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she paints the sunrise
at 2 a.m.
when all is dark.
the colors
will forever remain
blazing in her memory.
— dreamer
he crumbled me
in his callused palms
and just
— he made it seem so easy
he wasn’t in love with me.
he just wanted a broken toy to fix.
— the truth
 Jul 2014 burning bright
She stood up
and walked out the door.
And she didn't look back.
So I stayed.
Confused, lonely, hungry.
Hungry for her -
her skin made of pale rose petals,
her hair made of pure flames,
her touch, like silk against my skin;
hungry for that fire in her eyes
wondering why
I didn't reach out my hand
to grab her
and make her stay.
But then I realized
that wildfire
it can only be admired from a distance and longed for
for eternity
 Jun 2014 burning bright
I remember you told me that the first thing about me that you fell in love with were my eyes
You said it was because at first you couldn't tell what color they were
Maybe the color of coffee with too much milk
Or the shade of a dozen olives sitting in a mason jar
You couldn't help but notice the splashes of blue
That twinkled like a handful of icy diamonds sewn into an emerald dress
Mystery eyes
Mystery girl
Is what you said
And from that moment on you let me call you late at night
And kiss you on the cheek
And leave notes in the pockets of your sweatshirts
And when you told me for the first time that you loved me
There was not a trace of doubt in me as I looked into your own curious eyes
Pooling like maple syrup
As amber as a drop of sap
I always was a sucker for brown eyed boys
Love like the sun
Loves the earth
Ever since they met
They dance every day

The sun makes the earth
Look on the brighter side
The earth gives the sun
A reason to wake up

Love like the earth
Loves the sun
Because the earth isn’t distracted
By the stars and the moon
 Jun 2014 burning bright
 Jun 2014 burning bright
we lay there,
you with your back turned
to me.
i used
my fingertips
to trace
the words
my mouth
never has the
courage to say.
and you just fell asleep.
and i'm starting
to think that's a metaphor
for what you'd do
if i let you
hear what my heart
has been *screaming
And you are the fire in my veins
and traveling up my neck
licking my collarbones
skimming the underside of my ribs
finally you reach my ears
tickle them
and slip in to my head
burning it in to
a s h e s.
loving you is like staring into the sun;
so beautiful, yet so blinding.
I find myself kissing your lips, only to taste your sweet poison.
as I trace the lines of your heart with my fingertips, self-conflicting thoughts flood my mind as I stroll down the path of destruction.
this beauty is now worthless, as I am now blind.
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