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1.2k · Jul 2017
Reach For Greater Heights
Reach for greater heights
Anything is possible
Just put your mind into everything
In order to make your world impeccable
Excellence is within you
You can be grand and achieve
Continue to have a heart
And just believe
1.2k · Aug 2016
Encourage And Empower
Encourage and empower
Build yourself up
Strive to be the best
Continue to rise to the top
Along the way
Obstacles may try to obstruct you
Lift your chin upward
Just shine on through
1.2k · May 2017
Always Stay Persistent
Always stay persistent
Continue on walking in the right path
Let no one deter you
Keep it moving and stay on track
The sun will eventually shine
Greatness is within you
Never give up hope
Just travel along through
Girl, your loving personality
Really mesmerizes me
Very thoughtful and caring
A very pretty sight to see
That gorgeous face
And your beautiful smile
Is filled with sweet tenderness
It really drives me wild
Learn to be more appreciative
And less argumentative
Assist one another
That would make things much easier
Always look for a way
To brighten each day
Search for serenity and grab it
Reach for the kindred spirit
1.1k · Dec 2016
How Esoteric?
How esoteric?
No one could figure this out
Mysterious and puzzling
As situations come about
The people are speaking
But, there is lots of ambiguity
Unless we remove these clouds
No one will see clearly
1.1k · Jun 2014
Girl, You Are Very Gorgeous
Girl, you are very gorgeous
With a loving personality
You possess an enticing smile
I really love your style
Girl, you are amazing
Charming in every way
You bring the sunshine
Each and every day
1.1k · Oct 2018
The Challenges Of Life
Life is hard for us all
Everyone goes through a struggle
Keep fighting your way through
And move on the double
Darkness may appear
But, we must reach towards the light
Remove from those clouds
And make your world bright
1.1k · Feb 2017
Of A Feel Good Nature
Of a feel good nature
Smiles always galore
Hoping to do well
And having the will to do more
Putting the best foot forward
Rising to the challenge
Opening one's mind
And striving for excellence
Let your imagination run wild
Create your own energy
Find your inner rhythm
Be the best version of you for all to see
You may stumble and fall
But, you can always rise once again
Keep climbing that ladder
Reach for the summit my friend
1.0k · Sep 2014
The Loving Couple
The loving couple
That shines through and through
Sharing and caring for one another
Hand in hand they thrive together
When situations get tough
They always discuss everything
Rising above potential pitfalls
Whenever their backs are against the wall
Go for it and set the standard of excellence
Have proper execution
Implement your strategy
Carry out the mission
The journey will be challenging
You may have to go through a battle
Climb those mountains
And find your mettle
1.0k · May 2014
Be A Positive Influence
Be a positive influence
Brighten someones day
Enjoy your life
In every way
Be happy, be jolly
Make your loved ones proud
Rise to every mountaintop
And shout good fortune out loud
1.0k · Jun 2014
You Were The Best In Class
You were the best in class
A pleasant sight to see
On to the next chapter
Moving forward on your journey
Take on new challenges
Broaden your horizons
Continue to be the stellar student
And climb every mountain
984 · Jan 2017
Shower Her With Love
Shower her with love
Tell her that she is beautiful
Show her that you care
Just always be there
Let her know that you need her
Be her guiding light
Make her your priority
Always take responsibility
981 · Sep 2016
Let No One Discourage You
Let no one discourage you
Just continue on
Keep moving forward
You have the ability to be heartstrong
Build your bridge
And climb even higher
Be in pursuit of happiness
Show them that you have the fire
970 · Mar 2016
Drive, Ambition, And Fire
Drive, ambition, and fire
Are essential if you want to succeed
Your world will become impeccable
And you will be unstoppable
Be goal oriented
And never stop improving
Continue to grow and learn
So that way you will be able to earn
966 · Aug 2015
She Rose Through Adversity
She rose through adversity
And made a name for herself
Broke through barriers
And received valuable help
With more confidence
She is able to lift her voice
No one will ever stop her
She is able to stand and rejoice
957 · Dec 2013
It Is Time To Forge Ahead
It is time to forge ahead
Be the person who strives
Never settle for second best
Always be willing to thrive
Situations will come about
But you have to be smart
Always be aware
Right from the very start
953 · Sep 2015
The Smooth Sailing Journey
Life is a journey
Relax and enjoy the ride
Nothing but smooth sailing
As the ship comes about port side
Visions of nature
Capture the eyes
Filled with good-natured spirits
For all to realize
948 · Aug 2018
As A Parent
As a parent
You must show that you care
Be a mentor to that child
Just always be there
Be there for guidance and protection
Show that child to reach greater heights
Instill positive thoughts
Encourage the child to take flight
946 · Apr 2016
Always Challenge Yourself
Always challenge yourself
Be creative and expressive
Be willing to learn and grow
Find a way to be reflective
The tides will turn
As nature takes it course
Be sage and astute
With a tender force
946 · Mar 2017
The Resilient Warrior
The resilient warrior
Always fought her way through
Never gave up
Set her sights on what she had to do
What courage she had
Always willing to do her best
Rising to the challenge
And striving for excellence
936 · May 2016
Just Follow Your Heart
Just follow your heart
Do what you say you are going to do
Now is the time to shine
Find your way through
Those seas may be rough
But, you can adjust the sails
Continue to rise up through the air
So you can prevail
931 · Apr 2016
Just Find It In You
Just find it in you
To give it your very best
Go through the journey
Reach out and grab success
There will be many bumps in the road
That may appear to try and deter you
But, you have to keep a level head
And just see your way through
Our words tend to reap the frigid wind of sorrow
When we do not make ourselves clear
Anxiety tends to rear its ugly head
Some people often hide themselves in fear
But, we can not lose hope
