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I am happy for you.
It beats
the alternative.
The alternative gets
me Nothing,
changes Nothing
So yes
I am happy for you
But most importantly,
I am happy for me
You want to know why?
Happy Me,
gets to kick ***,
beat the crap
out of her,
The alternate me

©Belema .S. Ekine
Everyone has got a choice,  I choose to be happy because the alternative *****
An asset she is for this you see
In those big brown eyes
Her dreams reveal
Her destiny unique
This I know you feel so
To you I plead
Be her voice until she is
Shout it out that which she is
So she knows she can be
As colorful as she dreams.

With all our fibre and being
Shout it out
An Asset she is!!!
So she is strong to
That which she dreams and thinks

©Belema .S. Ekine
He lay on the floor
Head smashed in with the
Centerpiece that was their
Wedding gift

If only we had cared
Enough to stop him
He was her husband
And he had gone mad on her again

She stood by his body
Teary eyes transfixed on his
Blood as it made its way
To her shaky feet

If only we had not said
He was her husband
She was his wife
For it was theirs to resolve

His fist no longer balled up
Her screams abruptly seize
His belt around her neck no more
Her consciousness crawls back in

If only we had made
It our business, seeing not
Violence as discipline, saving her
Would have saved them both

©Belema .S. Ekine
The power of the mind
I have heard those words
Thought them to be nothing more
Than just a play on words
But not today, oh, not today
It was the yellow sweater I saw first
I know right!! YELLOW sweater
Let's just let that go
Then the face, your face
The one I have been trying so hard not to forget
Those eyes I could not stare into for more than a few seconds
For they always seem  to be staring back at my soul
Saying I know what you are thinking, I can see your heart beating
I could not contain myself, like an open book I let out a smile,
My ***-IT-IS-REALLY-YOU! smile
Hidden behind the HAPPY-NEW-YEAR, LONG-TIME-NO-SEE greetings
Oh I believe!!!! I am a believer!!! i believe in its power
The power of the mind, My mind,
The one you have been breezing in and out
Of like a ghost, the friendly one though
Whispering your name in calligraphic puffs of air
Once or twice for the past couple of weeks
Now you are here, standing in front of me
The 3rd time today, asking if you had changed in anyway
And I saying just saying "No"
When all I was screaming inside to say was
Your fine self is finer than the last time I laid eyes on you.

©Belema .S. Ekine
There is this guy I have a crush on
To love and to hold ........ till death do us part
Were words they said up on the altar
Right before the drive into the sunsert
But first a detour they took
To the place down the hill
Where it all began
Two strangers
For the last rocky road dessert
In the glass.

Remember Those
Lines, Words
You said you would always find me in?

Songs, Beats
You would always feel me in?

Remember Those
Chuckles, Laughs
You said would always be my signature?

Frowns, Angry Lines
You would always trace your fingers and kisses through?

Yeah, Well.


Soothing drops  of rain
Loosen the tightened knots in my brain.
Your light fingers caress my sun dried skin,
Cooling me from the outside in.
For a long hot week it has been,
What a perfect way to end the reign.
Soothing drops of rain
Soothing drops of rain
O come have your way with me.

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