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 Jun 2015
She sits on her own
Watching strangers walk on by
Pen poised to tell tales.

She makes them her friends
And imagines their stories
Looks into their souls.

The words get written
Turning real strangers into
Immortal poems.

She sits all alone
With her imagination
Never on her own
 Jun 2015
Mike Hauser
make sure the straps are tight

all the time i've spent
wonder where it went

as the sweat beads on my brow

how did it get this late

what has happened to the time

how did it so soon appear

the count down is almost done

how could time be so cruel

to do this to me

feel the knocking at my door

i ponder life

all the wrong i did

next stop heaven or hell

for me it's much to late

again where went the time

rolls around
can't help but think about
the horrid way that i lived
when they pull the switch
 Jun 2015
Justin G
In this world plagued in darkness
A humble Valkyrie of light emerges
Her voice echoes an unequivocal faith
She is the personification of embrace
A symbolic heart for all that is broken
A soul who keeps running her course
Where ever she leaps
Hope persistently follows
It is her grace and joy that won us all
But how she survived those battles
Is a truth only she could speak
As she generously weeps
Billions of stars from afar
Which all resemble her
Eloquent poems
In which they were born
To uplift each spirit and kept
To remain true
A tribute of appreciation to one of Hello Poetry's many greats.
 Jun 2015
Mohd Arshad
Notes (optional)
 Jun 2015
Ariel Taverner
You have to be sure
You have to make a decision
Then you have to drag that decision outside and beat it with a stick
Then drag it back inside and put it in a chair and torture it
Until you have squeezed out every last drop out of that ****** and you know deep in your heart that you have made the best decision you could possibly have made
 Jun 2015
Lachrymose and Lies
I'm numb
Like the calm before a storm
I'm numb
 Jun 2015
Jamie L Cantore
Bear thyself forthwith, O Dear Courage,
Carry on with I to many regions unexplored,
Wheresoever the earthen floor can hold.

No quarter for fear to bear nor yet here flourish,
Not this breast or soul, e'en  if one the more
Could be taken, this hour brought forth to unfold.

Tho I fathom not hardihood, you do with care here nourish
My gentler soul, O My Soul, so you are worthier to adore.
Stay to me, and we will all the wonders of this world uphold.
 Jun 2015

the world has made us pregnant
with words

which we birthe



for we are female
as a
as a
plain brown sparrow


nature has endowed
us with the ability

~~< to write >~~

of the blood which
comes every

of the pain a male
would never

the agony of birthing

~~~<《 WORDS 》>~~~

that's why Diana is goddess
of moon and hunt
the goddess of
fertility and harvest
and Venus is the

~~~<( MORNING STAR )>~~~

she wakes us up

and her beautiful son
speaks the language

~~~<♡( £♡¥€)♡>~~~

(C) 3/12/2001
I wrote this poem many years ago
This is for all of us ladies!


 Jun 2015

Along a wooded path we stroll
Past firethorn and evergreen
Following a wondered wish
Illumed by a soft moonbeam

For this we’ve dreamt of evenings past
To find the meaning in our heart
All alone the two of us
Awaiting magic soon to start

I felt a drop upon my lips
Of the moon's soft tender glow
Read my lips by soft moonlight
Loving thoughts for you do flow

The breeze brings its gentle touch
Shivers tingle up my spine
Goosebumps rise on freckled skin
Your arms warmly wrapt 'round mine

So mesmerized by fireflies
Such whimsy on the evening air
A’ flickering of tiny lights
Just for the two of us to share

I point up to a shining star
Its beauty glistens ever bright
And whisper, that is what you are
To me this perfect springtime night

I am nothing more my dear
Than a woman in love with a man
Let me show you what I need
Into my own I take his hand

I guide him to the big oak tree
Our names carved into a heart
"2gether 4ever", this you promised
A kiss seems a good place to start

So there below a canopy
Of branches twisted up above
I kissed the one that I adore
To know the feeling of true love

And as the sun began to set
I held her in my arms so tight
2gether 4ever a dream come true
My promise made again this night
Collaboration with my beautiful girlfriend Holly Jupiter Smith. Her verses in italics. I hope you enjoy our poem.
 Jun 2015
Paul M Chafer
Thrumming life-threads are weaving the day,
Myriad summer colours of an abstract view,
Curling up between and under the far away.

I’m lost in the mix, a melting *** full of play,
My own shade of Dark, a subtle blended hue,
Thrumming life-threads are weaving the day.

Beautiful retro splendour, asking me to stay,
Flower in her hair, white petals, edged blue,
Curling up between and under the far away.

Smiling, she raises my soul from feet of clay,
Dark and Stormy cocktail easing me through,
Thrumming life-threads are weaving the day.

Cuban rhythm dancers give a riotous display,
Bohemian sight and sound unleashed on cue,
Curling up between and under the far away.

We sample dreams from an enchanted tray,
Allowing hearts, minds, and spirits to renew,
Thrumming life-threads are weaving the day,
Curling up between and under the far away.

©Paul M Chafer 2015
After meeting my muse, I wrote her a villanelle. Not easy to write, but a step up from the sonnet, methinks, if only in difficulty. As always, anyone brave enough to try one, be true to your thoughts, allow yourself to flow forth and it will be good, it will be you, nobody can argue with that.
 Jun 2015
Mike Essig
He stroked
the air
where she
might have

 Jun 2015
When the glass runs out of sand
Gently guide me through the night
Sit by me and hold my hand
Be my comfort and my light

Gently guide me through the night
Let us chase the shadows down
Be my comfort and my light
Let me see you smile not frown

Let us chase the shadows down
Though I see your eyes do weep
Let me see you smile not frown
Until such time as we may sleep

Though I see your eyes do weep
Sit by me and hold my hand
Until such time as we may sleep
When the glass runs out of sand
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