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Sep 2015 · 455
Questions Without Answers
Bianca J Cortez Sep 2015
I went back to feel what it was like to be me.
I went back to know I had no reason to feel guilty.
I went back to quench my betrayal.
I went back to make peace with my being.

Now, I am unsure.
I am blessed to have been given this body;
This body that can move with grace,
Touch those she loves with praise,
And move swiftly without stumbling.

Then why am I trembling?

I fell in love.
Not just with one person.
I fell in love with the life I used to have.
And still, I couldn't get myself to stay there.

Was it fear?
Was it a sense of obligation or duty?
Did I really come back to resent those I'd wasted so much time on?

I have so many questions... and so few answers.

Why do we make it so complicated for ourselves when it doesn't have to be... Why did I change, when I loved the person I was? I don't want to mirror my past but I don't like what I see staring back at me either.

I just want to be me.
Why can't the voices in my head leave me alone?
Nov 2014 · 359
Stand strong, I beg of you.
Bianca J Cortez Nov 2014
But love in every way was beautiful
As the wind softly waved past my ears
And as he smiled at me without thought
As the waves beckoned me to come
And the flowers awakened inspiration

But hate inspired conspiracies
As the thick dust flew by my face
And as she shoved me buried in sorrow
As the heartache threatened to slip away
And the thorns dug even deeper

But beauty was perpetually good
As babies learn to listen to allure
And Disney stories lured us in
As horror no longer exists
And euphoria is in - and within all.

But accountability is ours
As our planet is frightful
And we have let our family starve
As we have watched repeatedly
And done nothing
Let your voices be heard! As long as you remain silent, you are an accomplice to all the wrongdoings committed in the world.
Oct 2014 · 510
Criminal intent
Bianca J Cortez Oct 2014
I have sorrow for those lost at sea
Courage for those I deem worthy to protect
Love for those who have hurt me
Yet somehow I feel a stirring in my thighs

A sensation that screams with good intentions
All of them gone wrong in a single sentiment
One of unworthyness and hatred
A feeling that cancels out all the good

Appreciation becomes a tool
Manipulation second nature
Love starts hurting with eyes
That have seen true hardships

Uncomprehension from others
Break through your dignified skin
Your ways of leaning in and whispering
All your fantasies are no longer

Strangling hands around your neck
Missing all the shooting stars
Of whom saviour seemed so far away
You recognized a pattern

You fell so far
You hadn't wanted to turn back
Throw yourself back in the waters of pleasure
Releave yourself with ****** intent

Have you realized how Satan has called you?
How you have been fulfilling his favours?
How abstruction has found its way into your life?
Have you realized you have let it?
And when you cry, cry for all the love spared for later. And when you're mad, be mad for all those who've let themselves fall too far. So that when you'll be gone, you will have nothing to regret.
Oct 2014 · 380
It's all for you
Bianca J Cortez Oct 2014
I am resilient.
I am strong.
I will defeat my devils.
And I will overcome my gravest fears...
Because I love you, all of you.
You are worth it.

And I will fight till the end of the Earth to let you know that.
Oct 2014 · 319
Bianca J Cortez Oct 2014
An arrow through my mind,
Athousand through my heart,
It makes no difference,
If I know you'll still love me at the very end.
Pain means nothing in the face of love.
Oct 2014 · 390
Love sick
Bianca J Cortez Oct 2014
My words,
As swords penetrating your heart,
Would you deny me?
Would you deny me my freedom?

My healing heart,
Fire ablaze and welcoming your pain,
Will you tell me the truth?
Will you tell me yours?

My thoughts,
Hurtful and soft, lively and beautiful,
Will you take my hand?
And watch the sunset with me at the end of the day?

The world hurts me,
Every stepping stone is another brick
Thrown right into my face
Will you protect me?

Will you tell me everything's going to be okay?
Will you lie to me?
Will you lie to me to make me feel better?
Or will you let me crash with the painful truth?

