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a lone figure
on a solitary beach.
me, pebbles, water and I.
sometimes you just want to be alone. even Poetry cannot understand.
You're a blazing forest fire
and I'm a *******
with scorch marks on my chest
Unknown friends with
Unknown faces
Unknown ways to
Unknown places

Unknown depths
Yet to find
Unknown heights
Yet to climb

Unknown beauties
Yet to see
Unknown things
Yet to be

Unknown waters
I am not afraid
Unknown future
I am not scared

The shiny sun
During days
Will give me strength
On my way

The countless stars
So far above
Will keep me safe
With their tender love

My dearest one
My one and only
Will kiss me softly
When I feel lonely

I cannot wait
to meet you soon
I am prepared
For new typhoons

Unknown, Unknown
Yet to be
You have never met
Someone like me
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
  Sep 2014 Blackheat deShanti

If I could love you forever,
I'd do it twice
sitting in the ash of protest,
roasting in clutching desires
nothing could I offer-
feeling so small and broken
ever been belittled? ask me. :(
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