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 Mar 2017 somberbitch
I'd do anything
In the golden haze of the night
Surreal and forgettable

Bright lights, strange people
It's all so unpredictable
So lucid, it's all a dream

Crowded, the feel of people
It's thrillingly comfortable
Gentle touch of a stranger
Lips locked tight
Lack of meaning allows a strange focus on the physical
Hands through hair
Hands on skin
Seeking always for the spark of an instantaneous attraction

Breaking apart,
You say farewell
Lost in an eternal search for something you don't quite comprehend
It goes on like this too long to tell
Yet the night seems so short
I'd do anything
Anything to feel that temporary connection, floating above the city
Anything to forget the dawn
To forget the apocalypse that is love
From night till dawn
I love my little garden Lord
Which you have given me
I thank you for this heaven
Where I can feel so free

I pray each night to give me strength
To sow more wondrous seeds
And for you to bless the birds
Who fly right in to feed

I bless you for my sight and smell
To enjoy the flowers so
And all the bees and butterflies
Who gently come and go

So bless my little garden Lord
It gives me peace and joy
For I have prayed each night to you
Since I was just a boy

Keith Wilson  Windermere. UK.  2017.
This is a rewrite of an older poem
from  Jan 1st  2016.
Let me tell you
about this crazy dream I had

I looked over at you and smiled again
You put your head on my shoulder
We've been watching the cars pass
Through the streets of the city
Like stars falling from our galaxy

Ever have those moments when
Everything gets quiet
And my eyes felt like they opened
for the first time
And i felt music and art and poetry
for the first time
And my ears could only hear our
heart beats in sync
And your breathing

This was one of those moments
Like the first time I met you

We played connect the dots with the stars
And drew each other pictures of the future
I felt your grip get tighter around my hand
And I couldnt help but belt out a laugh

Can you believe it?  
Of all the particles of matter
And molecules of life
Of landscapes
And creatures
And people
And planets
And timing
And chances
We slammed into each other
Like we've always been en route
For this crash.

And like two fireworks
We took the sky and stole the moment
In a wild display it took my whole life to perfect
I would do what I could to see you shine
the brightest
I went through years of fuses and duds and restarts,
sparks and false starts just for this moment when
You ignite me to the potential I never knew was there

See, your best brings out my best,
And the more I can do for you will enrich me.

Your warmth is something I didn't know was possible
Until it was.

You are proof that lotteries
aren't only won in monetary jackpots
And hearts aren't only made for
Beating in a singular rhythm  
But in a drum line to a symphony.

We danced in our own company
And your lips dropped breadcrumbs
across my body
So you'd find your way back up to my kiss.
I've never felt lips burn so deep like yours do
You left gulches on my neck with your breath
And dug out safe places
where you will always be welcomed.

Let me tell you
I wake up to sleep now.
I Love You, goodnight.
 Mar 2017 somberbitch
Little Bit
They said my lines were weak
So I learned not to speak
     I decided not to speak

Now the lines are stuck in my mind
Driving me insane
Stay in your lane

I'm a girl who loves to dance
Yet too afraid to give it a chance
Utterly bored with myself
Wishing to purely connect

Aching for
the courage
the tools
the words
To get out of this rut

All my ideas swirl into gray lines
That fill my mind
And fuel the emptiness
That keeps me from feeling alive
Left only with a penchant for pleasing

I just laugh it off
Then cry dry tears at night
Where did I go?
Can you see me?
I'm lost in the monotony
Can you save me?
Can I save me?
written 1/23/17
 Mar 2017 somberbitch
I want a life of quiet wildness.
A soul roaming free
in a forest
made for me.
The steady
of rain landing on each leaf.

Ive been running through the green in my mind,
while walking through the day to day.

A safe haven of feral peace where I listen to a loud world through the ears of a quiet spirit is what I require.

The world seems to be getting noisier,
but the untamed parts seem to be vanishing.

Like entropy,  
is the beautiful chaos seeping out of the world...

...or out of me?
 Mar 2017 somberbitch
I imagine the little things
Like you and I making breakfast together for the first time
And us sitting in a coffee shops enjoying each other company in silence
Me, writing you love letters and slipping them into your coat pockets
You, making us tea

I dream of the first time we kiss
And how I will grab you at the waist and pull you in close

I think of the first time we'll fight
And how it will keep me up all night wondering if I did something wrong
And you telling me everything is alright
Do you like me at all?
 Mar 2017 somberbitch
Eyes cavernous, drowning in longing,
Pooling incredible intensity
Aching your core,
Desperation for every second to be this

Nothing ever feels as real as this stark second

Body aware of the pressure of yours,
An imprint that feels as if it should last a lifetime
A reinforced vulnerability

You can almost feel the fragile structure built of perceived perfection,
Emulating the lustre and complexity of stars as far as my ceiling
It’s yours forever

Under the table
It’s always there,
Always will be,
A singularity of where we started and where we shall end,
The perfect burden

I’d have it no other way

I wrote this at 3am eating poppadoms in my kitchen while he was sleeping.
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