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4.1k · Jun 2014
An Impossible Dream
Bails B Jun 2014
Colours of blue, green and pink
float by dancers dressed in
grand outfits of silver cloth.

A girl, not much older then 9,
sits in the back row of the empty auditorium
looking on in awe of what she was seeing.

She closes her eyes and imagines
herself upon the stage being the lead role.
It's always been her dream to dance like them.

A tiny tear prickles in the corner of her eye,
she gives a soft sigh, knowing it's useless to
dream of impossible things.

She turns, careful not to bump
the chairs in the row in front of her.
She grips the wheels in her hands,
and rolls out of the hall.
1.9k · Jun 2014
It's Summertime
Bails B Jun 2014
The night sky lights up in a colourful array of
blues, reds, yellows, greens.
Spectators ooo and aaah over the display.
Loud bangs makes the little children flinch and squeal in delight.

Making memories with friends and family on these warm nights.
Plenty of food in the coolers and the kitchen to share
Board games on the table and lawn games on the grass to play.
Fireflies twinkling and dancing on the front lawn at twilight.

Campfires red and orange flicker softly in the dark,
warming the coldest of feet those nights.
Stories are passed on from generation to generation,
and silly campfire tunes are sung and danced.

It's summer time; ice pops to be eaten,
laughs to be exclaimed, photos to be taken,
friendships to be formed, and all-nighters to be pulled.
It's summertime, yes, *it's summertime.
1.6k · Jun 2014
Homesick (10w)
Bails B Jun 2014
I’m homesick for arms that don’t want to hold me.
1.6k · Oct 2014
Dandelion Love
Bails B Oct 2014
A young princess stoops,
plucking a dandelion from the earth.
She smiles, twirling it between her fingers,
soon bringing the dandelion close to her lips.
Her message, she whispers to the tiny seeds.
Softly as can be she blows on the dandelion,
sending the cotton-white fluff
soaring into the cool breeze,
carrying her words, spreading her love
down on the citizens in her kingdom.
1.4k · Mar 2015
We Are Leaves
Bails B Mar 2015
There are always many leaves on a tree,
and all fall off eventually,
traveling the lonely path to the ground.

The same could be made about people.

We all come from a tree -
a connecting ground,
a social gathering place.

But, sometimes,
life is cruel,
we can sense the winter storm
is coming,
and we fall off the tree,
traveling a lonely path to the ground.

Everybody feels like a leaf
sometime in their life.
Some feel it when they are young,
some feel it when they are older.
Some feel it over and over again.

But once we hit the ground,
we are joined by all the other leaves
who have traveled the lonely path.

We are never alone,
even though we feel like we are.
846 · May 2015
Bails B May 2015
My body -  a cage.
My soul - a bird.
Its never forgotten how to fly.
It may be caged for now
but one day it will be free.
684 · May 2014
6 word story (#1)
Bails B May 2014
Someday, darling, we will make history.
601 · May 2015
Goodbye Mr. Liar
Bails B May 2015
All you said was lies.
Your promises for our future together.
How I was "the one".
Thank you for making me stronger.
That was the only good you did you did to me.
This is where I say goodbye to you, Mr Liar.
I'm finally moving on.
572 · Jun 2014
5w poem
Bails B Jun 2014
You were my missing piece.
"Were" is the key word…
568 · May 2016
Thoughts About Our Future
Bails B May 2016
We're just becoming adults.
We're on the cusp of the rest of our lives.
Only two more months before we can leave this town and never look back,
Or to make this town our own and rule it how we want.
We can be unstoppable, pursuing our greatest passions and never giving up.
Do what you've always wanted to do now; they will be great stories in the end.
Do them today or else a year from now you'll be wishing you did.
Never forget where you came from.
There will be hardships - Goliaths trying to knock us down - but we will rise stronger than ever.
We may lose touch down the road, but remember it wasn't by choice.
Life just got in the way - university, careers, family are in store for us and they aren't bad for coming between us.
We've had many good adventures together, and all adventures must come to an end sometime.
Remember that you will always be on my mind; I love you now and forever; I will be hoping that your childhood dreams came true.
The next chapter of our beautiful story starts now.
Our future is here.
512 · May 2014
Bails B May 2014
She was a pretty thing,
talented and beautiful.
But she believed the opposite
all because of what her father told her.

"You’re not pretty
You're worthless"
All these things
on repeat in her mind.

Then one day
a boy with scars like hers
came up to her
and said,

"No matter how dark it is
there is always hope
I love you
and you are beautiful. "

This was the first time anybody
said nice things to her
and she started to cry
as the boy held her close.

