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500 · Jul 2017
Of aftermaths
CGY Jul 2017
A dent in the wall -
Something said, something thrown. Hush,
A praying fly sleeps.
472 · Jun 2017
Of time
CGY Jun 2017
Is the deadline dead?
No, it waits in the corners
A struggling moth stills
331 · Jul 2017
Of cement
CGY Jul 2017
There is no dew
Framed skylines and paved heat
Asleep at dawn
326 · Jun 2017
Of the heat
CGY Jun 2017
We don't see the sun
Sequestered in caves of cool
Blistering summers
306 · Aug 2017
Of Doñana
CGY Aug 2017
In the burnt forest
A stray lynx tries to find home
Crossing ash pawprints
282 · Jun 2017
Of the river
CGY Jun 2017
On wavering tides
We look towards the blood sun
Silent, except gulls
274 · Dec 2017
Of sleeping
CGY Dec 2017
The absence of spring
Dreams under seafoam covers
Death sings in the dark
246 · Jul 2017
Of a white page
CGY Jul 2017
a letter spills
into the silent page
no ripples yet
writer's block

— The End —