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And she's got everything
that I have to live

-excerpt TOMG
 May 2016 Bella
Ashley Dewicki
What does it mean

To be a Mommy, a Mom, or a Mother?

A Mommy…carries you for nine months.
Her feet swell and she can’t sleep well.
She sings to her belly waiting for her miracle to come.
She rushes to the hospital, staying strong but scared all at once.
She lets your older sister hold you before she even does because your sister was so excited to finally have a little girl in the family.
She spends sleepless nights trying to persuade you to close your eyes.
She sings “You are My Sunshine,” “Once upon a Dream,” and “An Irish Lullaby” as you drift off to sleep with her comforting voice.
She cradles you in her arms, hoping the tight blanket wrapped around your tiny body will prevent you from growing up too soon.
She lets your hand go as you take your first steps, the little bells on your shoes jingling away.
She watches your bright eyes discover the dark world she was afraid to bring you into.
She teaches you everything she knows.
How to be kind, how to tie your shoes, how to apologize, and mean it.
She sits on the edge of the bed reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar and rewinds Mulan for the hundredth time that day.
She showers you with love and you don’t realize how lucky you are.
She holds your tiny hand in hers as she shows you what life has to offer.

A Mom…helps you with all the school projects you bring home, and let’s be honest, she does it all for you.
She picks you up from school every day, an hour after school was out. The teachers started to become accustom to this routine.
She makes dinner for you every night. You never went to bed hungry.
She asks you to pick up your toys and to not leave them laying around the house.
She scolds you for constantly picking on your little siblings.
She jams out to Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, and Eminem in her big red van with the windows rolled down on a warm summer day.
You stay up until the sun rises the next day watching whatever came on TV because you’re both night owls.
She makes you a pink heart shaped cake every year for your birthday decorated with your favorite princess figurines.
She reminds you when you get on her nerves that she gave you your life, and she can take it away.
She sits on the edge of the bed, blow drying your hair, while you doze off from the warmth and security of her love.
You look at her and know she is the woman you want to be one day, so you live each day with the kindness and compassion she bestowed upon you.
She is quiet but you’re too young to think anything of it besides being soft spoken and modeling yourself after her.

A Mother…reminds you to finish your homework before you watch TV.
She sits in the passenger seat, telling you every five seconds to “slow down” or “don’t get too close”.
She gets mad when you don’t help out around the house as much as you used to.
She says you spend too much time with your friends.
She’s waves proudly from the crowd as you walk across the stage, accepting your diploma.
She tells you, “Why don’t you pay for it? You have a job.”
She says you spend too much time with your boyfriend.
She tells you that you don’t need all that makeup to look pretty.
She asks you where you’re going but you just want to be independent.
She feels like her little girl is slipping away.
She sits on the edge of the bed, but this time you’re all grown.
You’ve been hurt badly. A cut so deep you think it won’t ever heal
You’ve been crying for days because a boy broke your heart.
You’re confused and lost. You feel like you could never be happy again.
She sits on the edge of the bed.
She listens as you sob, asking yourself what you ever did to deserve such cruelty, all the while still hoping he’ll take you back.
Then she tells you
About the boy that broke her heart.
How she thought that was the end for her. She didn’t want to go on after he left.
And then you realize that your mom is human.
She isn’t superwoman, a princess, or an angel.
She’s you.
Because everything she’s experienced, she’s survived, and it made her the woman she is today. Faults and all.
And she raised you to be like her.
She raised you to realize that sorry little boys don’t deserve the time you give them.
She raised you to be strong, honest, loyal, and most importantly, kind.
And after that night, you never loved your mother more than you do now.
Because she’***** rock bottom, but survived.
And you now see the courageous woman that she is.
And one day, when you’re sitting on the edge of the bed singing to your daughter, “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You’ll never know dear how much I love you. Please. Don’t take my sunshine away.” You realize that the sunshine doesn’t last forever, but it always comes back after the dark nights.

