,
As we slip inside the eyes of our minds,
Sweat drips in couplets.
Shower time,
Your body sublime,
entwined in the fuckeries,
You been ducking me lately,
And I seen you in day dreams,
 Jan 2016
Got Guanxi
plica semilunaris,

I see you from the corner of my eye,
leftover moonlit shadows,
sibilate bullet proof lullabies.
As the whisper turns into a sigh,
the murmur insinuates an intimate view,
we confide in the news of a,
discerned conception.
Deception of course.
You should of known those metaphors bought time,
to make it hard to find
what your eyes could see so clearly.
In retrospect prescience, presently knew.
Visualised you from another point of view.
And now in far sight,
hindsight betrays idyllic portraits,
never true in the first place.
So the worst case scenario,
typhlotic tyrants,
amaurotic darkness left sightless in blindness.
The darkness is an Alcatraz of bars made of gold.
Senses  stolen from the repentance of souls.
Allusive in it's finest form.
my eye
 Jan 2016
Got Guanxi
If i'm not a product of my environment,
what defines who I am?
I do not know.

What am I,
without environment?
A matter of circumstance?

Without a ball,
how can I play ball?

Just kicking stones across the landscapes.

Without a concept of the Ocean,
how can I understand the notion?

I only believe in what I see.

I speak English, as my mother tongue -
because I was taught from being born.

If I was born in India, I'd speak Indian,
maybe English too.

Surely this makes me a product of the environment.

How can I know of TV,
but a tribe member knows only of a spear.

What were exposed to is defined by our environment.

Tell me i'm wrong.
Tell me about predestination.
Tell me about the soul if you wish.

I think you missed the point.

If I was born in a cell, I would know only the cell.
I known what I'm shown and that much I can tell,
that i'm surely nothing more than a product of the environment.

Or maybe,
just maybe,
**the environment is a product of me too?
 Jan 2016
Got Guanxi
Requires replenishment;
Tired of those twilight nights,
Fighting to sleep,
Sandman strong -
insomnia undisputed champion of the after hours.
Unified thoughts,
Tricks of the weak,
Infinite sheep in the meadows,
Crisp dew droplets rise like a workforce when the dawn breaks.
For heavens sakes,
The river runs deep with those
Mystical tears,
The levee breaks,
Regressed thoughts overtake
REM patterns, exposing those fears,
Hidden in time,
Raw increpid, dormant,
Now active,
After all these years.
I can't sleep in ***** creek,
Those floorboards are calling.
Leaking roof,
Drips drops,
Water boarding,
Torturous thought, stomach in knots,
Tongue twisted and parched mouth.
Sunshine through Venetian blinds,
Cracks forming.
Pretzel rolling, naked flesh,
The mornings,
My name.
Hello new day.
Crusade; maybe.
But I'm
Too tired
tell you
really feel,
about the situation.
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