Will you hold me tight?
Even when I say that you shouldn't.
Will you love me, even if I hurt you?
Will you love me when I tear up?

Will you love me when I hurt?
When I tare down inch by inch and fall?
Will you hold me up?
Will you try to see through me?

Through my lies and faults,
I am lost in feelings that I so desperately want more of.
I am lost in between paradise and confusion.
I am lost in such a way that no one understands when I get flustered over you.

I am lost because... I fell.
And I fell because I can finally see
You in my life,
And I in yours.
Sep 2014 · 2.0k
Spiral incline
Bianca J Cortez Sep 2014
"What do you do
When the pasts haunts your every move,
Whispers in your ears
When no one is there to distract you
And laughs at you,
Every time you do something wrong?"

"You keep going.
You do your best.
You do what you love
Aand you defy the limits
Your ego slaps you in the face with."
Do what you love, and love what you do.
That way, no one can tell you to do what they want you to do.
Sep 2014 · 315
My love
Bianca J Cortez Sep 2014
Sometimes my imagination
Takes me so close to you
That I can feel your breath
Syncronized with mine

Yet when I open my eyes
All I see is a bright light with the shadow
Of an indistinct aura of someone
Who is an ocean away

You've stolen my heart away
Like no one else has
My beautiful love
Sep 2014 · 610
Bianca J Cortez Sep 2014
Love makes you
Love elliminates hate
Love builds acceptance
Love creates understanding
Love increases one's will to live
Love makes the world go round
Love brings the good out in people
Love inspires you to do the best you can
Love encourages you to achieve all you want
Love holds you up when others may pull you down
Love buys you all the things you want from our universe

Never forget the power of what sharing love may do for another.
It may just change someone's life.
Sep 2014 · 480
Bianca J Cortez Sep 2014
I'm so tired of always being the one to ask,
I'm so tired, knowing it won't change
Unless I stop putting myself out there
I want to know them all

Why does the world seem so big suddenly
Like it's so hard to grasp the reality of
How life used to be, before I went away
Before I remembered what living really meant

Those days seem as simple memories now
Memories though which will never vanish
And cannot seem to leave me be
Constantly poking at my back

Knawing wholes wherever they can
Like worms, they've been eating my body
Along with parts of my soul I thought
Were most profound and least to weaken

Or is it exactly the fact that I envision
A weakness in me I never had before
A softness in which I have found kindness
And a love that dropped all my barriers

What if everything I thought I knew
Was but a deception that I left myself
To fall so tremendlously for
Each time I stopped praying?

How many of the things I did
Were really selfless opposed to
All the times I did those things
To really make myself happy

Rather than all those around me
Rather than the ones I love or
The people that I thought I fought for
What if it's all a lie?

The lie we feed ourselves in order
To be able to live with ourselves
While half the world is at war
While more than half is starving

I thought if you help your community
You do your part in the world
No matter if nothing will ever be enough
Yet.. somehow I have this sense

A sense of incompletion everywhere I look
Or is that simply...because I fell in love?
Sep 2014 · 834
Bianca J Cortez Sep 2014
Don't ask questions
To the man who watches
The wind go by

Don't ask questions
To the little girl
Who talks to trees

Don't ask questions
To the pilot who quits
His job mid air

Don't ask questions
To the teenagers
Who seek love

Don't ask questions
To the rebels
Who have fight in them

Don't ask questions
To the nuns who sing
To the God's they believe in

But rather ask questions
To those that pass you by
Every day without noticing you

Ask questions to those
Who study in order to work
And who work in order to retire

Ask questions to those
Who wait till retirement
To sigh

Ask questions to those
Who don't question
The system

Ask questions to those
Who don't seem conscious
And who live by habit

And then ask yourself,
Do you?
Sep 2014 · 370
The sun
Bianca J Cortez Sep 2014
Instead of watching the sunset,
Watch the sunrise.
Feel the beginning of each day on your skin,
And thrive with the knowledge
That they are only as limited as you let them be.
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
it is a choice.
Bianca J Cortez Aug 2014
Hate me
Hate me all you want
But still
Under no circumstance
Do I choose to be a victim
You always have the choice to be, to live, to create something better.
Aug 2014 · 373
Bianca J Cortez Aug 2014
Tear drops
Falling down
Lightning speed
Unto Earth

