I dream of a haven in the stars
Some lilac bower sweet
I dream of a cottage nestled in the woods
A place where peace dwells in the air
I dream of harp strings
Singing to me a melody in the clouds
I wish for tranquility instead of war
And so I dream of some place
Where only peace resides
Some place where I can safely lay my head
Upon a pillow of dewy ferns
‘Neath a canopy of mist and fog
Somewhere where we can start life afresh
With a new, happy beginning to our chapter in life
And so I dream, without an end
And so I dream, what may never come
Little breaths of secrets on the wind
And still night breezes
In an enchanting forest
Where dreams do come
And so I dream, e’en though perchance in vain
Just Wrote This Awhile Ago And Thought I'd Share
It Here On HP!!! ~~~~~~<3
I Hope You Enjoy It!!! :) ~~~~~<3