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Her *******, voluptuous and heavy
His breathing, shallow and fast
Their bodies entangled in a mess of lost limbs
Two lovers keeping themselves warm through the winter

His arms, tattooed and tough
Her neck, ringed with bruises from a former abuser
A night of frenzied madness somehow construed as passion
An escape from a life of mundane expectations

Her voice, soft and melodious
His touch, gentle yet commanding
Their short term union causing long term confusion
Two lovers present in the magic of the moment
two lovers escaping
Her beauty is profound
Leaving me blinded and tongue tied

Her grace is majestic
Inspiring me to learn her secret language

Her intelligence is a sacrament
Enticing me to be baptised and take off my disguise

Her gaze is soul searching
Precipitating my inevitable spiritual rebirthing

Her beauty is profound
Leaving me enraptured and spell bound
she had the kind of beauty that was simply profound
Your intelligence is divine
Oh, what a beautiful mind

Your words are verbal medicine
Oh, there is no comparison

The formation of your ideas
Create a scintillating souvenir

Your intelligence is divine
Oh, what a beautiful mind
your mind is pure beauty
The sound of starting over is all that I can hear

I needed to lose you in order to see clear

I know I was the one to leave and now I want to come back

Sometimes you need to lose it all to value what you have

The sound of starting over is like a brand new song

We wrote the lyrics perfectly but got the chords all wrong

The sound of starting over is the soundtrack of our love

I needed to lose you to know that you're my better half
starting over with you
She is dressed in black with eyes so sad
The funeral procession is marching

She has so many regrets but she cannot go back
The finality is startling

The coffin is laden with poetry and roses
Symbolising romantic connection

She will remember this after he decomposes
This morbidly touching expression

They didn't want to say goodbye
Death didn't give them a choice
She remembers on the day he died
His soft and gentle voice
Do not fret and do not cry
I've loved you and thats enough
It is time to say goodbye
Life was good for I had your love

She is dressed in blue in high heeled shoes
On her first date in three years

His eyes, a brown hue gives her a sense of de ja vu
The reason for this is not quite clear

She feels a trace of shame everytime she says his name
While her wedding ring still sits on her dresser

Yet she can hear her husband's words within a memory preserved
That he'll support her on her every endeavour

She didn't want to move on
He didn't give her a choice
She remembers on the day he died
His soft and gentle voice
Remember to continue smiling
Remember to love again
Long after I leave this life
We will still be friends

She is dressed in white on a warm day in July
The brown eyed man is telling her his vows

It is at this time that she comes to realise
Why his eyes are so familar somehow

They are the exact same shade that got her carried away
By a different man so many years ago

As the groom kisses the bride any remaining grief subsides
Pure joy replacing the dark sorrow

They didn't want to say goodbye
Death didn't give her a choice
She remembers on the day he died
His soft and gentle voice
One day all your grief will end
One day your broken heart will mend
It is time to say goodbye
Until we meet again
until we meet again
Sometimes when I see you
I see a stranger
A beautifully mysterious stranger
It makes me want to get to know you again
For now let's just forget the romance
Let's focus on being friends

Sometimes when I see you
I see a flower
Not quite yet in bloom
It makes me want to wait for spring
To watch our love blossom again
For now let's forget the past lies
Let's focus on the present truth

Sometimes when I see you
I see a boy
An innocent boy
Not quite yet a man
It makes me want to hold your innocence
In the palm of my hand
For now let's just go with the flow
Let's forget what we had planned
sometimes when i see you ...
If you could look through the lens of forgiveness
I wonder what image you would see
If you could clear away the cloud of resentment
I wonder if you'd finally be free

I know you've been hurting through this whole year
I know we never thought that you would meet me here
I know I hurt you like only I know how
I know I don't deserve the grace you're handing out

Tell me, what is the taste of forgiveness?
Does it bring the type of peace that lingers?
I cannot promise you I won't fail you again
But I can promise you I'll love you till the end

I saw you look through the lens of forgiveness
You told me you could see an image of us
A marriage once broken was healing
Forgiveness was your epic expression of love
forgiveness healed us
Home is a place you left
A place you wanted to forget
It was there you learnt that love is fabricated

Joy was a woman you met
Along the way to happiness
She had a tambourine and a sunny temperament

Home is a place you made
A place you hope to always remember
It was there you learnt that love is what you make it
abused man finds his own version of love

— The End —