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 Apr 2019
It’s the end of business as usual
The Lord will strike the nations soon

Multitudes in the valley of decision
And many will die
If you know the Lord Jesus
You know why

These are the judgements just before
The great and terrible Day of the Lord

Isaiah 17 soon to be fulfilled
Lord God Almighty will strike the nations
He doesn’t care about your vacation

Seek Him now why you still can
Yeshua of Nazareth
Is the world’s redeemer and that perfectly righteous God man

Normalcy bias is prevalent everywhere
Many don’t pay attention
Or even care..

It’s the end of seventieth year since Israel became a nation
Yes, we are that fig tree generation
Multitudes of lukewarm in America and across the world
Some think they can decide if they are a boy or a girl..

Manchild of God will soon be caught away
That is what will happen on that great and terrible day
For the faithful bride of Christ are not appointed to wrath
You won’t like life under antichrist Obama
It will be a blood bath

Black eyed Francis putting together his one world religion
But he speaks filthy lies
It was his decision
To become the false prophet of history

Joel 3:18 mentions that the foundations of the earth do shake
Revelation 6:12 mentions this great quake
The sun will be black
Moon as blood red
The earth will be strewn about with the lost dead

Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation
To them that trouble you;
And to you who are troubled rest with us..... (II Thessalonians 2:6-8)
Pack your bags and don’t miss the bus

The spiritual 144,000 of Israel
Those first fruits of the barley harvest
Will be taken to a place of safety soon
We will return to spread the gospel of Lord Jesus Christ by June

Or around that time
The summer being the time of Shavuot
Leviticus 23 is a parallel and we can see
That the bride of Christ Jesus has reached a critical time in history

It begins with “when he came into the land”
An allusion to that place of safety the Lord has prepared
For the bride, a place for us to hide,
For we are the eternal enemies of the dragon and the dark side
Read Revelation 12 if you want to know what will occur soon

Signs in the heavens last few years
And seven consecutive blood moons
Showing perfect symmetry
The Lord has placed them as signals
So you can see
That Jesus is the eternal God of history

5 g networks sprouting up across the globe
And instantaneous connectivity
It’s not all it’s cracked up to be

Great deception is coming soon
On the day of the blood red moon
Joel 3:21 says the Lord will punish the host
Of high ones that are on high
Nephilim will come with their ships
Out of the sky
Yes they have the ability to take on the form of human beings
But things are not what they seem
Do not be fooled
They are not the creators of man
But they will be spewing this nonsense
That is their wicked plan

Out of their ships come multicolored lights
The lost are drawn like moths
What a terrible sight
And they will return with the mark of the beast as well
A sure ticket to hell

It’s all about control
Satan wants your soul
In this prison planet
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the only way
Repent of your sins and turn to him today

The mark of the beast will corrupt human DNA
Introducing genetic material of the fallen ones
Across the nation
You won’t here this on your local station

FEMA camps are good to go
Marshall Law will soon be here in America
Don’t you know?
First it will start with civil war
And who are you fighting for?
Come off the fence
Call on Lord Jesus while you can
He is the all powerful God man
Who paid the price for your sins on the tree at Calgary

There is no political solution
To a spiritual problem

Trump is the spiritual forerunner of the one to come
And I guarantee you he’s not a lot of fun
Noahide laws will be in place across the globe soon

Trump will divide Israel
And the Lord will divide the USA
This land and other nations
Have a price to pay
For their wickedness and sin
“Timber” says the Lord Jesus
America is a tree that rots from  within

And you know the worldwide economy
Is a house of cards
A final collapse to the American dollar soon to come
The FED will print and print
Inflation is not fun....

You won’t want to be here for great tribulation
At the midpoint, the antichrist sets up the abomination of desolation
It’s the image of the beast
That will be in the Temple of God
Literal and physical too
Don’t bow down to the image
Really not good for you...
For out of its mouth comes a laser beam

The nations were crying “peace and safety” in February 2019
But things are not what they seem
Tensions with Israel and Iran’s proxies running high
Now rockets fired at Aleppo soar through the sky
Damascus will be a ruinous heap
Do you know about the Lord and the promises He keeps?
He is the Word of God Faithful and True
And he shed His perfect blood for you

Repent and turn to Him today
And join the army of the Lord is what I say

Ezekiel 38:18,19 and Ezekiel 39:6-8
Tell the story of the Lord striking Russia, Turkey, and Iran
These and other nations that come against Israel
Will be destroyed by God
It is his plan
The Day of the Lord will begin
On that day

