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 Dec 2015
brandon nagley
Tis, she is,
The rose
Without Thorn's.

She wrapped
Mine heart;
In petal's adorned.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( dedication)-Filipino rose
 Dec 2015
brandon nagley

Cometh closer rayna, into mine sight
I gaveth mine last exhalation, in the middle of the night;
Do not be frightened, do not fright,
I'm lively, beyond the grave, thus once burdened, as a man an slave.


Cometh here rayna, into mine glow
Looketh at mine hand's, Into mine soul;
I knoweth we couldst not meeteth, in the world of the living,
But now I am here,spiritually breathing.


Cometh here rayna, looketh at mine new regalia
I've met kin, with a thousand friends, we chat amongst azaleas;
Heaven tis real, more than thou couldst imagine
I'll meeteth thee there, thou canst stroke mine hair,
No more devil's, worldlies, or tormenting dragon's.


Cometh closer mi amour', mine poetry is the door
That thou shalt findeth me; I won't be lost- readeth between the lines of mine stanza's, that's where I shalt be.
I'll be looking down upon thou, before thine own dying breath's, Jane, O' mine whole, O' mine Rayna, we'll meet again someday;
Please weareth the honey yellow dress. Do not be mad at God, for he needed me home. Soon mine love, soon mine dove, we shalt reside in a place I picked covered in heavenly gold, a view to calleth ourn abode. Doeth good whilst I'm away, loveth one another, this is ourn creator's message, I wilt sendeth thee blessing's, just continue to loveth thy sister's and brother's.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose ) dedication
This is like a story line poem of me passing unexpectedly and coming to Jane as a spirit and brand new and vibrant passing from heaven to earth... To bring Jane a message to tell her how much I love her and will wait for her... And to tell her not to be mad at God for taking me In story line. But for her to continue to love her fellow man as God wants us to love all. So mine message I bring her is to love all as God asks. And that I will he watching over her and waiting for her..  Depressing I know just thought of it.. Me more queen Jane Nagley...

exhalation means- breath going out of you exhale.
regalia is- same as like clothes, or garb to tell social status or high status.
azaleas+ are beautiful pinkish flowers that come as a pack together. Beaufiful!!!
 Dec 2015
Earl Jane

Where are you my love?
This soul is looking for you,
My heart is crying,
I'm praying everything's fine,
God bless you, I miss you lots.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3 <3

It's been a day since we last talk,,, it's not normal anymore he didn't leave me any message,,, I don't know what to do... I am praying unceasingly hoping everything's fine.... I wanna cry hard, I miss him sssoooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i am ssooo worried,,,, But i lay all my worries to God, He will solve this for me... I know he will chat me soon... though it might take days, coz I don't know what happened, I will still wait..... I will wait Brandon!!! I love you ssooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Dec 2015
brandon nagley
Robust, in her
I trust; in amour'
Not lust, do I giveth
Thanks to thee O' God.
I'm a seed in her pod,
Getting the sustenance
That deriveth from her light
Source, inside the Church of her spirit's
Porch, wherein stardust lurks, as do lightning lovestruck-rod's.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
 Dec 2015
brandon nagley

Floret of the zenith,
Shower down upon
Me; with thine arm's
Wrap and garb me,
With a diadem
As a rose


Lass, of mine desire.
There's a shimmer aside
The fire; ourn silhouettes
Trace ourn love's attire,
I calleth thee Reyna, as
I heareth the whisper
"Sire", I gently kiss
Thine hand; we tire.
Falling asleep, in ourn
Dream's, with thee I squire.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
Floret is- one of the small flowers making up a composite flower head. Or a small flower.
zenith is the highest point reached by a celestial or other object.
Diadem is a crown with jewels...
Sire- is haic
a respectful form of address for someone of high social status, especially a king.
Squire means- (of a man) accompany or escort (a woman....
 Dec 2015
brandon nagley
As an ancient temple's
Tis in the night
Tis in the night,
We shalt be entwined
Soul's divine,
Spirit's glow.