Like rain drops
To the sky
But blessings
To the Earth

So don't try
To spare them
They are worth it
To someone
Aug 2014 · 311
Bianca J Cortez Aug 2014
Don't worry about things you can do nothing about.
Worry about the small things,
the things occurring around you in this instant,
and fix them on your own pace.

Don't listen to her,
telling you what to do and don't listen to him,
telling you how to do it.

Create your own experience,
build your own frequency in the world.
Fly within the walls that you have built
within the unlimited space of your mind,
and break through them.

Life is but a feather that cannot always be controlled.
Sometimes the wind will bring you to places that you have never seen before.
Learn to discover the un-blind corners of this Earth and find out for yourself,
the most appalling truth of all; **your own.
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
I weep.

I weep for all the little children who've lost their parents.
I weep for all the pain that drowns the music of life out.
I weep for all the heartache we each bring to the world.
I weep for all the people who are misunderstood.
I weep for all the lovers who can never be.
I weep for all the socio-economic classes who fear.
I weep for all those who panoramically walk without seeing.
I weep for all the people who have loved and lost.
I weep for all the people who have not been able to love again.
I weep for all the love that has been shattered,
For all the friendships that have been lost at sea,
For all the wings that aren't flapping,
For all the soldiers who have died in vain,
For all the people who have set themselves on the line and are not remembered,
For all the people who made a difference but weren't heard.

We are a single unit; each a tiny drop in a universe of Oceans.

Let's start acting like one.
Despite it all, we have prevailed.

Let the lovers of life be heard and a new regime of peace and art reign!
Jun 2014 · 599
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
"Do this. Do that."
I ain't nobody's slave.
I ain't tryna sell dope to some young chicks along the road.
I ain't done nothing wrong.
Whatcha tryna tell me?
That this stress atop my head,
Be going nuts within my mind.
Throwing dots up in the air,
Frustrations nearing my lair.
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Moments like these bring me under
They relieve the ocean’s masters from their power
Pulling my inside’s out so far I can no longer breathe
My lack of power is where I find contentment

Walking up the stairs to find her body
Every time I close my eyes, she’s all I see
That poor lovely sociable creature, gone
Taken away from me, yet life goes on

I hate that people can continue
As if nothing has happened
I hate that they can carry on
With their endless busy schedules

Without regard to their surroundings
They ****** all they can to the dirt
To make all things easier for them
Those selfish *******

An angel has fallen today
Straight into the hands of Satan
She has committed crimes by leaving us
I dare not count how many

What is to become of this world
If the good die young
The rich become richer
And the poor become poorer

I feel her senses within my body
Every air she vibrantly welcomed
From the fair to the naked
From the wanted to the unwanted

I cannot fail because of her
She is the light in my world
And she gave me an impossible job
I need to live for two people now
Jun 2014 · 241
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Stop trying to find excuses
Stop trying to reason with yourself
Don't let your dreams slip you by
As you choose to look the other way
Catch 'em while you still can
Trust me, it's worth it!
You. Are. Capable. Of. Anything.
You better believe it!
Jun 2014 · 1.5k
Don't you dare forget me
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
I know you'll be busy
When you're back at home
I know you'll forget me
More often than not

I know you'll find love
Over and over again
Without you by my side
What am I to do?

