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How do you like
To stand in the
Frosty meadow

Minding the free air
Portions penetrate
Your dim auroras

From the laced sit
Of your Hollander
Cold icicles grow

As your gazes
Melt and meet
Barzoi and me.

Walking around
In the morning
Sun. You-stand!
Its a beautiful Sunday!
Lotus flew over the
Surface of my

The synergy
Surrendered to

Of your being

Of love rains

Caressing my gaze
for the first time
struck by magic

And fires rode
In awe,

Upon your
Tamed times

And absolute
Seeded pine

Written like a wild
dew drops glow on
a black tulip.
Your eyes
Dark and mesmerizing
Easily I can get lost
And lost I have
Feelings that I can turn off
Stuck permanently on
your eyes captivate them
Releasing them free
Unable to re-cage
Letting them soar as an eagle

Your eyes
Hypnotize me
A cobra waiting to strike
My feelings soaring as eagle
They have caught the cobra
Bit they are and down they fall
Your eyes have now become my demise
#roll-o-the-dice  #demise #robot #nomore #snake #eyes
 Jan 2016 Aztec Warrior
Society is rigged by regulations
They've become ruinous to our very existence
Reduced us to savages, that we're not
We've become accustomed to it
Submerged to our very extinction
Gusping for every breath, to be heard.
If only these walls would  crumble

Why let others be the drivers on this perilous road
Our destiny is only ours
Shall we strive for it
The rear window is reminiscent of where we've come from
It's a constant reminder of what we choose not to inherit
We mustn't despair
If only these walls would crumble

That which amalgates us is mighty
Our diversity shouldn't be our adversity
We must take charge
Rewrite our history
That which dictates upon us must be banished
We mustn't allow for this walls to take hold
Apartheid must be challenged at all costs. We can't live a lie and choose to be in a situation where we pick and choose what we believe to be rights.
A lie told so many times can be mistaken to be the truth.
Some say I reflect only shadows
only darkness
only fear
am I to be negated for this
accurate observation?
did Poe write of whimsical romps
through flower gardens?
did VanGogh paint in colors of glee?

the dusk
the dawn
the unwitting pawn
the king who holds court
the peasant who merely survives

view from my pulpit before you judge
stand in my shadow before you declare
that I am without light
 Jan 2016 Aztec Warrior
I’ll rev you like a Porsche
Pressurize the clutch then
ease on the equipped brake
enrolling the steering wheel

On the highway as we sing
Tuning choruses eccentrically
apply the mascara and smile
put my flock on, swing like Bowie

Craze up in seismic grooves
Shift to a self expression culture
be so extreme that you glitter
I’ll desire your ambiguousness

Unarguably, I’ll hold your hand
An evolved zeitgeist in revolution
squeeze their prejudiced little heads
replicate, experiment your persona
Be you, be you, be ambiguous!
Friends, there are many(I think, I hope). So, to be fair, I will respond with this.

"Stricly an Opinion"
October 20, 2014   8:40a.m.

On August 28, 2013, strictly as a novice, and not having posted anything, anywhere, I posted my first two pieces of "literary art" on the HP site. I had previously searched other similar sites until finally deciding on posting with HP. I'm glad I did.  Why?

Not knowing what to expect, I threw "1894", and "Folklore and Fairy Tales" into the "mixing bowl". Pradip and Sally were the first to comment, and I will never forget the encouragement their words gave me. Never! Quite often, I go back and re-read them, particularly when I get a little discouraged when the "writers block" syndrome decides to attack. Thank you both, so very, very much!

But that is the core of the HP Family. There is an aura, a special atmosphere of cohesiveness among its contributors, willing to offer(in most cases) constructive criticism without being cynical, and always encouraging each other. Making friends whom we may never see, whose hands we may never shake, but a friendship none the less, that is spread throughout the globe, with the thoughts that will always be there. It is a feeling I did not sense with other sites.

One thing is for certain. We never know what our readers are going to like/dislike on any given day. When we post a piece, of what we may think is the work of "pure genius" could go by the wayside in seconds. On the other end of the spectrum, what we believe is not so great, could trend in minutes.

We will keep trying.

Richard Riddle
copyright: October 20, 2014
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