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Feb 2015 · 679
torment love
Chimen Feb 2015
How cruel my love?
Do you love too se me in pain
How shameful  
Cuz my love for you is true
And when all you do is bring me tears
How pity of you
Cuz all you do is letting me down
So naive of me
Too think, my love
You’ll change  
And every time I try to fall
I end up being on the ground
Cuz baby your aren’t there to catch me at all
How cruel my dear
I’m in love with you
But you’re only tearing me down
Feb 2015 · 4.4k
bad boy
Chimen Feb 2015
I saw you standing there
And I had a smile on my face
Like you were an angel
That was gone save my life
But I knew better then to look in those eyes
Cuz they only pretended that you loved me somehow
But I overlooked the truth
Cuz I was filed with lies and twisted words
Then I realized, you’re not an angel, you’re the devil
And now, I know why I believed you
Cuz you used too be God’s favorite
Till you burn it down to flams
Feb 2015 · 437
won't have it
Chimen Feb 2015
I can’t wait for the day; you’ll just be a memory in my mind
A shadow, a ghost
I can’t wait for the day, where you don’t control me and my mind
I can’t wait for the day, where I am free from your lies
You will just be gone
Out of reach
And it won’t hurt
Not a single pain
And when I see you walk by
I will be smiling, laughing
Being me
And I know you’re gone miss it
Every single of it
Cuz you won’t have it  
Not ever
Feb 2015 · 401
Chimen Feb 2015
I think about it everyday and it’s been a month or so. And I see you almost everyday and my heart keeps breaking into thousands of parts, and I can’t put them together at all. And you see me, you think I’m all happy, because you keep seeing me smiling, not looking broken at all. And i want to know, have you thought about me, and the way I med you feel, or have you thought about how I write words so sad, when I’m not even sad? Or like have you read some old messages of me and you, and it makes you want too come back. And I wonder, like really wonder, did you ever loved me, or what you said about playing me, witch one is true, I still wonder. As much as time has passed, me and you haven’t said a word, makes me believe that people like you, always gone leave, and people like me always gone believe in second chances. I regret maybe forever I will do, and should‘ve never said it back, cuz’ those words come out of you mouth so easily. But I was so blind to realty, I never saw it coming. But know, you’re gone, no where to be found. And I’m hear still picking up the peace’s of my broken heart.
Feb 2015 · 316
3:00 am
Chimen Feb 2015
It’s 3:00 am. Going through all your old messages and I want too delete them, arise you from my memory, but your stuck like glue. And want to shake you off, but you keep being there not leaving my mind at all. Days like this I wished I never meet you, then maybe I wouldn’t be her, crying my eyes out, and screaming at the moon. And sometimes I wish you saw me like this, so you would feel bad for what you did, maybe then you’ll comeback to me. Then I’ll be rethinking, and suddenly I’ll be hating you, and for what you did to me, and what you have med me go through. If someday you come back, telling me you love and that you’ve been missing me, I’ll be looking straight into your eyes, I’ll be telling you the truth, yes I loved you, yes I have missed you too, and I know your gone listen to what I’m saying, and then you’re gone realized that I’m taking in past tense, something I used to do. Something I don’t anymore, and then you be realizing, it’s too late. The girl you used to know, she has changed, and she is not what you remember her to be. She is not weak, so is strong, with full of life. And she doesn’t need you in her life.
Jan 2014 · 406
Chimen Jan 2014
Have you ever felt lonely. Like you just want to disappear. Like no one would care if you were lost. Have you just want to be invisible, like you could see everybody, but no one see you? In this moment there are 6 billion people in the world, but no one is really there. And that moment you realize is your all alone.
Jan 2014 · 420
Chimen Jan 2014
It hurts: but they don't see it
They close there eyes, they don't feel it
I'm around them, but I feel so all alone
I'm shouting, but no one to hear me out
I'm so outside, I feel the pain all over again
Jan 2014 · 312
Chimen Jan 2014
The wind, it feels somehow really cold. When it touches your face. It leave you breathless and you know you should have protected your self and dressed better, cuz you know you end up having a cold. That's how love feels like when you taste the poison, it drown you down. You never know what going to happened. But suddenly everything change and your heart gets broken and you feel so cold
and that moment you know you should have protected yourself from the start.
Jan 2014 · 361
Chimen Jan 2014
Have you ever felt lost, like nothing matter
And you just want to cry, but you cant. You just looking around and thinking what am i doing her. And Suddenly time change all over again. And you feel all the pain you have felt, coming rushing back into your life. And you want to be okay, but your aren't
And your falling and there's no one to save your heart. Because your the only one that's breaking it
Jan 2014 · 420
let me tell you a story
Chimen Jan 2014
Let me tell you a story
About a girl
She had tears in her eyes,
But she acceded like she was fine
She had this story, and you could feel the pain in her heart
When the sun turn to moon
The night become her life
She was lying on the bed
Another sleepless night
Where she wished she had someone,
Someone that would listen
So she drifted to sleep
Were only her wish was
“let me tell you my story”

— The End —