Life got much more enjoyable
Since you arrived here
Living seemed so easy
You lifted weights off me

How much can I take
When you're no longer here?
No longer by my side
Shushing me to silence

Peace came in your presence
And so did simplicity and grace
Loving became so easy
Smiling, second nature now

Please don't forget me
For all the memories
Will never be lost to me
They'll be kept locked

Far away in my heart
On a treasure island
Designed by our souls
Hidden from all evil

Keep in touch
Till I come to see you
And am allowed
To peep into your life

Even just a glimpse
Will do of seeing your smile
Even your tears will suffice
As long as you remember

That through it all
I will be here or there
Not to catch you
When you fall

But to prevent
Your fall
In the first place
My friend

Don't forget me
When it's all done
When we look back
At the good old days

Don't forget me
When I become but
A memory in a far away
Past, so quiet, so lovely

Honey, let us be friends
Till the sun goes down and
Lovers have stopped making love
And raindrops fill the Earth

Till the winter comes
And the bears go to sleep
And the Indians ain't got meat
And the horizons are no longer in sight
Because you are worth it;
My oh, so, valuable friend.
You taught me how to laugh and cry despite it all.
You brought the purest of joys to my soul, the calmest waters to my heart and the most tranquil love to my being.
You are special; in every aspect that any other person would perceive you as normal.
You are one of the most beautiful beings I have ever been allowed to meet; heart to heart; soul to soul.
Because of you, I see, not with blind eyes but with an infinity that does not often arise.

Thank you for everything.

My beautiful love.
Jun 2014 · 335
A letter to dad
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
If you were here,
Or if I were there,
Either way,
If we were together,
I'd make you a cake today.

I'd add a few potions though;
One for Happiness,
One for Understanding and
One for Love.
Because you lack all of them.

So it'd be worth all that I forgave you for.
So forgiving you will be worth all the pain you gave us.
Because everyone deserves another chance.
Everyone deserves to be believed in and to be loved.
Including you.

So hereby,
I send you my love,
from the other side of the world.
And I hope that,
for once in your life,
you'll live a day
without having to think too much,
without having to rage
and without having to control everything.

I wish that one day you will find peace,
despite knowing your only little girl rejected you at age 10.
I hope one day you can forgive me for that.
And although I don't love you like most daughters love their dads,
God knows you gave me no reason to,
I really wish you all the best in life.

And if you want to talk,
I'm always open to change.
I'm still half your blood.
I still lived under the same roof as you for a good 10 years.

So..last of all,
I wish you a memorable & joyful father's day!
Live. Laugh. Love.
Jun 2014 · 687
Open your eyes honey
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Have you ever seen the sun rise
After a big fat buffalo's stampede
Have you ever seen the sun rise
On a big fat salt lake in the West

Have you ever seen the moon shine
In unison like the stars in heaven
Have you ever seen the clouds darken
At a speed unmatched by light

Have you ever seen the loving eyes
Of someone who'd do anything for you
Have you ever seen the love
People are so eager to give

Have you ever stood still
To unbind yourself from the biases put before you
Have you ever stood still
To realize that you are so incredibly small

Have you ever stood still
That every big person started out small, too
Have you ever stood still
To love all the details

Have you ever stood still
To see the beauty all around you
Have you ever stood still
That you are loved
So when you complain, remind yourself that life is omniscient and you are but a traveler passing through.

Your chances of being happy and successful depend solely on you. Not on society, your parents, your friends or your peers. Just you. That must feel like an awful lot of pressure, but you know what? Take it easy. As long as you do what you love and you love what you do, you'll get there in your own special way. Just be yourself :)

Everyone has a different path; everyone grew up to a variety of differing perspectives. Don't be stopped by your surroundings; and don't be stopped by yourself. If you're afraid, face it...step by step. As I always say: "Baby'll get there".

Don't give up hope.

You're unmatched.
You're unprecedented.
You're irreplaceable.

