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Greenery, O you beautiful thing, barely visible in the wake of early dawn.
Amidst the darkness,dew drops form across your petals.
Sometimes visible like crystals at my lawn.
I look through you, the ray has hit your window,
As I try to grasp the details you reflect like a mirror,
You perish upon my gentle touch,
And here I thought you would turn into gold.
Oh my, I sure am getting old.
Searching for answers within the dew drops of the early dawn,
Knowing everyone just started to yawn,
And lift their sleepy heads,
Here I am standing,wondering where do these dew drops lead to.
Dew drops,you are like ripples of tiny bubbles,
But sometimes,I feel you are the tear drops that fall from the eyes of my own.
And sometimes,I think you are the drops of love from the vast ocean,
Endless,with no edges or corners,
Perfect in your own solitude.
i'm done with love
i'm done with feelings
i'm done with words
that never had meaning

i'm done with hatred
i'm done with feelings
i'm done with flames
that never seem to burn out

i'm done with sadness
i'm done with feelings
i'm done with tears
that never fade away

i'm done with a lot of things
i'm done with people;
how they bring others down
how they let things linger

but there is one thing i haven't given up on:
Hearing the echoes
Madness grows
The years of my sinning
Teach me to show
A heartless feeling
Of pain and regret
These wounds were opened
Like lines in the sand
The world is sleeping
But they still have hope so
One day I will say it
Not because I will only feel it at that very moment
But because it's something I have so passionately been feeling since I met you that I can not go another day without blurting out.
I don't need to tell you, you know by the way I look at you, lie next to you, laugh with you, trust and confide in you.
One day I will say it
Not because I feel it at that very moment
But because I have always loved you.

I love you

— The End —