Warning, warning....
This is a short time away
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
Quote#1- Seventy-five years. That's how much time you get if you're lucky. Seventy-five years. Seventy-five Winters. Seventy-five Springtimes. Seventy-five Summers. And Seventy-five Autumns. When you look at it like that, it's not a lot of time, is it? Don't waste them. Get your head out of the rat race and forget about the superficial things that pre-occupy your existence and get back to what's important now. Right Now. This very second. And I'm not saying, drop everything and let the world come to a grinding halt. I'm saying that you could become a seeker. You could be loving more. You could be taking some chances. You could be living more. You could be spending more time with your family. You could be getting in touch with the part of you that lives instead of fears; the part of you that loves instead of hates; the part of you that recognizes the humanity in all of us. And I tell you, That's where you're fortunate..

Quote #2- Your good is Better and your better is Blessed!...
Ricky Hayman (Jeff Goldblum), an executive at a home shopping network, is on the verge of losing his job. Sales are down under his leadership, and his boss wants to replace him with his rival, Kate Newell (Kelly Preston). But then Ricky meets an interesting man named G (Eddie Murphy). On a whim, he puts G on camera, and sales begin skyrocketing. But, when the job starts to take its toll on G's formerly enlightened demeanor, Ricky begins to question whether he has done the right thing
 Jun 2015
brandon nagley
To crow's surrounding me to muck river strange....
Thin ones,
Strange ones,
Gangs, punks of slum,
Wherein skylight meeteth dusted brilliant haze!!!!!
Fluorescent laughs all passeth to fail,
Leaders bewilder
As none nutrition gets me!!!!!
Quick for skin to only turn pale............
Yellowing eyes,
Tender to their touch
Paintings of spirit's
Bought with a price...
Yet not for very much.......................
Apple trees cometh and goeth,
This earth hast darkened for me.
None more mid day fun in salted snow
Boats ride by cautiously
Honestly their engines gore of thunder to flame.......
Life vests of survivor's
To daughter's of slaughter
Scorched to catfish slimed stains!!!!!!
Orange sky's,
A smooth ride to all those who climb aboard!!!!!
Waiting to be taken high
And heavenly in the clouds
I shalt meet the lord!!!!!
Prison poetry.......
 Jun 2015
brandon nagley
The world seeketh one to telleth them sweet lies
Though when truth rears its quiet head
The people hide!!!
 Jun 2015
brandon nagley
Affluent men taketh and foreclose thy dormitory residence
They smirk and grin with their polka dotted ties
They loveth to giveth pain
They laugh to poor man's suicide
They build skyscraper's to thy sky
Metal steel to beam star high
Animal's tis they hunt as trophie's
Whilst African and even American babies art choking
From no food nor water!!!!!!!
They drop acidic gas for slaughter
Whilst putting chemical's in the turf
Slug round's to virginal church
They've scoffed high Jehovah
Made **** their Ponderosa
Wriggling worms
Master artists of DEATH
Selleth thy soul to the world dear reader
And thou shalt taketh thy last breathe
For they've madeth man focus on media ****
****** thee by breast's
They Maketh women a harlot *****
They telleth them what they should be
Giveth them fifty bucks
For girly magazines
But these art the Queen's
That the howler's corrupted their image
Man of no humbling
Devilish scrimmage
As he also maketh men
Robots to his illusion
Giveth him archery
They calleth them soldier brainwashed timid's
They run ourn own weather
( DARPA) run by the government beast
Stick poles in the ground
(Search it in Alaska) thou shalt seeith
Mankind thinks this weather is natural
As natural they tryeth to be
Disillusioned by fact's soon
Their chapter shalt be seen
Their heads will be bowed
Tasting the ash
Their law's of soo called justice
Kiss mine ***!!!
No I don't cuss ( not a cusser honest)
But I'm overboard now
Sick of the molestation of ourn being's, creature's, And GLOBE overflowed!!!!
The blinded eyes
Are woozy by robes
But guess what dearest?
Almost the end of the show.......
 Jun 2015
Ignatius Hosiana
I reached safely where you sent us
It's a lovely place for any traveller
Problem is the people who came along
Those you said should be my brothers
They're bad & insert tubes in the heart
To **** out every little bit of our blood
We'd be brothers if only we connected
God you believe we're Hoppers and locusts
We should be but some became crows