Now, you better believe it!
Jun 2014 · 566
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Kiss the sky
Embrace humanity
Despite its flaws

Its undefined feelings
Who bring us closer
To our inner core

Dream the sky away
It's worth it
I promise
Jun 2014 · 342
Are you?
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
...And who's going to take into a count all the lost children?
The prostitutes that have chosen to wander at sea?
The beggars that are soaked in by the snow on Christmas eve?
The misfits that chose their own souls over others?
The poor people who deem themself richer than Steve Jobbs?
The less fortunate... who love despite lacking?
... who's hearts have been broken numberless times?
... who's parents have been taken away and murdered?
... who's lovers have been abandoned in the depth of emotion?
... who's pain has been relieved by a simple touch?
... who's sorrows were left unaccounted for?
... who's laughed their hearts away?
Only to make it
**bearable FOR you.
Jun 2014 · 2.4k
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Yes, I've made up my mind. I want to be heard.
I need not your redemption, but please, let me have mine.
Jun 2014 · 414
For my mom
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Side by side, we've traveled
Through the darkness, into the light
Within pain, we found strength
Within heartache, we found passion
Within the oceans, we found peace
And within our hearts, we found love
May you thrive in unrest, and find love in understanding.
May you see beauty in the most evil of spirits.
And may you accept whatever is yet to come;
For we've been put on Earth to challenge chaos.
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Night Rider
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Ride faster than the wind,
but always stop to enjoy the details
To those who have forgotten the power of appreciation, and the beauty in simplicity.
Jun 2014 · 218
Give it everything
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Be like the stars
Shine your light
So that in the end,
You may explode
In your knowledge
That you have given
**Your all
Jun 2014 · 415
No escape
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
So many emotions
Yet none are able to escape my throat
Wording them makes them ugly and humane
Feelings are indescribable
In the moment, indestructible

Why do we try what is impossible?
...because the sky is no longer our limit
And the moon will one day be our home-base
...because love can spread as far
As the un-existing edges of the Universe
...because as long as we are alive
We may love abundantly and freely
Until we are surrounded with unconditional love
Jun 2014 · 322
Let me surrender
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Here you go.
I am devoid of hatred, of anger and of idealisms.
Here you go.
I give you my vulnerabilities as a gift.
Mend me if you will; If you can.
I can give you nothing in return but the revelation of life.
Strip down my walls; I am surrendering.
Let me bare my naked soul to you, my comrades.
Jun 2014 · 355
My blooming demise
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
I had a friend once.

She was a lesbian.
I was straight.

The moment she entered my classroom,
I knew we would be friends.
I had no idea however,
how close we would become in so short a duration.
We shared everything with one another.
We talked till 4 in the AM.
I picked her up from her house,
so we could walk to school together.
I brought her back home too.
We watched movies together,
we held hands.
We got closer.
And closer.
And closer.

Then one day,
she admitted that she had feelings for me.
She wrote me this beautiful poem.
I should mention, she had a girlfriend.
In a country, far, far away.
That mattered a great deal to me though;
I didn't want myself to be the reason for tension between them.
I liked her girlfriend, you see.

My fear came
As I came to the realization
That my feelings mirrored hers
The next day
She kept asking me to take a walk
But I was so afraid, so scared
Because I knew what would happen

But I took the risk anyway;
it was selfish of me, I admit
We walked on a roof all alone
No one was to be seen
She took me in her arms
And kissed me softly
Then, passionately
And then softly again

We started to grow together
One body embracing the other
Our souls touched
As we looked in each other's eyes
We loved so vividly
Often I wasn't sure whether I would explode
I was in love...

Therein came the complications
The fights between family and friends
between lovers and mothers
and one day, the combat, the confrontation

The way a mother yells to protect her child
She yelled at the first girl I had ever loved in that special way...
They shouted and teared away their frustrations at each other
And then within those few seconds, I lost her

For days, I felt nothing
No fear, no anger, no love, no anguish, no sorrows, no happiness
I didn't think it was the end;
I wasn't built to be pessimistic
Though it was scary to feel nothing...

Then came the friends that tried to cheer me up,
From the depression I never let myself be victimized into
From the pity I let hang on myself,
From the shame of my self-pity,
And from the embarrassment that I had fallen for someone
who'd push me aside over a quarrel with my mother
Who refused to talk about it
For her pride was bigger than me

I fought,
And I cried,
And I loved,
And I fought,
And I beared it just enough,
to make ends meat.