And after that dark night, the sun rose.
And you gave your mother a hug.
A real hug.
One like that little girl who called her mommy would give her.
Because you never want to lose your sunshine.

Happy Mother’s Day Mom.

 May 2016 Bella
I have a friend, his name is Death
We like to play, though we never hold hands
We like to sing and run in the fields,
and sometimes he touches a bird.
Sometimes he touches a cow
Sometimes he touches a man
Sometimes he touches a mother

I have friend, his name is Death
We tell each other secrets
We know each other’s feelings
He doesn’t like what he was born to do, he says
And I long to give him a hug as he weeps
But I cannot touch him, you see
Not because death would take me
But because Death would take me

I am not afraid of Death
Or the Afterlife I've glimpsed in my mind
I am not afraid of Death
Or the sound sleep he often describes
I am not afraid of Death


I am afraid for Death
I have seen the pain as he took another
I have seen the regret as he touched a mother
I have heard his cry that he would rather
That he would never

I am afraid for Death
Because he must live with himself
Because he must live by himself
Because he must give all that he wants

And I would never that he was forced to give it to me
 May 2016 Bella
The cotton of blue
The sheets of green and grey
Dazzled with fireflies of orange
The crescent plate glows in gold
Twisted with mantle of black
With gold, with silver
With gun,
Shoots the sun
Had once risen
In glittering yellow and white
Been scattered into pieces of maroon
Blood deepen in red
Upon of once ever pure sky
Until his death covered with violet
For the moon will reign.
*No pun intended
 May 2016 Bella
Lazhar Bouazzi
Being a novice
in poetry
he knows how to color
an old tree,
a sky in the winter,
an ocean,
or even a dancing

But pleading
with the wind
to come
and sing
the sparkling
that tears the ,
weeping dome
is a different tale –

(c) LazharBouazzi, May 7, 2016
 May 2016 Bella
Jeff Stier
Tell me
 May 2016 Bella
Jeff Stier
Tell me what's going on
in your life, my friend.
Did you tickle the belly of the moon
last night?
Lie down in the lair
of spiders?
Or did a sweet wind
take your mind,
transform it into ripples
across the pond
radiating outward?
Or perchance electricity and the sweet scent of ozone?
Or a tiny flower called

I chose to dig a cave
beneath my anxieties
taste something resembling Life,
in congested dreams,

All for a moment of quiet
and the hint of a new poem.
I've been writing poetry on my Iphone - bad idea, perhaps.  Somehow deleted this poem and had to reconstruct it from memory and some notes.

Thanks to my wife for an important edit!
 May 2016 Bella
Caitlyn Emilie
he put new stars in the sky and redecorated with new colors, made himself at home along the giant nebulas and the infinite constellations.

he dialed his voice to a whisper and told me sweet stories of how the sun loves the moon, while broad spectrum daydreams intertwined both our minds
we wished on shooting stars and shared cosmic kisses, and there was no need for gravity..I fell for him the second his lips spoke my name
love is beautiful, especially when you find your soulmate<3
 May 2016 Bella
Paul Butters
At long last summer is here,
Time to lounge in the garden
And then have a beer.

My porch is boiling,
Have opened my front door.
No more Winter toiling,
This sun I do adore.

The bees are busy buzzing,
They’ve got a lot to do.
Those flowers they still are budding,
And there’s a lazy-rhyme for you.

Ready for your mid-year hollies?
You bet I am, you say.
Ice cream and lollies,
You’ll soon be on your way.

The beach will sure get busy,
No parking on the prom.
Lemonade so fizzy,
Going down like a bomb.

Great time for walking,
Out in the countryside.
Lots of time for talking
Or going for a ride.

My favourite cove awaits me.
A time to really chill out.
It really will be stress-free,
Time to have a scout.

Yes I really love summer,
That’s all I have to say.
Time to be a newcomer:
I’m on my way.

Paul Butters
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