These people have hearts of scorpions
And ache to fight and spread their poisons
Their loathing is deep and their hearts hard
They laugh by face and frown inside

There's one with joy filled to the brim
Simply because my pockets are empty
His heart finds peace when we're troubled
And end up clamoring for their assistance
They set traps everywhere, up and down  
They rip us and are hungry,yearning to bite
It excites when you're helpless and despair
It's comic to them watching your struggles
They never remember when you helped
They celebrate when they see you dying
They already have me painfully manacled
My pains are flooding their hearts with bliss

These guys have hearts of scorpions
Which ache to bite and spread poisons
Their loathing is deep, hearts hard
They only laugh with their teeth
Yet they are frowning deep inside

They are worms inside the gullet
Slowly ******* and ******* pretty hard
Forgetting if their host dies they also die
Those are the people we live with
They have machetes in their cloaks
Hidden,so we think they're carrying babies
And get our ignorant necks real close
They are out here ready to betray us
That friend of yours you truly love
One you're breaking a piece of bread for
Is responsible for rumors that all you eat
Is stolen, and the one craving your defeat

These guys have hearts of scorpions
(I'm scared)
And ache to bite and spread poisons
Their loathing is deep, hearts are hard
They just laugh with their teeth
But they are frowning inside
Trying out free verse
 Jun 2015
brandon nagley
A blessing doth not cometh
By expecting that blessing,
A blessing cometh
Unearned and gracefully....
 Jun 2015
World War III
A possibility

Our economy is done

Isn't it fun?

To be a 21st century American

No jobs, or any type of future too
The globalists ******* me and you

Other countries will not trust
American currency

This country is a ****** *****

And this saddens me so
Because most of the people
I live around are
Good and decent folks

We just wanted to make
A living and be left alone

But no, blah
 Jun 2015
brandon nagley
The world hath gone back to the time of the ancient Romans as I noticed man doth get his sick kicks out of seeing another murdered, beaten, robbed, violence guru's!!! These beasts I seeith art what thou calleth humans, yes humans!!!
As in the last few days I've really been thinking of what man hath done to this rock ( I'm just visiting until mine return home). How he hath barred it with fences. How he hath blundered it by poison, bombs, weapons, disease, hate, no love to be found other than only in a few left....  See I live in these apartments, with a river behind me. With trees All around me and a river behind mine apartments ...and the river hast islands around it going back to the time of the Shawnee Indians also known as Miami Indians.... I hear those heavenly birds outside mine window daily and I see the beautiful greenery wrapping around mine building... Than I go down to the river and see how amazing the beauty is other than the disgusting brown river created by beast's chemicals dumped into it by the glass factory down the road that shoots up million miles worth of smoke!!! Anyways back to story... I hear those God created birds hum for me daily.. And all the little creatures I feed just down below our porch.... Cats, racoon's, squirrels, possoms, skunks, sometimes coyote, all creatures.... Than I think of what man is doing... Destroying mine green land.. Destroying our weather.. Governments using ( DARPA) governmental agency that controls weather) to control weather and bring storms in thy humans only planet to take care of!!! As man dirties Rivers...  Smokes the sky with pollutant molecules... And poison's the water and their own people whilst controlling those people , I canst help but to feel thee humans doth haveth. Though God whispers to me and said to me...


It shalt all be renewed soon.
No more men's hurt to their planet
Not their brothers

It shalt all be made pure soon
Mine child...

As at the time I smiled
And said
I know father
I know..
 Jun 2015
Mayra Castillo
Oh, Lord, Give me Strength where I have none
Help me find my inner peace among the many conflicts that may arise.
Oh, Lord, show me the way
Help me be my beloved's guiding light in the face of darkness and turmoil.
Help me heal her broken heart.
Oh, Lord, help me accept what is to be.
And, if, I can no longer be my beloved's shinning light,
Then Oh, My Lord, I pray to thee, that, I may become a beam of hope for her to see.
Please, take my hand and help me guide my love into the light, where she should be.
Have mercy on us for we are in need.
My beloved is tired.
Her bones ache.
She is in agony.
She is in pain.
She needs to rest.
She needs to sleep.
Oh, Lord, I pray to thee, to cuddle my love till eternity.
No more suffering, no more pain.
Just let her be and go to thee
I ask and pray that her spirit may rest in peace with you forever more.