And then I fought again,
and cried again,
and loved some more,
and fought all over again

I began to start to feel like a baby;
A newborn baby who does not know how to speak.
It was as if I learned feeling by feeling anew
with a small tingling of a sensation that told me;
"hey, I recognize this but I simply cannot put a name on it just yet"

I began to bloom;
'the color of my aura changed', said some
others said; 'the spark in my eyes returned'

I began to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin again;
the breeze of the winds through my hair

I hate getting my hair cut,
and I sure never trust anyone to cut it.
But one day,
I actually asked my friend to cut it for me
And it made me happy

I felt new,
although I looked nearly the same
I felt my livelihood amplify
in my surroundings
I saw people embrace me
like they haven't ever before
And before long,
I fell in love again.

But this time,
I fell in love with myself.
Jun 2014 · 735
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Who do you think you are?
Trashing around judgments and opinions
That aren't yours to make

Who do you think you are?
Saying one thing in front of our eyes
And another behind our backs

Who do you think you are?
Running away with your enemies
Snatching away all our prior beliefs

Who do you think you are?
To take my friend from me
Only to use her just as you did me

Who do you think you are?
To have the right to discriminate
Against race, *** or gender

Who do you think you are?
To assume our reasons behind our actions
To provide information that you don't know for certain

Who do you think you are?
Coming into our lives with the sole reason of destroying
All the things that we cherish, treasure and love

Who do you think you are?
To invade my private space by saying you're there for me
And when we finally give in to your constant nuisance, you strike

Who do you think you are?
To fake being strong, to falsify your testimonials
To base love on false pretence and to breathe for competition

Who do you think you are?
To put down another without trying to understand them
To assume the worst of people when we're all looking for the same things

Who do you think you are?
To say you love me when you don't
To say you'll protect me when you're never there

Who do we think we are?
When our lives have been based on societies' prejudice and presumptions
And it takes all our courage to simply be...
Jun 2014 · 344
Shine your light
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Shine like the stars
Bring heaven to Earth
For people need companions
Just like the moon does
Jun 2014 · 223
Be free
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
We are entitled to our own opinion
Not because we have free will
But simply because we are alive
Jun 2014 · 430
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Summer's on its way
We thought
It's around the corner
We thought
But in one of the coldest places
We must never say goodbye
For winter will come again
Rather sooner than later
To zip us up into its lightning
To pull us in
While leaving us no escape
No plan B
No other choice
No mother or father to help us
No Bobby or Lily to guide us
No God to support us
Only the cold winds
And their breeze that strikes us
Upon every breath
Those moments in which we realize that we are alone...with only our thoughts and dreams to accompany us.
Jun 2014 · 465
Don't let life slip you by
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
I sit at my window seal
Watching the raindrops fall
As people go by
All in a rush
Work, appointments, job searches
Responsibilities, children, lovers
Rushing emotions through their bodies
They are all millions of miles away
But nowhere near the place they should be
The simplest of accusations
May spin their mind so
Till headaches distinguish their thoughts
The way pills no longer employ

Have they forgotten how to fly?
To stand still and look out into the world
To enjoy the smell of summer after a storm
To wear warm laundry in the winter
To see the leaves change color in the fall
To see life rebirth itself in spring
And to reach up to the countless stars
While our imagination would let us touch them
Not in the way we touch our keyboards every day
But in the special way that we touch once in a lifetime
The way our souls intertwine with the Universe
And the stars join us in our infinite journey
Not as individuals but as drops in our gigantic ocean
Pulling us in to clasp each other's hands
And be a part of the circle of life
Jun 2014 · 594
Be your own hero
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Let there be heroes for the young 'uns
Who don't know any better.
Enjoy the emotions while they last
For before long they will be nowhere to be found
Create your own myth
Build your own legends
Discover your own unique identity

Live for today
Dream for the future
So we may make of the past **a beautiful memory
Jun 2014 · 311
Beautiful memories
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
For it is better to look back and say;
"Wow, I cannot believe that I did that!"
Than to look back and think;
"****, I should have done that!"

