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 Sep 2017
Melissa S
Here in this place
There are
Eyes that read us
Words that hold us
Sadness that tugs at our heartstrings
Hearts pining for love
or just the loss of it...
Lovely and sometimes tragic visions
Displayed to heal our souls
Cleanse our thoughts
Take back control
Seductive musings that leave us tingling
Creative thoughts spilled out in delicious form
Memories (good or bad) that float around
and descend like the wind
This is where we offer ourselves to the world
Hoping for compassion and understanding
and in kind to return the favor
This is where we learn
That we are no longer alone
We leave small pieces of ourselves behind
To go back to one day
For others who are seeking to find
Here in this place
“We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there.”
― Pascal Mercier, Night Train to Lisbon
 Aug 2017
Deranged doll
What is a poem? A poem is someones feelings,opinions, and thoughts.
What is a poem? A poem
Is something no one can understand.
We speak from the heart and know no boundaries. A poem is something no one can take's our voice in this poemless world.
 Aug 2017
I am running low
On everything, my mind thinks
I am probably stuck
No heart often sinks
Will you write me a nice poem?
One that reflect on light
How about on bright colors?
Other than the darkness of night
I know you are the one I seek
Your words are healing
No matter in how many pieces I break
You never hurt my feelings
Can you make me smile?
In this odd time of the busy day
As I've forgotten that in a while
Because everyone tends to go away...

 Jul 2017
No lies escapes someone's sharp mind.
just saying, quick reminder, a quote, 6 words story.
 Jul 2017
phil roberts
Do not dream too loudly
You may awaken your conscience

                                        By Phil Roberts
 Jul 2017
Poetic T
Words are noises that are lost in
the void of misunderstanding.

Silence and motion explain more
thought than syllables of confusion.

If we stop the motions of our lips
and look, we understand more..
 Jul 2017
your disability is never your weakness,
its your greatest motivation
in finding
the strength
just a quick reminders....
a quote
 Jul 2017
in reality, Kierkegaard
was right, it is up to each
of us to look back and define ourselves
in the bright lights of reality,
were we cruel, self centered,
lost waylaid , we must take credit
no man made me think
or do or cuss or believe,
not a woman's fantastickness
beauty caused me a thing,
I chose, it was me,
who was weak or strong or cruel,
I had choices and all the clues
the answers though  i may have refused to believe.
But essentially i am neither of those things,
not wise or cruel or brutally honest,
everyday I changed evolved stumbled saw ignored
struggled thrived.
Each sun was anew.
Another chance to right wrongs I ignored
too weak. too unwilling, too afraid.
Absurd how I tend to define
being here, now I have lived, the past just a dream.
described fully by my actions I rationalize away.
I did not choose parents situations, were I a
rich man I might view different the
actions as warranted.
The future is my only action possible.
 Jul 2017
I can say the right things
yet in the wrong time,
while I say the wrong things
in the right time.
seems contradicting but in truth, I better stay silent and listen more than confronting any situations thats for the later part....
 Jul 2017
We must always struggle to rescue ourselves
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