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 Dec 2012 BAM
kisses small and hand-
crafted, broken-in, a feel like
worn leather gloves, slipping
over lips (they were in need
of some warmth) covering no-
thing but the bare necessities - thin, and
they are something when
I am used to
 Dec 2012 BAM
J Christmas
If you aren't proud to be my girl in front of the world
                   I'll still be your ***** little secrert
      but know my heart is not fit            so  when you hurl it
           be not afraid it may break on  whateva it hits
              as surely already't shall be long broken to bits.
                               An affair wants to spill,
                                                 to share of its glory
                               as a Lioness shares her ****,
                                                  Or an author his story
                 No act is so private it does not seek applause.
               True love seeks the ALL & knowest time doth not pause  
                                        so as a consiquence
                Passion never shys from standing up for this cause
                              uplifting the object you desire                    Human flaws and Awe
         Ghouls shant go hating on her without those fools hating him
         and right or wrong and vice versa each other they ever defend
             'Else Love becomes a shadow of what it could have been                                  
                                       Not even if 'twere to never heard of such things  
                                                      however unbeknowest     t'will still be a sin
                           if in this dark world         Love's Light isn't unfurled
                          if dead creeps into beauty   &   darkness roots its way back in.
                                                  best we  be Happiest now intact with our Love there in
                                          so for once instead it's the 'morrow that can't wait to see us again.
*John D Christmas*  copyright *Nov. 2012*
 Nov 2012 BAM
11/25/12, 10:32
 Nov 2012 BAM
"I wish I hadn't done it."

The stale, freezing wind dries my lungs
and I feel how hollow my body is
lacking the comfort of your arms.

"The reason I want to act like things are normal,
is because I wish they were."

Your final words nip at my skin
along with the icy breeze
through my cracked window.

"I'm sorry that it had to come to this."

My breaths are shallow and abrupt
this season, and they match how I felt
when we said goodbye
for the final time.

"Live long. Happy."

 Nov 2012 BAM
John F McCullagh
We have many faces
but we are all the same:
the drudges of existence,
the drones in life's great game.
My best days are behind me,
my race is nearly run.
I get up for work each morning,
its been years since its been fun.
I am wedded to a woman
whose passion has grown cold.
I have worry lines around my eyes
to remind me I am old
* * * * *
I met her on a Thursday,
The memory makes me hard:
Perhaps she was the Devil's snare,
Perhaps a gift from God.
Her perfume was alluring
Her hair brunette and long.
Her posture was inviting,
unless I read her wrong.
She'd been recently divorced
surely there's nothing wrong with that:
She had finally shed her man
and had yet to get a cat.

On my finger, a reminder,
a band of gold I saw.
to be yet another cheater
would offend me to the core.
So we chatted and had coffee
Cheek kissed in parting, nothing more.
Another battle won
in a nasty little war.
A Randy Travis moment
 Nov 2012 BAM
Seth Connor Jackson
I used to be a thief
Stealing through the woods
The stars were all that saw me
Your chair ever rocking
From where I used to sit
Where I will never sit again
Memories of the old hammock
A place I will also never see again
Now the moon shines streaks of silver
Reminding me of you
Your head, your eyes, your lips, your nose
I see them all reflected
As clearly as could be
In this wild forest
There is only me and you
The sky, deep red
Fog makes it hard to see
It’s not your heart I stole, I realize
As I see it’s you I hold
 Oct 2012 BAM
John F McCullagh
Just some stupid girl,
just fourteen years old.
She should have stayed silent.
She shouldn't act bold.

Just some stupid girl
lacking all sense of dread.
Classes for girls?
She should have been dead.

Just some stupid girl
only infidels note.
She took a shot to the head,
next a knife to the throat.

Just some stupid girl
that we failed to ****
filled with stupid ideas
that are not Allah's will.

Just some stupid girl
that some have called brave
just for daring to think
she won't wind up a slave.
An appreciation of Malala Youseufzai, the 14 year old Pakistani girl who dared to speak out and was shot by the Taliban
 Aug 2012 BAM
Peyton Leigh Stille
I'm the self-deprecating monster you brought
back to life. Mouth sewn shut and my
brain is only programmed to survive.
 Aug 2012 BAM
 Aug 2012 BAM
I will rip the first three pages
from your favorite book and I will
eat the memories I have of you
in one

I will devour any trace of you by
my skin

I will dissolve every look every time every
good intention on my tongue like


like bad sugar, you
will remain
a temporary
for anyone
you touch.
Written on May 30th, 2012.
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