Mayra Castillo
I wrote this poem for my loving and beautiful mother who passed away on June 10th 2010.
Love like there is no tomorrow to worry about.
Love like your heart is unbreakable forever.
Love like your life depends upon it daily.
Love others as you want them to love you.
Love like Christ loves you, unconditional love.
Trust God to fix your heart every time it breaks.
Love others unconditionally and you shall be blessed.
For if you do this then people shall know you are his.
For this is exactly how he loves us unconditional.
 Jun 2015
brandon nagley
Yes I must say
Tis I must say
I seeith the world coming
To its final end,

In dreams I see the asteroids
Plummeting in hellish descent
I see the horsemen
Riding by storms
Get ready to mourn
The saints await
Prying on clouds
Pray dear man!!!

Thy country's becometh sand

Thy faces
Shalt praise
The one thou hast rejected
The year of thefinal blood moon( number four)
An Antichrist is upon us
New world order at thy door
The american dollar shalt topple
A 666 chip shalt be enforced(already ready and made,r.f.I.d chip)
Mothers wilt howl for their babies
Father's will repent in remorse
I saw the dream
In a mall
The meteor
Striking the trench
Let down thy coffee cup
Smell the blood stench
Dont be fooled
By false doctrine
Tend to mine words
Mine birthday month
A shaking to the world!!!

I always knew mine birth day
(9/23 )
Had most signicant
Of importance

Thou crucified thy god
Got lost in the mob
As the scribes found out
Whence the temple curtain ripped in Twain!!!

To much for thy brain?
Calleth me insane
Scientists hast called it
The government plans for it
As missles are on the move (China,Russia, USA)
To shoot that rock down

Oh yes
I must address
(Bennu's) that flying boulders name( directly coming in earth's path)
Two miles long
On a Jewish holiday

As at that time
The pope shalt speaketh amongst congress
False prophet arrisen!!!!

Speaking peace to thy ears
Splendor thy tears
Awake to the bombs
Tell mother and father
Say goodbye to thine sun

The sun shalt be blackened
The moon wilt be blood red
These signs were from long ago
I'm just relaying thine end!!!

Prophecies already have happened
The start was 1948
When is Israel becameth a nation(had to happen for events to occur)

As counties showed their hate
As this sphere of a hell
Shalt soon find out
The stars shalt fall from heaven
With a trumpet to shout
Martial law shalt take affect
Hast thou watched the news?
Murders against cops
And cops killing innocents ,

Hatred they choose!!!

But anyone can turn
Away from all their sins
If they'd seek the one and true god!!!

The alpha
And end!!

Pay attention to thy tube
The one with false media relayer's
The one who posts for the ones above them
The massive swept dicatators

The world is in perplexion
Wars are all around
Blood fills the battlefields
Of middle eastern sounds

Thou canst feel it in ourn weather?
Its cold in mid June(rainy as well)
This weather is not normal
For its end shalt be soon

Dope addiction
False idols
Are all on the horizon
Again I'm just relaying
Something to thou
Not satisfying!!!

Though if thou shalt call me silly
He's gone and lost his head (one sais)
Ive seen this far and coming
And this country and world's own bend

The fortoken chips have been dropped
As country's right now do war games
(North Korea threatens nukes)
(Russia new cold war,)
(China warships practicing...)
(Hezbollah,Hama's shooting rockets at isreal)

Our presidents insane!!!

As false he is to
I have a feeling who he is
Thou myswell shalt not vote
Its all coming to an end..

Thy votes dont count anyways
Bilderbergs put in who they will
A front as (Osama)

They hide all from thou
A mystery indeed
But I'm not blind
I prophesize
What thou verily needeth!!!

Listen to none of this
Though it will cometh as a thief in night
Want to know more?

I have an inbox please do write..

Prophecy told isreal
When thou seeith them come by sword(claiming to do god a service) (,Isis)
Know the end is near

Sorry just prophetic verses

Yes maby I know to much
And others way to little
But I'm just passing on this knowledge
So thou shalt know
When the storm comes in and trickles
And thou shalt think safety is here and peace!!!!!
Sorry just prophetic verses and coming events.. Awake!
Thou wilt feel the blast
Of gods divine heat!!!
Dont care for harassment! Just relaying truth! Thanks for reading!!! On YouTube look up asteroid 2015. And four blood moons!! Awake world!! Awake.. And don't care if no one likes this!! All factual!! All coming soon!! Prophecies already done!! More to come.. As pope was prophezied by st malachai to be last and 113th Jesuit pope! One who shall decieve his church and all religions!! Wake wake wake
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