We need to obtain that fire
Have the drive, ambition and precision
To reach even higher
910 · May 2016
Do Your Best
Do your best
Strive for greatness
Move forward in a positive light
And stay blessed
Be focused
And give it your all
Climb that ladder
So you can stand up tall
Take advantage of every opportunity
Build your own world
Be the one to think large
And take charge
Success is out there
Reach out and grab it
Continue to believe
So you can achieve
881 · Jul 2017
Girl, Our Love Grows Strong
Girl, our love grows strong
For it is you and I side by side
Together we make sweet magic
As we enjoy this lovely ride
Visions are becoming clear
When we are with one another
Our love is tender and pure
Let us cherish this forever
874 · Mar 2019
Something Lovely To Cherish
Something lovely to cherish
When two hearts become one
He will forever stand beside her
Together, underneath the sun
As the loving couple continue to travel
They will go with the flow
The loving bond becomes even sweeter
Together, they will live and grow
The gal with an affable attitude
So cheerful and upbeat
Always with a smile on her face
Very pleasant and neat
With much class and a sophisticated style
She promotes the positive
Always looking towards a brighter day
With one life to live
859 · Apr 2016
Find It In You
Find it in you
To carry on
Losing a loved one is hard
But, you must have the will to be heartstrong
Cherish all the memories
And wear your heart on your sleeve
Think of the grand memories
As you continue to grieve
Girl, your stunning personality
Takes my breath away
Beautiful and gorgeous
You are the sunshine each day
So gentle and pure
Tender and true
Your sophistication
Brings out the highlights in you
Nothing but a sweet sensation
Whenever we are together
Girl, we brighten each other's world
Let this be forever
Simply breathtaking
When we hold one another
Nothing but a picture perfect painting
Let us make this even better
850 · Nov 2016
Go Above And Beyond
Go above and beyond
Always think large
Be your best
Be the one to take charge
Speak wise words of wisdom
Be courteous and sage
Rise to that mountaintop
Stay above the range
850 · Jul 2018
You May Have Taken A Fall
You may have taken a fall
But, you can rise again
Never ever lose hope
You can enlighten your world my friend
There will be bumps in the road
Do not let them deter you
Rise above those potential dangers
And guide your way through
850 · Dec 2013
The Esoteric Person
The esoteric person
So hard to understand
So fickle, so puzzling
No one sees her plan
Very sneaky and stealth
As she roams about in her world
She is a woman of mystery
To every little boy and girl
Always be driven from within
Be the one who achieves
Set your standards high
Put your mind to it and believe
Success awaits you
Go through the testimony
Let the rhythm move you
Reach for your victory
834 · Apr 2016
Take That Risk
Take that risk
And enlighten yourself
Never stop growing
Entertain, edify, and reach for that top shelf
The gold is yours
Be willing to broaden your mind
The answer is there within
Just take things one step at a time
830 · Jul 2016
It Is Timely
It is timely
To provide clear communication
Without it, there would be a cloudy scenery
Along with mass frustration
When words are unspoken
Hearts are frozen
Lots of ambiguity in the air
Along with mass confusion
823 · Mar 2017
Always Remain Strong
Always remain strong
In spite of what is thrown in your way
Just know in your heart
That tomorrow is another day
Troubled times may appear on the surface
Stay focused on what you need to do
Go through the test of wills
Give it your best and shine right on through
817 · Jan 2017
Yes You Can
Yes you can
Find it in your heart
Promote the positive
Right from the very start
Be about your business
Guide your way to history
Have a strong will
Reach for the victory
815 · Mar 2016
Sad Words (Belgium)
No words can express the hurt
The pain and disbelief
A country under attack
People around the world are in grief
Lives are sadly lost
Things can change in the blink of an eye
This goes to show you
That we need to be aware as we pass on by
812 · Feb 2016
Timely Communication
Timely communication
Prevents frustration
Make sure that you have a complete understanding
Of the entire situation
There may be a cloudy scenery
When words are left unspoken
Grimaces will sadly appear
And hearts may be broken
Excellence is what she is striving for
Not settling for second best
Totally focusing on her studies
And putting herself to the test
What a great attitude she has
Spreading nothing but great cheer
Educating herself immensely
And bettering herself each year
803 · Dec 2013
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela
Was a man with a vision
Even though it was a struggle
He carried on with his mission
He fought for justice
He fought for equality
He never gave up hope
His presence was a pleasure for all to see
He has now sadly passed away at the age of ninety-five
But, his legacy will live on
Many ideas roamed through his mind
From dusk until dawn
With inner strength and vitality
He was able to overcome many obstacles
He took a fall but, then he rised
He kept his eyes on the prize
He was a great leader
He fought for the people
He had a strong will
Many hearts are now at a standstill
799 · Sep 2014
Nothing But Pure Sorrow
Nothing but pure sorrow
Whenever you lose a loved one
You have to find your inner strength
Just to carry on
Tears will fall
And you will feel empty
That person has taught you a lot
They will forever live as a dear memory
793 · Mar 2017
Drive, Energy, And Ambition
Drive, energy, and ambition
Comes from within
Just find it in your heart
Right from the start
Of a rising and gentle nature
Victory awaits you
Just take that first step
In order to build your confidence
792 · Nov 2015
Give Words Of Encouragement
Give words of encouragement
To the students who struggle
Show them how to get back on track
Before, they get lost in the shuffle
It is very vital
That the students take these words to heart
Put the focus back in their studies
And keep their minds well sharp
Maintain that level of decorum
Present yourself positively
Promote good thoughts
What a pleasant sight to see
Keep moving forward
One day at a time
Count all your blessings
Continue to make your world shine
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