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In my conquest, to appease this insatiable thirst
For the greatest human error
I would call it perfection, a flash of grace;
An unsung beauty laid waste

Here, echoes my fanfare for the brave;
To the strongest impulse that the soul craves
The search for something as elusive as love;
The anodyne that turns crows into doves

Oh, it will **** me again and again,
But I hunt and yearn for it evermore
I pour out my soul, to this devil’s bargain,
For we are all victims of the heart’s ploy
There is nothing poetic
In the soul-crushing emptiness
I feel inside.
There is nothing beautiful
In closing my eyes
And never wanting them to open.
There is nothing romantic
In the dark, vast loneliness
That consumes my whole existence.
There is nothing poetic
About existing,
But not living.
There is no beauty in the dark.
I got lost in you like I do with books.
Forgot about my surroundings.
About the hurtful endings.
A real life horror story.
With no big glory.
Just great pain.
How lame.
Written: August 20. - 2014
oh come sing a song
a song for me
oh come sing a song
one with a sweet melody  

sing your song of flowers
adorning the meadow's lea
sing of their pretty colors
so mirthfully

oh come sing a song
a song for me
oh come sing a song
one with a sweet melody

sing your song of rainbows
arching the skies in lovely canopies
sing of their joyous hues
in a tone so happy

oh come sing a song
a song for me
oh come sing a song
one with a sweet melody

— The End —