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carissa May 2017
I use a fake name one to which If you see me you´d never find me.
Its almost like a game of hide and seek, where you never search,
I have used this name on every online profile and book I have made,
almost wishing you would figure me out and know along It was me,
I spent days dwelling on what seems to be a fake person all the way through,
But I still hold on to something close named you.
his smile isnt much to them but to me its my everything
carissa May 2017
I don´t ask much, maybe a hug or for you to tell me i´m okay, that maybe one day i´ll have you there and that you wont leave me again... like you did last summer, you didn't even mean to break me because you didn't even know that I loved you...
but I do I love you the most, I love you more than the moon and the stars combined and the sun is jealous of your smile, Because my love has made me blind even your ugly words don´t harm me anymore because I expect you to be cruel, and for you to act like you don´t care, because I love when we are alone when you arent afraid to say what you mean, and what I mean to you... you never say it but your eyes do and when you cried I was there for you to lean on, because I could tell that you had been too strong for your feelings to show till I felt your head bob to my shoulder and my shirt become moist with your damp tears, I loved you more and more as I watched you fall till It was too late till I couldn't see you, unlike when we´re alone...
Tell Me Your Still Here
  May 2017 carissa
I looked in the mirror this morning,
And there was a little tiny change,
An older look to my eyes,
My smile was foreign and strange.

My posture was straighter and taller,
My cheeks were thinner and slim.
I'm changing right before my eyes,
And every day I'm at the whim
of Whoever decides what I'll be
When I'm an adult someday.
When make believe no longer appeals to me,
And I've forgotten how to play.

So what I want to say to this elusive Whoever,
what I want to ask of this woman,
Is "Are all these changes the real me?
And is the real me who I am?"
carissa May 2017
I cried aloud, a single word filled my head like it had never done before.
breathing felt like touching a open wound, like the one I had sewn into myself.
My head was filled with thoughts that anyone sane would burn
like the scrapbooks of someone dead, because once you're gone who needs your thoughts? I had wondered what they would do if they heard that that day shook me so?
Would they reconsider saying those hurtful things? Would they do it more to try to **** me even more than my spirit has already allowed? I was cold to the touch and even someone I loved didn't notice everyone asked if I was okay but didn't stick around for a truthful answer because sometimes the truth is too unbearable to take... sometimes I write about a boy, or a dream, today I write how i feel how I felt and how I am torn from what felt like a rose turned to a thorn, by a word burned into my skin to a crisp.
but after all my thoughts consumed me until I could not write, I wept until I ran out of tears, I sweat from the nightmares that consumed my sleep I once desperately wanted.
a dream the haunted me even tonight to the point writing doesn't help me I still feel like like a paper cut that no one sees till blood is spilled like the blood pouring from my sinks in my dreams like the slits in my wrist and the pills in my diet and the steel from a bullet that i taste when i wake... I wish I had time for the voices l held inside for so long.
carissa Apr 2017
I was caught in your gaze again
one that if you trace I look away.
a gaze that no one caught except my heart,
oh how my heart skips a beat then races to
catch up. how your smile lifts me up when my tears
drown me out. oh how your words comfort me even
when they aren't to me at all. how your gaze that i'm still
stuck in a maze, until you meet and smile till the next day
ill stick like this for a while.
i love him and don't know what to say.... help
carissa Apr 2017
everyone has a secret, a simple fact they don't
want anyone to know. some strange some long,
some crazy, some little. everyone had a secret,
so easy to yell, to break that spell of curiosity,
turned to hell. everyone has secrets of lost and tell.

— The End —