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Bella-Lee Apr 2020
I know this town,
Like the back of my hand.
Trying to find a way out,
But I doubt they'd understand.
Bella-Lee Mar 2020
My mum is in panic,
The world is in panic.
I'm starting to think,
We won't survive this pandemic.
And the pale will continue,
To be met by the horse of death.
Until our world is inglufed,
And there is no one alive left.
We'll keep hoping for a saviour,
Continuing to wait for the darkness to pass.
Death riding on a pale horse will come down,
As panic will infect us as fast as this virus.
Bella-Lee Jun 2020
The fires burn,
Flames a bright red.
Our stomache churn,
At the sight of another death bed.
And yet again we see,
The civil break out.
Screaming with there last breath,
In and attempt to be free.
From a war in race,
A war on colour.
Red running in the streets,
Let's all band together.
But remember to hide,
From another riding down.
To your thoughts please bind,
But be careful of the red horse.
Bella-Lee Jun 2020
Absolve my sins,
Let me free.
Don't hold me captive,
For I long to be me.

Though my heart,
May belong to someone else.
There is still a spot,
For yourself.

Please don't torment me,
And force me to hide.
For when I'm out,
All I get is your snide.

Sometimes I feel as though,
Nothing's ever enough for you.
I think you don't love me,
When you say that I don't love you.

Maybe you want it,
To be true...
My heart breaking,
At the sight if you.
Bella-Lee Sep 2019
Am I who you want or am I just another one of ur pawns in this game we call life?
At the start I am not valuable but when I reach the end I am a queen...
After all the moves I make,
All the steps I am going to take,
I will be stronger without a king.
The king taking one step,
slowly tip toing around uprising situations.
While I can destroy you oh glorious king.
And if such rivalries come across,
I will swipe the board clean before the death of my king.
Your knights knocked off of there horses high,
And your bishop's will slowly die.
Both ur castles crumbling down,
your queen her blood so dark she shall shorely drown.
Each pawn making it's way off the game.
Whether your white or black, bad or good, you must pick your side for the one im not on shall always end in disaster...
Bella-Lee Aug 2021
Life *****,
At least tattoos are better than cuts...
Bella-Lee Nov 2019
So many connect to pain,
Than they do to happiness.
Can't say I don't feel the same,
But I don't like people feeling less.
I know is hard but please be happy,
If not for me
For you.
Please smile,
And spread it.
Like the disease it is. :))
Bella-Lee Aug 2019
I dont have the time,
All the time in the world.
But I still manage to stupid rhyme,
With all these words I've hurled,
Towards you.
In a happy state of mind
Just trying to find
That place that's safe.
Bella-Lee Mar 2022
I dont think you realised what poetry is,
It's words spilled out that couldnt be just said.
Its just not as simple as copy and paste,
Someone elses words will never show what you want.
But I wrote you the prettiest words,
Straight from my heart.
You copied someone else words,
Just to play your part.
And I knew at that moment,
That you never gave me your head or heart.
Bella-Lee Aug 2019
You stand and wear your crown,
Up high.
You're always looking down,
From your castle in the sky.
You are on cloud nine,
Stuck in your little fantasy.
You are doing just fine.

Followed around by your heels,
By each one of your loyal servants.
Each hair flip reels,
One more person subservient.
You put others down,
"Sure your life's so hard."
To scared to take of the crown,
And let down your guard.

There's a queen behind,
Every princess.
There voice tyrant,
But that doesn't make anyone less.
Being above you can push,
Them all down, shove and shove.
But you are going to fall,
Like the rest of us.
I wrote this about my little sister. She's so perfect and gets given everything and never realises other people. She constantly shoves me down below her cause I'm not as athletic or smart or popular. Her words hurt and she doesn't notice... I hope when I leave she'll realise.
Bella-Lee Nov 2019
And I promise,
There will not be a day
Where I rest,
While you are angry
With me.
There will not be a day
Where I don't fall,
Over and over in love
With you.
I promise.
Bella-Lee Apr 2022
a puddle of love is what you gave me
and i drowned in it
while you avoided my crashing ocean
and didnt even help me up
Bella-Lee Dec 2019
Grasping onto rain,
Like a rope.
Reaching for the reins,
To a heaven.
But I'm tangled up,
Something dragging me down.
Holding me captive,
Til I drown.
Bella-Lee Nov 2019
Refrain from bad thoughts though they linger,
Dark ooze dripping from finger to finger.
And refrain from depression even though she looks,
Like a goddess over top as she looms.
Abstinence is a must have,
Yes refrain from ****** pleasure.
Refrain from love,
As it will break your heart.
Refrain from life,
As one day you shall part.
Break free from the chains,
That chains that have you under restrain.
From keeping your words under strain.
Don't be scared to take control of your life. Do what you want. Be free. And never ever let anyone restrain your thoughts and life.
Bella-Lee Apr 2022
And i said,
At this point I wish I never met you.
You had told me you were emotionless,
But I hoped my words hurt you like you hurt me.
Bella-Lee Nov 2019
Deepest regret,
Was giving you something that you cannot give back.
Even the things you should,
You took and stole from me everything you could.
As a gift someone replaced,
What I had lost, not just a person but myself.
What I do regret now,
Is not burning you out of my life sooner.
Bella-Lee Feb 2020
Words roll off,
My sweetened lips.
Like water off,
My finger tips.

