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 Sep 2014 Alina
Rea Mae Y Calingo
there is this girl who is crying her heart out.
asking herself why no one loves her,
why all her past lovers didn't work out.
now, she is old and alone.

she didn't realize that the one for her,
the one who is her soul mate or destiny
is now dead.
he ended his life before they were going to meet.
 Sep 2014 Alina
wasted time
 Sep 2014 Alina
i've been alive seventeen years
and I am just now scratching the surface
of living.
 Sep 2014 Alina
cierra fielding
I blame my family cause I don’t love me. I wouldn’t touch me, I’m ugly. 
I love you and I’m sorry that I’m distant. I don’t want you to know or listen. 
I don’t want to know, and I wish I was deaf. 
I hide behind my headphones.
Everytime I start to talk I choke. 
I clench onto my beautiful friends 
But it’s me in the end, and I’m afraid to be alone. 
I lay in my bed that holds no comfort
. My body hurts. 
A good night of sleep would amaze me.
I’m convinced I’m crazy. 
My own words scare me, I’m scary.
Your love fills my soul with the light
Of eternity and hope;
You complete me like nothing I have ever known.
You made me forget all my strife with each tender smile,
And brought beauty which made my life worth while.

There's not a day that I would not be grateful,
To the heavens for blessing me with something so beautiful.
A soul like yours so precious that I never thought existed,
'Til you came into my life and proved risking love was never wasted.

The light in your eyes fills me with wonder,
Your love and affection lifted me like no other.
You changed my life and set me free from my fears,
You healed my bleeding scars and wiped away all of my tears.

I have never thought I'd love someone as much as I love you,
Because I've always been scared of falling and of love itself too.
But I was glad I risked it all for a precious boy who's loving and kind,
Because right now he is the greatest gift that's ever been mine.
 Sep 2014 Alina
 Sep 2014 Alina
A princess eats not the crust of bread,
Rarely ever makes her bed,
Knows not the meaning of "old woodshed",
And there lies the problem
 Sep 2014 Alina
C J Baxter
Stealing defeat from the jaws of Victory.
A feat that was tall, fought for then slipped away.
The Scottish way it seems, to let it disappear.
To come so close with hands open as we near
then through our fingers we let slip another year.

Disappointed and down, we maintained a disjointed crown.
We could have swam for freedom but in the open water we drowned.
The lochs turned to black, no clock can turn back:
Freedom was for the taking, but under the pressure we cracked.  

Scaremongering, propaganda. Down right lies.
The told the feeble to stay together, and there would be a prize.
Hungering for a land. A place to call home.
They listened. Now no longer can they roam

Or swim in open waters that are their very own.
They are bound by unity yet completely alone.  

So from a foreign land I think back to the time.
when I felt a part of it. In land that was mine.
But no desire to return. The lesson I learned:
Fire always burns out. We had heart but no spine.
As a Scotsman I felt I had to write about the referendum
 Sep 2014 Alina
 Sep 2014 Alina
You can't say you love me
and then never talk to me again
my heart is broken
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