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Peter Balkus Mar 22
How can the king help you,
if he doesn't even know
that you exist?
Peter Balkus Mar 22
Don't watch the clouds;
watch the sky.
I give this advice
to myself.
Peter Balkus Mar 21
Everyone needs Peace,
but not everyone has the courage
to admit it.
Peter Balkus Mar 12
I wish I could say what I think,
without hesitation, second thoughts.

I know we have freedom of speech,
but something makes me bite my tongue.

Wise men say silence is golden,
but dead men say silence is gross.

I wish I could say what I think.
I wonder how some would react.

I wonder whose face would grow scarlet,
and who would laugh in my face.

How much do I have to lose?
Shall I just say it out loud?

Or wait until they tape my mouth
and cut my tongue, close the case.

Oh, then it will be too late.
It will be a bit too late, I'm afraid.
Peter Balkus Mar 11
I always open my mouth
in a wrong time,
in a wrong place.

It is:
All the time. Everywhere.

Not because I say outrageous things,
but because it's so easy to offend someone
Peter Balkus Mar 11
It is not that hard
to ignore what you don't know.
Much harder is to ignore
what you know.

But it's worth it.
Peter Balkus Mar 10
It's still cold outside,
so why are the birds singing
so joyfully and so loudly?

Still freezing out there,
so why are the flowers blooming?
I don’t understand.

The hope is still cursed,
so why am I writing this poem,
like it was my first?
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