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Sara Jones May 2016
I have always hoped that you wouldnt get close enough
To catch the sharp ends of my personality
But with each slice to your ego
And every tear to your flesh
You seemed to tear me too
And when we got close enough
To inspect each others wounds
I looked into your eyes and saw my whole life flash
And I retracted my claws and hugged you tight
I never wanna let go
Sara Jones May 2016
Dying has suddenly become my specialty
Sara Jones May 2016
My edges have always been too sharp

Step away

Before you get cut
Sara Jones Apr 2016
I've never been kissed in the rain until your lips found mine in that muddy water.
I've never kissed a bottle until the day you left me drawing within one.
I've never kissed you with a lie, yet you kissed me with the lie "I love you"
Sara Jones Apr 2016
Never have I ever been kissed by death.
Time to take a shot
Because my biggest adventure
Is when I flirt with my untimely demise.
Sara Jones Mar 2016
Never have I known three humans
That believe as deeply as I
Until one day I stepped inside
And found a world anew.

These three women are strong within their faith
And can push me along the lines
Between life, death, and treading upon
the other world and beyond
Sara Jones Mar 2016
My poetry stopped being beautiful when you left me
It became a cold reminder of what used to be
Everything turned black and grey and everything bright withered.

And suddenly the colors started to bleed back into the frames of my mind when you showed up and I didnt know why

But the simple fact is that you put the sun in my sky and the moon in my night.
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