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 Jun 2016 Art-Stars
m i a
 Jun 2016 Art-Stars
m i a
i will forever be a prisoner,
in this cage,
for my cry for help is nothing but a whisper,
it's as if,
it's as if,
everytime i need someone,
they all disappear,
but yet when my smile,
and postivity comes back,
everyone reappears
but that's okay, i can survive.
 Jun 2016 Art-Stars
m i a
these scars upon my wrists will fade, but my strength will not.
stay strong.
Her sea blue gaze arises half asleep.

In silent stasis, sovereign, doth she shine?

Her cadence pulls me inward like the deep.

How selfish would it be to call her mine?

Poseidon cries and grips his strident depths.

In time, I’ll feel the raindrops on my skin.

Beneath the ocean, soundless, I had slept.

Until her laughter drew me from within.

Like rivers with no guidance, I was lost.

She was the sand that swam among the waves.

I had no premonition that the cost

Of sinking in her silence was so grave.

Again, she pulled me deeper into pain.

And vowed that I would never feel the rain.
 May 2016 Art-Stars
Sedoo Ashivor
The truth sets you free
But lies keep you on your toes
 May 2016 Art-Stars
The darkest days of the soul

Release most light

As beauty finds its way home.
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