Tears roll off,
My pale cheeks.
Like memories off,
My troubled mind.
Bella-Lee Sep 2020
Let me dig my head into your neck,
To cry on your shoulder.
Let go of my pain,
Sleep safely in your arms.

In a prison called life,
You're my freedom.
Dont let me go,
Or i will certainly be doomed.
Bella-Lee Feb 2020
Scared of the happy,
Scared to be happy.
Scared are those lacking,
Scared are those unhappy.

Sacred are the happy,
Sacred is their happiness.
Even if they are scared,
I will find safety in my happiness.
Bella-Lee Sep 2019
A sailor died,
Drowning in the tears he cried.
And he sunk to the bottom,
Of the ocean he created.
No one mourned over,
The death of another...
Lost soul,
To the sea.
Bella-Lee Aug 2019
Sneaking out seeking souls to sleep with, holding hands with helpless hollow horror, waiting for wholeness and *****-ness to wisp wetness, vulnerable and vindictive vicious boys prey, and eat away at me and my "magnificent" attention seeking adored abdomen, ******* that broke boyfriends from girlfriends just to fill the fluctuating depression fracturing my frail heart.
Falling deeper into a whole of emptiness
Bella-Lee Aug 2020
Somethings set us free,
Things we need to be

But do we really need,
Such drugs and infidelities
To be free.

We're kept trapped by ourselves,
Until it all runs out of us
And sets our bodies free...

Walk into the light,
And there stay
Bella-Lee Jun 2020
Greeted by a shadow,
In the middle of the night.
Emotional feelings,
Replaced with fright.
And on my bed,
I found a lock.
The one from my gate,
Quiet the shock.
Bella-Lee Aug 2019
When I'm awake,
                                                          ­              All of my body shakes.
     When ever I'm in your wake,
                                                      My body will quiver and quake.
             Oh... how your smile would make,
                                          Words shift from that violent snake.
      Everything I knew you said was fake,
                        Plunge into my body that wooden stake.
                                   And I bleed from my skin like red on a snowflake,
Drown my body in my hearts tears that form thy lake.
I got really bad anxiety yesterday... My body started to shake and I felt as though i was going to *****. All cause of a cute guy who served me coffee... He walked into my work after and I literally stopped right still and couldn't breathe... I don't know why, just I felt so ill and i still feel bad. I only thought he was cute like f**k!
Bella-Lee Sep 2019
You didn't get the j-
Ist this sky is turning orange
As the sunsets across the meadow,
And I'm drowning in the shallow - end
Bella-Lee Dec 2019
It's not fat shaming,
If you just say working out will help?
It's not distrusting,
If you just say you don't know them enough?
Even if you call them out,
You're the one put to shame.
Mum says "you'll get fat if you eat that"..."you need to exercise more"..."You can't go out with them, I don't know them well enough"..."You need to eat less"..."You need to watch your weight"..."It's not my fault you have no friends"...
Yea so it's all my fault for this stuff, **** I just want one day for you to notice I'm trying and just say, "well done" or "I trust you", instead I'm shamed for trying cause I'm "not trying hard enough"
Bella-Lee Mar 2020
Sitting in the shower.
More comfortable I've been,
To cry and be me.
Tears lost to the water,
For some warmth in my life.
Bella-Lee Sep 2019
Just signing off for today,
My feelings yet again got in the way.
Made life **** again,
So going before my day begins.

Signing off again for a second time,
Cause I can't sit here and pretend I'm fine.
Too many people spreading s**t,
Too much time... space on my wrist to slit.

Signing off,
To sum it up... It's alot of stuff.
Hopefully this is the last,
And hopefully I'm out fast.
[This contact is not avalible in your area, please check the number and dial again]
Bella-Lee Nov 2019
We stare to the lights and sky,
Hoping our light won't die.
Yet again we are let down by hope,
Yeah life's this slippery *****.
I'm pretty sure we all leave one day,
But in memories and thoughts we will stay...
Bella-Lee Aug 2019
Purple, Pink and Blue,
I'll be up there soon.
Bright, light, the day is new,
Let it heal all your wounds.
Pink, Orange, Blue, Purple,
Out comes the new moon.
Back from it's semicircle,
And the stars welcome me.
I'll be there soon...
Bella-Lee Dec 2019
Sometimes I wish I was different,
Sometimes I wish I was normal.
Sometimes I wish those two statements,
Didn't have the same meaning...
Bella-Lee Feb 2020
I kiss your picture through my phone.
I'll pretend,
My pillow is you and hug it tight.
I'll hope,
Your smile is showing so I light mine up too.
I'll wait,
For your text and my heart will jump start.
No, all the time...
I love you,
Cause you're mine.
Bella-Lee Sep 2019
She kissed the sky,
And hug the clouds goodbye
But in her life all she saw was grey.
Her friends all told her,
They'd be better off without her
So now all she knew has fade.
Oh why don't you show
That smile that we all love
Do you know?

