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 Jun 2021 b e mccomb
sometimes i think
of the million lives
i could have led

before the heat, lust
and sweet nectar
came shimmering
out of my head

i swam through caves
of black salt and ether
i explored dreaming valleys
and cavernous skies

i melted with the prophets
ruled with the pharaohs
drifted with the angels
all in a lavender-lust fever
The strangest thing happened
to me a while back.
I was driving a
lonely stretch of
A soft vagrant
breeze blew through
the car.
My window was
down about an
I smelled lilies and lilacs.

My cell phone rang and
I answered it.
The news was tragic.
A good friend had
committed suicide.
A somber rain began
to fall.
The wild ride of
this carnival life
became too much for
She bought a different
No judgment from me,
I wish I could have touched
her pain, and made
It go away.

I began to think of the the
fragility of life, and how
truly fragile the
human spirit
can get.
Life can get
with its twists and turns
and hairpin curves.
sometimes, headlong into
a huge oak tree seems
just too inviting.

Just then,
A big white bird
smashed into my
driver side window.
It was like one of those
Freeze frame,
broken neck with
Xed out eyes.

It was so ******* sudden
and loud,
I thought it was a pelican,
but after some thought,
I realized it was a
I thought to myself,
It had to have seen
my car.
They usually fly
much higher.
And then I thought
that maybe,
headlong into a 69
Mustang was too inviting.
And just then,
the sun began to peak
out from
behind a big grey
from the castle ruins
to the stacked pipes
and tunneled waters
of metropolis

we alone
—family in darkness

layers of india ink
hide useless machines

pressing country skin city bone
into amalgamation

hotwired airfield wings
hovering over abandoned

covered in chains
and cotton candy


—so the pill goes down with ease

this is our home
this is where we live

life is zenith
future is chaos
 May 2021 b e mccomb
Rummaging through the tool box
There must be something I can do to fix this, I thought

Just emptiness

It's hard to knock
on a cloud,
the haze, all the silence
Anybody home up there?
I wonder, how many floors does Heaven have?
How many flights do the Angels have to climb to make it to the top?

I need to speak to someone in charge, this is just, not working
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