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 Sep 2013 BAM
to the sun
 Sep 2013 BAM
He said he likes the way I see the world
How I frame my mind
Flecks of silver in my eyes
Childlike with wise reflection

Count the quiet sequence of the days
And illuminating ways
I light up with the feeling of
The sun holding in its hands my face

When I stretch my limbs
And fall right in
Catch the rain drops on my spine
And taste his skin
Fade into the earth
Connect, find rebirth
Let it fill me from within
 Feb 2013 BAM
Uhh Who
 Feb 2013 BAM
Uhh Who
Brought to you by sparkling espresso in a can
I have underestimated you yet again, oh humble coffee bean
But back to work
Eight tabs open, going back and forth
It's nothing short of a miracle if any given task is given more than a minute of attention at a time
Muscle spasms, trembling, fascinating
Overwhelming urge to mindlessly flex the muscles I don't have
Fake machissimo brought about by exhauation?
Or the exhileration of having to complete 8 projects in a day
While simultaneously trying to grasp a breaking down of my mind which hasn't happened since...forever
These are the prime conditions to breed a taxing marathon of productivity
Or a chain of costly impulsive decisions to perpetuate procrastination.
Signs that someone is going crazy range from ****** to inability to stick to a single topic to excessive use of run on sentences
"How meta, acknowledging your insanity deconstructs the very notion of it if you normalize it within yourself and just look as everyone else as crazy! Ha.ha."
That made no sense, i don't think.
I like using big words to make myself sound smart you can make anyone believe anything if you use big words also it scares those
Grumble grumble
Good night/morning/whatever
 Feb 2013 BAM
London Poet
Life hurts
 Feb 2013 BAM
London Poet
Life is pain, twisting and turning, forever forcing that consistent yearning,
yearning for peace, or that word called love.

Maybe love is pain with regret and solace
a golden cup or should I say chalice.
to drink from this poisoned false promise, will surely cause fear and flight of fancy.
journey to a place, unexpected and dark
black as my moods from false promises and lies
for the heart has cut those inseparable ties.

life is pain, make no mistake, for living is that fatal mistake.
 Feb 2013 BAM
Jason Needham
 Feb 2013 BAM
Jason Needham
A bird stopped-
Mid-air, died, and dropped
With no brave heart to catch it.
While the thunder rolled
And crashed and broke
And lit the grey-green scene;
As time and sky fell as one
To split sweet sanity.

Where once I sought ambition,
I now seek only bone:
Aged fine with wine volition
And cracked and ground with stone.
She sits at the corner of a dusty room just beneath the ground. She tried to touch the bruise on her cheek but the throbbing pain was too much. She now believed that she's alive...

...Seven candles
and the sixth reminds him
of mommy
if only she's here
then the flames
would light
a better eighth...

...A bloodless sunlight struggled to reach her through a small window. She denied the calling as she sank into the nightmare. She never believed in hell 'til now...

...It was a night
when the moon wasn't suppose
to run red
she was gone
"I miss you..."
he heard himself whisper...

...An old wooden chair creaked as it carried her burden. She looked at the floor and the teardrops that stained the dust. She wore a devil's halo on her neck. She let go. Not to feel the breathing ground again...

...He blows the candle
with sadness
If only his wishes would
come true...
He is too young
to sit
under the rain
 Feb 2013 BAM
It hasn't even been that long.
I'm already addicted
to the sound of your voice
to the curve of your smile
to the way your tilt your head

before you flash
that million dollar smile.

You are remarkable;

it makes me sick
to my stomach
that I thought
I liked
other people
before I met you.
Now everything
and everyone
before you
seems so
and forced.

Now, I don't give a ****
about anything in my past
for the first time in my life.
Because you are the first person
that I have ever met
to make me want to enjoy
the present.

                                                     ­                                                                 ­                              *CVT
 Feb 2013 BAM
Roger Turner - Poet
I first saw her at a party
Skin Tight jeans and Farrah's hair
She glanced and smiled in my direction
Trouble's brewing and it ain't fair

I knew right then I had to have her
Couldn't get her off my mind
I'd take her home and I would show her
A love of the most carnal kind

Where there's smoke there's always fire
Don't be fooled between love and lust
You've got to control your hearts desire
'Cause the fires hot and you'll end up dust

Working late without no distraction
The new secretary walked on in
I knew right then that I had to have her
My mind was thinking of only sin

She had a ring upon her finger
I didn't care, I had to know
She was selling and I was buying
I had some wild seed to sow

Where there's smoke there's always fire
Don't be fooled between love and lust
You've got to control your hearts desire
'Cause the fires hot and you'll end up dust

Running practice for all the kids
Getting sweaty with soccer moms
There was one standing there right beside me
I had to have her...and get me some

I made a move and she responded
Flipped me right onto my back
I thought here she comes, it's gonna happen
Then she kicked me in the sack

Where there's smoke there's always fire
Don't be fooled between love and lust
You've got to control your hearts desire
'Cause the fires hot and you'll end up dust
 Dec 2012 BAM
Valora Brave
 Dec 2012 BAM
Valora Brave
Instead of floating through, I choose
the gravity of my bitterness
of which I hold because it tastes
so comfortable.

Instead of releasing on
I choose to carry all my mistakes
(of which) I hold because
they remind me how to fight the strongest of wakes

Instead of fighting for I gave up on
I let you go and I discovered the simple truth:
I will never let you know.

and alone is desirable
and alone is reliable
you're memory dims my bright days
and sours the sweet taste of
all my success
as all I've worked for caves
and the darkest of days
I remind you, I never looked away
you were the one, I couldn't save.
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