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There was once a family of slugs
That lived in a cabbage patch town
They went out everynite to eat
Found a cabbage and began to munch down

All through the night they could reduce
A cabbage to a stalk in the ground
All night they would munch and munch
But you would never hear then , nary a sound

But Mrs. H was becoming fed up
Her patch was the proudest around
With malace , blood red , she schemed
She vowed to eliminate all those clowns

She purchased the best poison they had
She tried every trick she had read
But the slugs just kept on coming
Every night, long after it was bed

Then a local wino for he said
Out of the garden he could take
These inconsiderate gluttonous
Stylommatophora Pulmonates

So he began by opening a beer
Placing some into a sphere
Putting them by each cabbage head , he said
"This will make those slugs disappear"

But by morning the cabbage was gone
Worse yet so was the beer and
If you looked even more closely tiny signs saying , "Next time make it import you here !"
 Aug 2018 Brandon Morris
Jae Elle
city in ruins
acid green night sky
flames in skyscraper windows
the flakes of ashes
filtering the staunch air
if you breathe in you can
taste the souls of the dearly
& painfully departed

I roamed the underground
silent subway system
in search of an easy ****
long black coat trailing my
fast-paced footfalls

dried blood smeared on a
restroom door
the smell no longer made
me sick
I throw it open
& step inside
the room reeked of
sweat and vile
the hair rose on my skin
as I faced the mirror
to greet my weary, shadowy-eyed

it was then that I saw the
pair of yellow eyes
watching me
& before either of us
could blink
I hurled my dagger at
the corner ceiling above the
empty stalls
spearing the small winged
it fell to the floor in a heap
of rotting dust

there was no time for me
to react
when a figure burst through
the doorway
a dark-skinned girl with
long braids
who didn't catch my gaze
as she slammed her
purse on the filthy counter top
& began to apply her

"What are you doing here?"
I asked the young woman
stunned at her nonchalance
she never once stopped
moving the pink brush against
her skin

"Gotta go to work,"
she said briskly
as if the whole doomsday planet
was a waste of her

I had forgotten there were still
people living in
who bothered to look

I said no more
& went on my
a retelling of a post-apocalyptic dream I had when I was fourteen
 Jul 2016 Brandon Morris
Stefi Yu
Nothing can compare to this feeling of bliss.
Heck, I can't even begin to understand and make sense of this emotion.
You've caused my heart to beat in rhythms I thought I could never produce.
You lit up my heart and now even my soul explodes in different vibrant colors.
With you, everything just seems to fall into place and that, alone, scares me because I haven't been able to feel this for a long time.

They were right: even after every hurt people have caused, we should give love one more chance and always one more.
We are never prepared for heartbreak but that's what makes it all the more beautiful - knowing that each ache is a step closer to finding the right one.

It’s true, as it makes more sense now.
No wonder it didn't work out with anyone else because it was always meant to work with you.
Now I understand that I have been looking in all the wrong places because you were right before my eyes.
I was taught to believe that love should be extravagant, loud and should follow certain rules.
With all the years and heartbreaks that passed, I know that it doesn't have to be all of those.

Love is found in the little things. The quiet yet meaningful gestures.
It doesn’t boast as it is humble, and it clearly expects nothing in return.
Most importantly, Love should feel like home.

I am so glad I’m home.
she is fine as hell,
doesn't even own a car,
still she's ready to go and I'm ready to roll,
so let's go drive our hearts into tomorrow,
her skin glows more than 24k gold,
use me please babe I can be borrowed,

just please leave the ego,
check your ego at the door,
of perception no deception,
only reflections reflecting us more,

cardinals and directions,
robins and gremlins,
goblins and demons,
land mimes and sea men,
see man she can get any man,
because her skin is pure adrenaline,
she’s the disease she’s the medicine,
she's dark like African and light like Edison,

high in the Hollywood Hills,
swimmin’ in infinity pools,
intent on intent,
and also indecisive in a sense,

in any event at every event,
she shines more than any lame in a designer dress,
because she looks better no matter whatever the attire,
no makeup and sweatpants she's still the best dressed...

The H Trilogy

I just published a new book.
If you could take a moment to check it out,
and even write a review it'd be most appreciated.
All profits go to a charity that prevents ****** assault against children.
So not only are you getting an epic book of poetry,
but you're also supporting a good cause.
Thank you SO much

Here are the links for my new book:
An Ode To Beauty
I'm sitting at my bed
Thinking about you
And about how you didn't answer my calls
Or opened the door when i was knocking constantly
Or how your mom told me to stop to call

I'm just worried,
Really really worried
And i have this weird intuition
That something bad happened,
But i just really really hope
That i am wrong

And i hope
That right now
You're smiling
Or laughing
*Laughing will be good too
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