©Brandon Nagley
©Earl Jane Nagley( Filipino rose) dedicated
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Fane in the title is a temple or shrine.
Flambeau is a flame... Bright flame...
 Dec 2015
brandon nagley
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            <3.  ¶     forever   >. ∆    ¢         ∆    eternal
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©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
First shot on a concrete first and last poem for me on concrete lollllllllllll picture sais earl Jane.... I am using a tablet not good idea for concrete as have tried before and when you post it letters get rearranged by tablet and I'm not a good painter nor drawer anyways. That's why I stick to music and poetry lol sorry Reyna Jane it looks horrible oh well!!! It's poetic LOL me more reyna... Sorry for horrible artistry though as I said I stick to being a poet and musician lol doesn't help either using a tablet doesn't help the artwork LOL its so ugly! Not expecting any likes.... Took a little while to do this ugly piece LOL... Love you more Reyna Earl Jane Nagley!!!
 Dec 2015
brandon nagley

Mo chuisle, if this specter shalt cease;
                      Keepeth mine writing's in a chest for safekeep's.


Mo chuisle, if mine eidolon doth release;
                      Remember mine amour', please do not weep.


Mo chuisle, I feeleth soon this heavy flesh shalt succumb;
                     No tears, no fear's, I am thy chosen one.


Mo chuisle, I don't knoweth how many more breath's art left;
Though if this is mine last, always remember lass,
I wilt forever loveth thee mine pet, though we hath not met, soon we shalt. Keepeth thine window open so mine spirit canst cometh and goeth freely, to enter in, and cometh out. Thou art not alone, if even thou shalt feeleth it, mine soul is mobile, I'll travel universal-global; I'll doeth all to protect thee mine Asian Noble. A hierarchy of cherub's and seraph's awaiteth me now, I think they needeth me soon, to be a poet in God's room, just looketh high, I'll be aloft the ground. Mas mahal kita Reyna, never forget these word's, they might be mine last, mine sweet Jane, mine soulmate, mine all, mine all of me;
Mine best friend..  
Mine other half
Mine life;
Mine wife..........

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
Mo chuisle means- my pulse Irish tongue...
specter is like a ghost..
eidolon- is like a specter same as ghost. Unused word these days.
Mas mahal kita- means I love you more then if you add Reyna into it its ( I love you more queen in Filipino tongue)
 Dec 2015
brandon nagley
A lunar eclipse passeth between ourn Soma's
A solar eclipse maketh glitz
On ourn lip's;
Kiss of pneuma.
                            Aforetime quietus, breathless existence
                            Now coalesced in vivacity;
                            Sculpted, in the creator's

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley-filipino rose dedication

Happy four month anniversary Reyna Jane Nagley!!!!
Love you more Reyna, thank you for sticking with me the last four month's, seem's as If we've been together for lifetimes now,which verily I've known thee a lot longer than thou hath known!!!! Mas mahal kita Reyna.... For anyone who don't know what ( mas mahal kita Reyna means) it means I love you more queen.. In Filipino tongue.!!!!!! Me more queen Jane!!!! Happy 4th mine Reyna!!! Mine soulmate....
Spiritus means- the Latin term for breath, often used figuratively to mean spirit.
pneuma means- (in Stoic thought) the vital spirit, soul, or creative force of a person.
Soma means the parts of an organism other than the reproductive cells.
the body as distinct from the soul, mind, or psyche....
Aforetime means before in archaic in other words...
quietus means-
death or something that causes death, regarded as a release from life.

Vivacity means pretty much alive or lively!
 Dec 2015
brandon nagley
O' amour
How radiant thy petal's art;
O' galore,
For what's in store
Shalt be noble
In novel art's.
Statues to tower
The children we
Create; none minutes
Nor hours, an empyrean
Place, a tribal face times two.
Restored, renewed. Amour' tis
True. Gushing water's of life-ever-
The ripples art ourn soul's, exploding
Chalices of old, expertise is awe-striking
In the deathly livings over-passing.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedication
 Dec 2015
brandon nagley
Mine queen
Mine queen;
Hast seen heaven
And hell.

Mine queen
Mine queen
Broketh me
Free; from
Satan's cell.