Now, ten years later,
they stand side by side
at the altar of love
and each say, “I do.”

Because of the boy with scars like hers,
she held onto hope.
She realized that she had a say,
she realized that it will get better.

So no matter where you are,
the storm won't last forever.
Just hold onto hope,
this pain is only temporary.
502 · May 2014
City Bus
Bails B May 2014
I watch her from my front room window
a mysterious girl with raven black hair.
She stops in front of my house
everyday on the dot.
She looks
left and right,
glances at her watch,
and waits for the city bus.

Today it is raining
dreary, depressing, and grey
and the mysterious girl with the raven black hair
walks up to the stop.
She's holding an umbrella
a bright flower in a field of dust.
She looks
left and right,
glances at her watch,
and waits for the city bus.

The bus rumbles up
it's exhaust pipe spewing grey smoke
like an angry dragon.
The mysterious girl with raven black hair
shuts her umbrella,
shakes it out,
and steps onto the city bus.

I often wonder where she goes,
what sights she'll see
what people she'll meet.

I think back to the days when I used to
look left and right,
glance at my watch,
and wait for the city bus.

But then
the unmentionable thing

And I,
unlike the mysterious girl with raven black hair,
will never wait for a city bus
453 · Jun 2014
Miracle Words
Bails B Jun 2014
He lost all he had
in the fall of '09.
His job, his home, his parents.
Now he feared the worst
that he'd lose his children and his wife.
So out of desperation,  
he drove down deep into the woods
to end it all.

He turned on the radio
to hear a song for the last time.
He didn't know what he was looking for
or even what he'd find.

Words of hope
flooded his ears
and gave him strength to carry on
and on that night
his family found a miracle.

On the drive to his sister's home,
he got a phone call
telling him that there was work for him.
He  whooped for joy
and gave his wife a big hug when he arrived home.
He was thankful for being alive.
I wrote this poem while listening  to  "I Need A Miracle by Third Day" . Some of the  lines are from the song.
438 · Jun 2014
Bails B Jun 2014
I hate this....

I feel so ignored

(and have been for a while)

by the one I love.

He says that he's not ignoring me

but I say different.

When we are alone, everything's perfect.

But with friends, nothing's the same.

Oh why do I have to be a wallflower,

hiding behind smiles,

looking like nothings wrong, when,

everything is.

I want him to acknowledge me,

to let me know I am still his

even though his is surrounded by all of his friends.

I'm glad summer's here.

Two whole months to forget about him

Two whole months to possibly find another love.

And if not, hopefully things will change between us

for the better when we reconnect.
418 · Sep 2014
Bails B Sep 2014
Walking through the halls
on the first day of school.
New faces everywhere I look.
I wonder, will one day,
one of them be important to me?
A new friend?
A new enemy?
A new shoulder to cry on?
Maybe even one of them could be
my next significant other.
349 · May 2014
Bails B May 2014
I always love falling asleep,
the moment where anything could happen in your dreams,
the moment where I can forget that my world is messed up.

When I'm sleeping,
I'm not sad,
I'm not angry,
I'm not lonely.
I'm happy.

I can forget I have scars on my wrists and on my heart,
I can forget that everyone at school hates me.
I can forget.....

Sleeping is my way of escaping from the pain of the world,
because some days all I want to do is sleep forever.
346 · May 2015
One Day
Bails B May 2015
And one day
I’ll cross the river
to my Father's land.
He'll come running to me
with a joyous smile
and a loving embrace.

He'll welcome me in
to the grandest party of them all.
One where there is no
hate or
tears or

creature of air and water
the trees, the grass - all of nature
singing heavenly songs forever
to the One who created them all.

Walks in the garden
too splendorous for mortal eyes.
Talking with my Father
and finding the answers to
questions I never got answered
when I was alive on earth.

I’ll be finally home,
finally free to be me.
My heart will be full,
my body loved,
and my soul understood.
*I can’t wait for that day.
336 · May 2014
6 word story (#2)
Bails B May 2014
I miss something I never had
311 · Jun 2014
Bails B Jun 2014
I live like a dandelion
for I bloom through spring,
wild and free.
My laugh like rain
falling on every
man, woman and child.
289 · Jun 2014
6w poem
Bails B Jun 2014
And then we never spoke again....
237 · May 2015
Bails B May 2015
I find myself looking for you...
It's such a bad habit.
My body misses your touch,
my mind hating this feeling.
Why did you have to leave?

— The End —