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You said I love you
and with just three words
silence crept into the phone
like the aftermath of an tsunami
& caused my shell to crack
like the earth under a powerful wave
& the ocean to drag me out
drowning me
into a sea of proverbial bliss
My body -  a cage.
My soul - a bird.
Its never forgotten how to fly.
It may be caged for now
but one day it will be free.
She was more than art.
She felt more than art.
There was beauty in her soul.
And yet, she never realised that.
 May 2015 Christine M Harrison
Take a chance on me, my love
Let's see how far it goes
I swear to open up my heart
But vow to look in close

Explore the depths of my soul
Find the places where I hide
Tear down the walls I built
To keep out the irresolute of heart

Probe the edges of my mind
Peel out my layers one by one
Collect my broken pieces
See past my cold facade

Know the silly stories I keep
And what makes my eyes light up
The quips that make me giggle
The ploys that make me laugh

Learn the words that speak to me
And the tricks that make me smile
The tunes that pull my heartstrings
The scenes that make me cry

Honey, take my hand in haste
Like there's not a time to waste
Keep me safe inside your arms
Like I would never come to harm

In turn, I'll lie beside you
And be there when you want
I'll be your little sunshine
To cheer you when you're down

I'll know when you need to be alone
Or if you need someone to care
I'll take pride in your achievements
And delight in all your quirks

I'll believe in all your dreams
And trust the words you say
I'll savor all our moments
And please you in every way

Take a chance on me my love
Let's see how far it goes
If you find you still don't love me
I swear to let you go
You should be here with me
My heart is as empty as the side of the bed that you used to sleep on
And my life's crashing harder than the waves on the shore like when you first kissed me
And I'm falling harder and faster into loneliness than I was when I fell for you
And I know there's no stopping this
But you should be next to me
Kissing each freckle on my arm and tracing "I love you" into my palm because each letter deserved it's own recognition for it made up a larger picture
And you should be next to me
With my head leaning onto the very shoulder I spent entire nights crying into
You should be beside me
But I guess this was all besides the point
And now you're next in line for a new girl
I just wish you would give me a next chance

Gentle kisses , like raindrops I shower her with my affection
The clouds close like window shades and block out the gaze of the sun,
The only light is the glistening in her eyes fueled by the burning desire we share together.
Our lips dipped in raindrops our own special nectar , so savory the taste , we can only devour.
Enveloped in the rain , enveloped in each other, saturated  in love,
The rain hypnotic , our vertical blanket as we make love with our mouths, stuck to one another,bodies being massaged by those liquid sheets ,unable to harness the passionate heat that nearing the critical mass of desire,the waiting explosion, that is undoubtably immanent
the catalyst , cocooned in the showers , locked in an embrace joined  in our kiss , lost in the moment, we " make out " in the rain !

— The End —