Mine queen,
Mine queen,
Mine queen,
Jane; of the

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
 Dec 2015
brandon nagley
Thine temple is an edifice, holy, ever-reaching the overhanging of cliff's, step by step I walketh; a journey I only canst travel. Thou hast guided me on the long road's, wherein soul's get lost and caught in the world's tempting channel. O' blest refinement, God hath freed me from confinement; as the angel yea the angel he sent to me was thee;
Sanctified I am, inside of thine wing's. In commitment shalt I bring, in song's I shalt ablaze in glory with thee wherein the mind's of two shalt cling. O' mine hymn, O' mine diamond .
On a turret I shalt keepeth watch, when the round ball we loveth smoke's up thus, and drop's; beyond fear and falsehood talk's, we shalt walk in a grove,
henceforth the evil staying below, ourn cheeks, colored into snow that fall's starlit, warm-bits. Ourn finger's warm, ourn toe's kick to hot spit by the kissing over-satisfaction. Ourn coroner's laced inside with baguettes, daily deeds like seeds groweth from fountains with nets, nets to catch ourn amour' like open door's we shalt enter. Ourn heart's at the center exploding into a universal call to all other cherub's, seraph's, archangel's, stomping the scarab's. As eternity draweth us as the lost city of gold.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley-filipino rose dedicated
 Dec 2015
Earl Jane

     ♥ ♥ ♥                                                             
kiss, a taste of heav-                                                    
              en, it's a chef d'eouvre,an                  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥                                   
                exploding fulgent tint•                  ••of love••                               
                 & commitment;, our to\         /ngue limning ela-\                     
                 tion with these lips as ˋ•´canvas, stars detonate\              
       lavishing blessing from above to our bona fide\\
                love ethereal emoti-             on scintillate from w/in \               
             creating a paradigm-           of immaculacy of \\/\      
       endearment with an-       ....enfolding c- \\\/\/ /
           ape of assurance it's an e(mpyrean aroma from\//\///\
                two seraphic being wit(h ablazing devotion towards//\\
                 each other it erected a b(eatific paradise that link two/\\/\
                   souls together in love &    harmony & while your lips/\\///
               pressed to mine, it  also      push away all of my/ /\\////
              trepidation &        with prodigious/__/////  
                   bliss, it colors my coun ,,,_
,,,tenance with perfect\//////
                       euphoria that spread out to my psyche.oh how heaven\/\/
                        descended on earth & spiced our lips with its ethereal sa-  
                     vor oh how it birthed wings in our back that allow us to s-
                       oar high while relishing this very moment oh  how  it crea-  
                        ted a divine crown to our heads & dressed us with ecclesi-
                          astical robe that scintillate w/our love as the source of lig-
                          ht oh how I want the time to cease to eternally feel this--
                           juncture oh this kiss.oh this kiss,oh how exhilaration do-
                         minate in me oh this phase with my king,oh how I pray
                           this to never end a phase that ignore the world & just fo-
             *** to each other we           |are united)with the )
                love of God that bin-          |d us toget(\her a love(
                     that come out from -           |our mouth )\and reveal )
                       it with this kiss, oh t-          |he sweetest )\just the sw)
                      eetest of all, oh i close         |these eyes )   \and appre)
                   ciate each movement          |our lips p)      \erform o)
                    h how i love this kiss          |oh how i)         \w i love)
                      you my king, you ha-         |ve suppl)          \emented)
                     me with all nutrients          |that I n)              \eeded f)
                   or survival, your kiss          |have s)                \ituate)
                    d me in a bed so dear          |surro)                  \undin)
                  ­ g yellow flowers that          |bloo(                      \ms i(
                         n its most ravishing            /state,, )                     /oh this)
                      kiss became gleami-          /ng sun\                  /light th\
                        that gives us warm-         /th, yes \ \              /this sac\ \
                       charine kiss, a taste of  (heaven/   _\        (en you/   _\
             've let/    \me taste heaven!                                        

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3 <3

oh my goodness!!! this is the hardest poem that I have ever made in my whole life,, and the form so funny ******, LOOLLLL :V :V :V took me lots hours to finish this,,, my monthsary gift to my king,, our monthsary will be tomorrow but i gotta do this ahead coz it's our exam and it's my big time mathematics so i gotta study and i know my king understand it.. i love you so much my king, and i am really trying my hardest to do everything for you, to give you time and make you happy always,, i love you ssoo much and i am waiting for you alone,, i am trying all my best for you,,, i love you most!! i am ssooo afraid to lose you my king!!! i can't lose you ever!!! i love you ssoo much!! i love you most,,

i hope you love this Brandon, this is not really perfect looking piece,, hope you love this :'( :'( :'( i love you most!!!

---i really don't understand it, i wanna put with normal font but there are lines that go bold italic, so i just do bold and it's messed up some parts
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