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 Mar 2017 Atlas
Seán Mac Falls
*Way I feel for you
Purple in rare mountain sky
Peak of lilacs bloom
I thought I had sunk in every depth of all your parts,
It makes me sigh today with a heavy heart.

I felt nothing was left to discover,
I've failed as a friend, failed to uncover,
the untold fears,
and the unshown face
you buried for so long under that mysterious grace

You rottened under the burdening sorrow,
Was my friendship so weak, so hollow?

Was I that undeserving and off put?
Or did you think I didn't have the nerve to accept such heavy truth?

Or did you think I simply wouldn't understand?
Could all my concern be so easily forgotten, so bland?

When all you did was bleed,
You could have burst out,
instead of keeping that fake smile on, there was no need.

Why couldn't you just express it that way?
Like others would
Did you think
Even I would have disregarded you away?

Innumerable times for me you had been there,
Today I couldn't be more lonelier.

**I had always looked upto where you stood
And now I cannot connect to that friend I had
You seem to be the farthest away
Who I knew was different
In your place stands an anonymous identity under that false hood you put.
I am always there for you.
 Mar 2017 Atlas
There once was a lesbian named Zoë,
Who was born in a month quite snowy.
She has glasses on her face,
Enjoyed a warm embrace,
And her smile was big and glowy.
I just came out to my English teachers using this poem.
 Mar 2017 Atlas
are made up of pieces,
shaky legs and furrowed
eyebrows constant questions and
cutting off sentences we are existing
in every direction we are never quite
exactly one thing we are
everything all at once and we buzz
like a hive of nervous tics and anxious stutters
this energy cannot be created or destroyed
it is transferred from soft songs
to reminding GIRLS LIKE ME that you still
love us when our mouths cannot form words when
we are not entirely existing in the same place as you when
we get scared and write poetry about how GIRLS LIKE ME
fall in love with boys like you and we never really
tell them we wrap our hands around our own throats we
were never taught to be cruel, we were never taught to
be kind we are exactly everything and always nothing and we
never know what to say so we fall in love with boys like you and
we wait and wait and wait and cannot be created or destroyed
 Jan 2017 Atlas
Randy Lee
I walked into a love story that was still in bloom
Sure it might have had quite a few pages ripped and some tear drops on the binding
But all in all the story was beautiful
It was about two people that have had their ups and downs
But never stopped loving each other
There were moments that they will never forget that were gut wrenching
But their were also moments that made them feel alive
The past hurts but the future for these two only time will tell.  
I pray that they find the right combination and the right foundation to build their love to the sky
I am in love w him but he loves her.
I won't ever regret my choice to love him bc he makes the world open up and makes my spirit want to dance
She will get to lay down with him as he holds her tight at night
I'll continue to pray as they go forth in this journey that they stay safe and keep each other alive
Bc no matter what I want I want them to live to the fullest and love w no conditions.
I will always wish he loved me the way he loves her but that is not how this story is going to go.
 Jan 2017 Atlas
Erin Halle
I am floating


I can only float so high
I know this

When will I crash?

Maybe this time things can change.

Let me reach a little higher
I crash
Back down

 Jan 2017 Atlas
Ravanna Dee
 Jan 2017 Atlas
Ravanna Dee
It's your head,
your heart,
and everything in between.
And that, my friend,
is what poetry should be.
 Dec 2016 Atlas
needle & thread
 Dec 2016 Atlas
sewing the open wounds shut
hurts just as much
as the wounds themselves
 Dec 2016 Atlas
he quit me cold turkey
like a pack of cigarettes

and when it did not work
he found his nicotine patch

in the form of a
grade nine math teacher

easier for him than for me
and I kicked the habit

only after months spent
suppressing cravings of

his memories
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