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May 2021 · 674
Terrence Reyes May 2021
We dreaded this day
When this clock finally struck
Words can't express this

Yet, I am happy
For all that we have became
A friend, a lover

No need for anger
We showed love and compassion
This was true romance

Take care of yourself
I'll think about you everyday
The best memory
Feb 2017 · 815
Terrence Reyes Feb 2017
The flower blows in the air.
It blossoms, silent, pure.
Mountains erupting, ready to sin.
The calm before the storm is the only cure.
The valley becomes one,
While the sky eats the sun.
Nothing will stop its path.
Only the garden can stop it's wrath.
Only the wind can make this last.
May 2016 · 778
A Lie
Terrence Reyes May 2016
Empty truths is all I am.
But I'm trying to be all I can.
Without giving any effort.
I just lie so I can feel the comfort.
Deep down it digs deep into my skin.
My demons come out and win.
I'm just a helpless romantic.
Lingering in the past with all its frantic.
I just get lost in my head like a dead sea.
When I should blossom like a tree.
May 2016 · 804
Who I Am
Terrence Reyes May 2016
I'm a different person everyday.
Drinking on each day.
Sipping on gin to La Dispute.
Crying to Grizzly Bear like a *******.
Walking alone on this earth.
Hating on life since birth.
Who have I become?
Trying to be something, not a slum.
I want to live life.
But I am a ruin with all this strife.
I just want to scream at the world.
All I want to do is make my voice be heard.
Apr 2016 · 695
Terrence Reyes Apr 2016
Darkness covers your soul.
Sinking, twirling in a bowl.
Changing you into this demon.
Your mind stuck in thought, you screamin.
Suffocating in your hopes.
Choking you, like your neck in ropes.
You rise from the ashes.
Because your heart is filled with passion.
Nothing can ever stop what you believe.
Because you know exactly what you need to achieve.
Apr 2016 · 744
Terrence Reyes Apr 2016
Just stay true to your roots.
Branches grow, deceiving you.
They burn,
They shed,
They fall,
But you grow.
Stronger each year.
Maneuvering obstacles.
Conquering what you believe in.
Apr 2016 · 848
No God
Terrence Reyes Apr 2016
Who needs a god when all I want to do is feel gritty.
I don't need someone who is giving me false warmth.
They make us feel defrauded and feel pity.
Conquer each day with my own dedication, I shall henceforth.
This world is addicted to being scared.
I'll show you all, that you don't need to feel despaired.
Mar 2016 · 614
A Letter
Terrence Reyes Mar 2016
Third time writing you a letter,  
trying to create a poem that is endless like the sand on the beach
or riding down the streets.
Hate is always hard to forget
and happiness is a moment to reminisce.
Why can't time move forward,
so I can be with you to be over it.
Oh, the things I would do to you.
******* you to your skin at the right que.
I miss how the sun shines on your hair.
Like a clear window with a glare.
I always want to write you love songs.
But I just end up writing you poems.
It's okay baby you won't hear my sorrows.
I'll hide them with these flowers.
I don't want our love to disappear.
Because I know when I see you it will reappear.
It's so clear..
But fear is always near..
Mar 2016 · 381
Do Me A Favor
Terrence Reyes Mar 2016
You can say we are equal at some extent.
Made me hate everything that is so revelant.
I know your eyes will sting like poison.
My heart not beating and will be frozen.
You made this and I hope one day you realize, you were full of lies.
Do me a favor.
Just leave me alone, since you're so clever.
I'm done chasing our dreams we shared.
It's not like you even ******* cared.
You created these demons.
All for your stupid reasons.
Do me a favor.
Guide the wind east, so the mountains can rest at peace.
Mar 2016 · 387
Terrence Reyes Mar 2016
I miss those hot days with you.
Sometimes I wish you had a clue.
Sunflowers blow through the crisp sky.
Wishing the day wouldn't go by.
When I stare at the ocean.
I think of your emotions.
Maybe one day you'll realize.
That you can truly see it in my eyes.
Mar 2016 · 435
Will You Stay?
Terrence Reyes Mar 2016
Eyes so lush.
Lips sipping on tea.
Wind blowing coffee.
This heart is mush.
Wishing to never have to part.
Days have been cold.
Waiting for the future to unfold.
Home is your heart.
Adventure should never end.
Because you're my bestfriend.
Mar 2016 · 711
Terrence Reyes Mar 2016
Claudia, why can't you see.
Lovely, but yet you want to flee.
Arguably one of the best.
Undeniably beautiful, not like the rest.
Different in so many ways.
Inspiring, you make me feel ablaze.
Allow me to say, let's not decay.
Mar 2016 · 399
Dark Blue Bliss
Terrence Reyes Mar 2016
Etching your name.
Tears fall like stars.
I feel the pain.
This cave, I'm too far.
Falling into abyss.
You took my crown.
Gone like mist.
Now, sinking till I drown.
Disappearing below fathom.
Reaching for one last breath.
Choking till I hit bottom.
Everyone ignores, now it's death.
Weeps with the reaper.
Eyes filled with hate.
Now becoming a creature.
I'll show you how I feel.
By digging in my skin.
The knife, hard like steel.
What a trip it has been.
Mar 2016 · 577
Terrence Reyes Mar 2016
I lay awake.
Knowing what's my fate.
**** these days that make me think of you.
The sun always shines to make me feel the blues.
I'm darkness under the moon,
hibernating in a cocoon.
These pages burn my eyes.
You filled my head full of lies.
Winter has come to an end.
Let years not be a trend.
Mar 2016 · 391
Terrence Reyes Mar 2016
You were the flower on a summer breeze that has lost it's taste.
All you gave me was a disbelief of faith.
You were the wind, ripping through gold leaves in autumn.
Sending us to our ultimatum.
Now I must conquer this winter alone.
Not to think about our past or it will turn me into stone.
The flower reappears in spring, blooming with your everlasting beauty.
This is my life in this cruel reality.

— The End —