I met the love of my life at a needle tip, I fell for her as soon as I discovered her exquisite beauty that ran skin-deep, leaving shivers down my spine when I first felt her warmth, coursing through my veins.
I met the love of my life in a dark alley-way, where most folk around these ends dare not go, through forgotten pathways abandoned by the men in uniform with shiny badges but no stranger to other men who were on the run and just wanted to make a quick buck at every twist and turn.
Even the darkest corners of this dull city appeared to be animated and took my breath away with her wrapped around my arm and by my side, she was my anchor and kept me warm on those cold, lonesome nights.
She became everything to me and more, she was the heaven that I went to hell for, dominating our relationship and yet I loved her unconditionally, too much of a fool to see what she was doing to me from the side-line.
She no longer came to visit or show up at their door because my family and friends hated her, they kept telling me that she was no good for me with clenched fists and tears filling their eyes but her voice drowned out the sound of theirs, soft, warm and loving just like how she made me feel, until I put her above them.
The concept of time dissolved when I met the love of my life, my vice.