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 May 2018
I could not find you in the woods..
With the moon as my light..
You were lost in seven thoughts..
Lost and out of sight..

Your light steps were fading..
Your stardust too..
Pinch harmonics and shadow voices..
Are coming through..

I see you looking toward the stars..
And then you look toward me..
Your eyes are filled with moonlight..
You shine and leave to the star sea..
 Apr 2018
It was like her hair captured the sunlight and created a whole new color.  It was the color called "Beauty."  My chest got heavy and I almost forgot to breathe.  If the soul is colorless her smile in the sun gave color to mine.  Until the one day she smiled at me..  I saw an aura of colors that could create a universe.
The way light sticks to a girl.

in the wild, drumming rain
blossoms sink, confetti pinks,
riotous whites, collapse
in spring’s paper mache pools.


on a hot tin roof
the rain plays her wind
guitars and percussion
while the sea recharges
her engines with the
thunder of the waves.


the sound of the rain, chiming,
a crazy singer on the forlorn
lawn, stretching like an
accordion, wild in her
wilderness,  crashing
like the waves
drawing me closer to you.


you kiss me and
my heart skips a beat,
flutters with excitement.

i long for summer with her
gold sun, warm, rushing
streams and bottle-blue sea...
 Apr 2018
Imran Islam
You're a message from heaven
and the waves on the ocean.
Your eyes are so lovely
your smile is so happy.
Don't compare yourself to others
Sweetie, you're like a queen.

Your heart is very young
and voice is a sweet birdsong.
Your mind is like the sky
Yeah, you are so shy.
Don't compare yourself to others
Sweetie, you're the moonshine.

I want your happiness
I want your goodness
Oh, don't be sad ever
Please smile forever!
Don't compare yourself to others
Sweetie, you're just amazing.
clouds without edges, white like
soft pillow cases,
the sky filled with the pale embers of dusk.

the day drifts away, striding, skirts swaying
floating in the ether, untamed and restful.

sunken like the stars, the
dark begins to ripple its black
pools, carves its statues of wood and moon.

i wait for you in this opal night,
my legs a song of longing
my breath a shiver of scattering
birds, flowers in my hair,
my kiss gold blossom
unlocked with a sigh.

i melt as you touch me
my eyes whispering silk,
blue enamels of sea,
my arms
gathering you to me,
my breast full of
dark songs.

i glow, my eyes bold shadows of night,
my lips pressing in to yours
gathering honey like a bee.

i am your girl of the wind,
a jar of stones,
your beautiful muse.

gather me to you,
hold me for ever
and i will learn to speak
of love like
a solitary red rose petal
falling to the floor.
I fondled you with my hands
I didn't remember my eyes
I forgot my stories
When I felt you in my little heart
I don't know...
The grain field was beautiful in my dreams
My ******* are be beautiful, too
When your lips become golden
I didn't want the sky...

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