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 Oct 2016
Liam C Calhoun
Fangcun tea spills the streets
Amid wild migration,
And intent to penetrate the,
An acrid and once ugliest river;
Boiled frogs wrought chemical baths,
But come the tea,
Its first and finest smell.

So begins the story –
Tales birthed backs earlier,
And greener the mounts of
With I, the “foreigner,” but learned
When the piano keys
Tremble tumors within the
Nose born a million miles west.

If I’d ventured, if I’d lived,
If she’d left, and she did,
I’d orbit again and again and
Barren but to tap with one finger
Atop purple clay and sip
On and on and on
For the jubilation and for the hours.

I’d ingest all the ether’s mystery,
I’d dodge yesterday’s bullet tomorrow,
I’d live and if to die lonely,
I’d perish knowing,
With a tea cup in hand,
That I’d still taste the dominion over
Self and covenants long forgotten.
Tea saved me.
 Oct 2016
Whitney Adele
I picked up my memories and hid them in the sand
my brain blocking out every memory of you
and the way you would gently hold my hand.

One day I may look back and appreciate that time of sun,
but for now I will keep those images locked away
and towards the path of happiness I will run.

I do not think of you in that negative light,
though that is the place where you like to hide.
Instead I will think of you as the beautiful soul who cried
and told me he loved me as he left my side.

-Whitney Adele
 Oct 2016
Elizabeth Squires
T-The gift of life is oft stolen away
H-Horrid weaponry does the affray
E-Endlessly casualties will parlay

G-Gleaming soldiers eyes gone for rest
I-In unforgiving battles so harsh of test
F-Fighting at a land's utmost behest
T-Terrible the deadly toll is to attest

O-Over and over munitions have terminated
F-Flagrantly thieving any quietude generated

L-Loved sons of kinfolk seen to weep
I-Infinite this sadness ever so deep
F-From a beautiful benefit the cost steep
E-Extinguished by war's insane keep
 Oct 2016
Just Melz
Love* can conquer all
But so can *war

So be careful
What you wish for
 Oct 2016
Fudz Lana
he is like an unfinished painting
a song with secretive lyrics
he spills a line then retracts a paragraph
with his eyes; that wide ocean
of unending metaphors
he watches and keeps to himself
a bag full of captured moments

and i am a bird, perched on an ordinary tree
i craned my neck, yet he couldn't see
my subtle melody, another mystery,
trapped underneath the leaves
i beg for mercy from a worm
that was supposed to be my meal

there are no trees across the ocean.

even in the negatives
i will never be cleared
or towed away in his collection of polaroids
yet in between my words, there he is
coloring the spaces my ink left
filling and filling and spilling
on my bed sheet, in my closet
among the neurons in my head

there will never be trees across the ocean.
New poem, old feelings. Just a reminiscence that loses its significance.
 Oct 2016
I am
    bound by the
  belief that

  all of its
                           dark tunnels
                following tracks
                    of hurt  
   caused by someone who
    claims to
                       have cared,
          of empty promises
                                        vacant of any feeling
                      washing your dreams
into a sewer system
                      of nightmares
                     twisted stairways
of all that was shared      
               crumbling beneath
the weight of a
                      broken heart
gets no better
than this,

        and I am
       by the
                 that it

                                               eventually ends
I just wish it would hurry the hell up
Thank you to all of my friends here for your kindness and for making this life a little bit more bearable. Sometimes though the pain is just too much.
 Oct 2016
eunsung aka Silas
expectant waiting
heart adjusting
shifts into
new focus
seeing all
 Oct 2016
False and insincere...
is this how I've come off to you for so long?
It makes sense considering everything I've done
I hate myself for being that way, and putting you through those things.
 Oct 2016
Doug Potter
I can not find the letter mother left me four days
before her death. I read it once and then placed

it in a cardboard box like you might a dull
knife or a ******* tin. The letter is

a part me, like Van Gogh’s severed
ear was to him. I want the letter

like love or sight; the way bone
                               needs marrow.
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