**Live for today
Dream for tomorrow
So the past can be
A beautiful memory
Jun 2014 · 595
Personal Conviction
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Lonely on a summer eve'
I reckon I've but my pet peeve
Friends calling up here and there
Staring into my window flair
Waking up to see me smile
Yet I cannot seem to dial
As I cannot recall the numbers
And my fingers struggle like cucumbers
Hardly bearing the cold of night
To just for once disfavor a sensational flight..
For you, Anna Schmitt
Jun 2014 · 254
May I?
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
"I hate you."*
"Yes, you."
"Ah, it feels good to say that again."
"I have *forbidden
myself to hate, but after all, it is nothing more than a word."
"Hold up, let's be real. It's okay to say it and not mean it. And it's okay to mean it too. As long as you don't take it further than the word."
"Alright, hopefully I'll remember that next time."
Jun 2014 · 435
Covert Vision
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
With our heads held high
Our shoulders maintained straight
With our spirited and non-vacant eyes
We have fought for freedom of expression
We've expelled liabilities from torture
Yet there remains a sense of unfinishedness
A feeling that there is more to be done
Than our consciences give way to
A way of life that our guides
Have yet to teach us

And still knowing all this
I chose you with your chestnut eyes
Your hair that coverts your face
Hiding from the outside world
Believing to conceal their vision
When it is yours you crop out too...
Jun 2014 · 273
Heart sorrows
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
The saddest thing to know
Is that none of my friends
In this newly found place
Know my favorite spots

And neither can they sing
The song of my heart back to me
When I will no longer
*Be able to remember the lyrics
Jun 2014 · 324
Let there be no victims
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
I refuse to be a victim of your pity
I refuse to be a victim of my own
I refuse to selfishly take up your time
And neither shall I take up mine

I will shake your hand in honour
I will welcome you with all my might
I will hold you tenderly throughout
But you are not my only

When your last breath leaves you
Remember what I've said to you
Stand up to your own revival
And commit to your unique truth
Jun 2014 · 410
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Everything happens for a reason!
Sometimes they're just stalled in someone else's traffic jam!
*Never give up hope!
Jun 2014 · 324
Your Own Drug
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Create a drug that comes from within,
One that genuinely makes you happy,
One that brings you to where you're destined to be.
Jun 2014 · 213
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Poetry is the freedom to write
What people don't want to hear
*Without them knowing ;)
Jun 2014 · 337
Be happy
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Be so happy,
that when others look at you,
they become happy too**

-not written by me but deserves to be shared.
Jun 2014 · 295
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
Live as if every day is your last
Breathe as if every second is your first
Jun 2014 · 310
I am..
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
I am a rebel by nature
I am a lover by heart
I am a beauty by definition
But I am a fighter by choice
Jun 2014 · 402
Let's do it together
Bianca J Cortez Jun 2014
I dare you
To come out
Of your hole
And be my friend

You're in for a ride
An adventure gone wrong
A plane gone missing
Another broken heart

I dare you to tell me
All of your secrets
All of your hidden pride
All your beautiful imperfections

And I'll bring you
To the guru's without record
Prostitutes long forgotten
Extracting your awe-struck truth

Through pain and suffering
through love and hate
through joy and peace
I will take you

Till you once again
Bare yourself to the ocean
To those who've mothered you
On your hopeless travels

I dare you to reach for the skies
To love anyone who comes blindly
To find peace in the worst unrest
To be among the most judgmental

Yet to find love for a world
So wrong and unforgiving
By creating a unique fire
Spreading the ripple effects

Till you have found yourself
In the emptiness surrounding
Our pityful limited figures
Narrow-mindedly refusing

To see with eyes
Unclouded by hate
To be blind
Yet to believe

To hear not wealth
But kindness in one's heart
And to live by sharing
A vivid understanding of truth
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