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my mind is a wasteland of negative thoughts
self-pity, resentment, and fear-- they bury themselves
deep in my mind slowly decomposing, but sometimes are
reborn when I feed them

I would be consumed by dark self destructive thoughts
that would eat me away from the inside, if it was not for my heart sorting and purifying my negative thoughts into good intentions that grow into thoughtful actions to help others

I always thought I could think my way out from the hell I created, but what really freed me is allowing my heart to sing

I needed the help of others who survived their own wastelands
to believe my song was worth singing, their voices carried me
until I found my own melody bubbling inside of me

my heart sings to remember not to loose hope, and reach out to others
  Jan 2016 CockyPinkCrocs
I have never been able to put into words how you make me feel


How your touch sends tingles from my spine down to my toes


How your hands feel, running over my skin as if it were silk


How your lips feel against my skin


How your tongue feels against my teeth


How your arms feel around me


How your gentle touch caresses away my tears

(it's okay dear you don't need people who treat you like that anyways)

How your eyes run across every inch of me, like you love what you see

(do you really? yes)

How your quiet, slow voice comforts me

(we'll be okay I promise and even if we're not I won't leave I'll be here by your side always darling I promise)

How your words become stuck in my mind


You make me feel

You made me feel at peace
by stopping time
by locking away all the worries
simply we would float.
You made me feel nervous
by walking in
by walking out
by saying nothing
by saying everything.
You made me feel excited
with all the promises
with your spontaneity.
You made me feel angry
through the broken promises
the short comings
the lack
the ambiguity.
You made me feel love
by pounding my heart
through passionate touches
with a better me
to an uncontrollable inexplicable something.
You made me feel sad
when you didn't come back
when you did come back
when you were unsure of we
or maybe I was wrong about we.
Physically I could breathe.
Emotionally I was breathless.
But that's okay
because you made me feel alive.
  Jan 2016 CockyPinkCrocs
If you meant it
when you said
that I make you feel
warm inside,
then I’d say you leave me

An ode to destruction,
striking perfidiousness.
The very thought of you
cripples me beyond belief.
Disdain for you
dangles from my neck
and burns retched holes in my skin.

If you meant it
when you said
that I make you feel
warm inside,
then I’d say you leave me

Any attempt to describe you
would render me loquacious.
You are the feeling of
kicking high on a swing,
and a coffee break on an Autumn afternoon.
I feel rejuvenated and renewed
each time I breathe your name.

You could crush
or compose me
in one moment’s time.
You could curse
or control me,
love or
**** me.
Just never let
me go.
I let the things you say effect me far too deeply.
Create an eclipse in my mind
Words cannot form
Yet I'm so alive
Make me so silent

Next to me
Our hearts are magnetic
They gravitate towards each other
Make my heart beat in rhythm with yours

Torture my heart
Tugging and pulling
Melting into you
Make me want you more

Look at me
Look into me
There you go again
Make me love you
Read this one in different ways. Start with the first line of each stanza and end with the last line or any line in a stanza to understand what I mean.
  Jan 2016 CockyPinkCrocs
Jonny Angel
Some think about it
more than others,
their minds
absorbed by forbidden fruit,
whetting their appetites
day & night,
fighting sweet urges,
lost in their
those close encounters of
the sensual kind
that everybody thinks about
(some more than others).
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