She jumped up so high,
On to cloud nine
But No one was there
To dream with her
The smile she once wore
It was ripped up
It was torn into peices
Now her heart floating around
She's falling to the ground
It's left her
In her own world
Bella-Lee Aug 2020
Their songs play,
Allure me to sweet melodies.
Anticipating words they say,
Obscure obscenities?
Their words of love,
Participating premeditated thoughts.
Rhyming about things we crave,
Writing in knots.

Let me create a sound,
No one's heard before.
Scream it out loud,
I need more...
Than just songs...
Bella-Lee Aug 2019
Maybe it's me,
Maybe it is.
It is me,
I'm to blame.
I make you sad,
And now I'm ashamed...
Bella-Lee Nov 2019
Star light,
Star bright.
The first star I see tonight.
I wish I may,
I wish I might.
Have the wish I wish tonight.
Just the common thing I was taught as a kid
Bella-Lee Sep 2019
If you will.
Do not go away,
For I will not move; I will stand still.
The demons slowly killing you I will slay,
Stop listening to their thoughts eering,
The thoughts they whisper.
Stop fearing;
That the blade in your heart,
Will keep going deeper.
Do not fade,
For I would Trade;
Anything just for a glisp.
Even if just like the wind you wisp,
Away from me.
My heart will not whither away,
Just stay.
Please... Just stay...
Bella-Lee Sep 2019
I want you to stay but my words won't let me say so.
I don't want you here cause I just wanna try and let go.
I don't know why my heart burns.
I'm sorry for how my emotions turn.
Bella-Lee Sep 2019
'Should I go?'
He asks me mid in the night.
'I don't know',
I reply knowing I might loose his light.
Cause its seems he only wants my body,
When I want his soul.
And I don't want another sad story,
I just want my heart to feel whole.
Bella-Lee Jan 2020
And the story,
Went like this.
Her life wasn't misery,
Only as much as she took.
She couldn't take it much.
So her heart took over her eyes,
To find the love she had lost.
Bella-Lee Mar 2020
Stand up princess,
Up proud and tall.
**** it up princess,
Or your crown may fall.
Cover your tears,
With a smile and make-up.
Mascara smears,
Down eyes and somehow up.
Don't worry princess,
You haven't got much to go.

My brain's a mess,
It just lets the tears flow.
Bella-Lee Aug 2019
Every second Saturday,
Just like clock work.
That smile you have,
Makes work a little more bearable.
I wish I could talk to you,
And not be so awkward.
I just wish I could,
But all I do is smile.
Just as you would,
And you smiled back...
Just something i feel every saturday... when i see his face and smile back at such a not so stranger
Bella-Lee Aug 2019
Today, I'm just going to say hey...
He'll say hey back, I hope...
Told him I think he's cute...
Is all I get back...
Why do I lack,
All the confidence everyone has...?
Honest I hate my anxiety, he probably has a girlfriend
Bella-Lee Dec 2019
In your own tears,
Swimming with a frown.
Becareful not to drown,
Swim you're heart out.
Bella-Lee May 2020
Rip my heart right out of my chest,
And take my breathe away.
Stutter my words cause I always forgot,
What I meant to say.

Cause I,
Never really want to let go.
And I,
Never really want to try
To make this pain fade.

So take my soul,
Take my soul away.
And save my love,
For another day.
Just take me away,
Take me away from here.
Bella-Lee Apr 2022
Talking isn't dating
Dating isn't committing
Commitment isn't contentment
Contentment isn't forever
Forever isn't love
Forever is until they get bored...
Bella-Lee Aug 2019
Past year ten,
You don't have to be here.
Don't have to sit,
And listen.
It's all up to you,
To make your education dear.
And whether they want,
Teachers are unforgiving.
Bella-Lee Oct 2022
The flower stood weary,
Sheltering a small bug.
But the bug grew hungry,
And said to the flower...
"Dont you ever leave me,
For I will surely die!"
He started to eat her petals,
And she pleaded him to stop.
"That hurts? Your mental..."
In her stem she felt,
That she knew she had to help.
For he would surely die,
That he could not find another.
So she let him eat her petals,
Watched him eat at her being.
When it was her time to leave,
He swore he would come with her.
But left her torn up,
I wish I had left and that bug had died.
Tell me how you perceive my metaphoric poem? What context do you think its from?
Its not pleasent but there is a moral to the bad things that happen.
Bella-Lee Jan 2020
The first time my world stopped,
Was the first time I saw you.
Moments only last so long,
And soon you'll be gone too.

I'll live hours while the world's stopped,
For this moment not to be taken away.
And before we end up six feet under,
I will live like I'm going to die each day.
Bella-Lee Sep 2019
Cheat on Fate,
Escape Destiny.
Write your own right,
Across and Among the Stars.
For thy Romeo and Juliet,
Might be a woe story.
None such as that,
Exist in reality.

For yes life is full of woe,
And tribulations and terror.
But live for what you know,
One thing can't stay in stone forever.
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