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 Apr 2015

Tracing the cosmos
In wide open spaces
Only to face
The dreams that I wander
A lonely existence
Among constellations
Orbiting my desires
Now eclipsed by you

Gazing down
The earth below seems faded
As this distance counts
Light years like glazed donuts
Tempting from a window, as a kid
Licking the glass,
Never tasting the prize

Lunar phases
Become poetic phrases
Cosmic dust descending
Caught in gravity’s pull
Rocketing towards a target
Programmed for a safe
Reentry into your heart

The craft juts and jolts, screeching
Amidst the desolate silence of space
“Houston, we have a problem.
She needs to know how I feel,
how much I love her...”
Static echoed frequency hums
Transmission ended
All hope burned up
Crash landed
 Apr 2015
Bryce Mesina
My love,
My dearest friend
In whom I take refuge
I give to you my preious heart,
 Apr 2015
My heart shattered
the pieces all broken and scattered
on the floor it lays
one day hoping to be repaired and find a way

No one cares
Once again I'll be left in the dark alone with my tears
But its okay I'll be fine
I was always the problem and the blame is mine
 Apr 2015
Mark Lecuona
I decided it's better to live with what you hide from me
How can I ask you to be honest when I won't let you?
What you choose to love is not my right to question
And if it's not me it doesn't mean that I won't love you

You probably thought I'd hurt you over rejecting me
But that's not the man that I want to be
I don't mind crying alone
I don't mind if you know
That's the only way to know how I feel

I decided it's better to help you love the right way
I want you to remember me as a person
And not someone who loved but walked away
Because he couldn't make you worship me

You probably thought I'd never leave you alone
I have to be the kind of man who hears what you say
We have to know when to let go
We have to know when to let it show
That's the only way to make you feel safe inside

I decided it's better to be happy for you
If you love another man then that's the right thing to do
I won't force you to tell it too my eyes
The kind of person you are doesn't hurt someone like that

You probably thought I'd never accept it
I have to quit imagining what you do at night
I know that I loved someone too
I know that I once lied to you
It's time to be strong enough to let you go
 Apr 2015
Lauren Cole
I'm in love

with the air
flowing through my fingers
never to grab
never to let go

the feeling of freedom
accompanies me as my hand is outstretched
going 50 down I40
i never want this to end

I'm in love

with the way the music flows
from the radio
bass vibrating my bones
sound waves caress my face
they make me smile

like you used to.
 Apr 2015
Sara Teasdale
Hibiscus flowers are cups of fire,
(Love me, my lover, life will not stay)
The bright poinsettia shakes in the wind,
A scarlet leaf is blowing away.

A lizard lifts his head and listens —
Kiss me before the noon goes by,
Here in the shade of the ceiba hide me
From the great black vulture circling the sky.
 Apr 2015
A heart lost poet
The way to her heart,
Is through respect,
You want to love her,
You need to love her friends,
You need to love her family,

Before you ever ask her,
Ask her father,
Show him,
That you are the man that respects him,
That you respect his daughter,

Get his permission to date,
Get his permission to be serious,
Get his permission to marry her,

Wherever life takes you,
Wherever loves takes you,
Respect her,
She is fragile,
She is precious,
She is the most valuable thing that you will ever have.

Love her as if you would never love again,
Kiss her as if it is your last,
Hold her as to comfort her,
Look her in the eyes when you tell her you love her,

Respect the things she says,
Her heart only trusts so many times,
Don't use all your chances to make her happy or she will find someone who will,

As the quote goes,

Protect her like a daughter,
Respect her like a mother,
Love her like a wife.


Empower her,
Support her,
Personalize her problems,
Enrich her life,
Together live life
 Apr 2015
BertJane Perez
I never wanted to leave
The warmth of your arms
The smile in your eyes
The love in your laughter

I never wanted to leave
The softness of your touch
The smell of your hair
The love in your voice

I never wanted to leave
The pain in your heart
The tears on your face
The hurt in your soul

Because I loved you so much
I never wanted to leave.
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