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I have no one to blame
But you that plays head games,
I don’t understand why
you entered my life
just to make me cry,
you kept on mastering your skills
casting your evil spells,
you put my life in a living hell,
your heart is cold,
Yet you stand up to me very bold,
you take me down
taken my heart and tore it apart,
You lead me down a darken path
where lies are always being told,
making life colder than it already was,
the painful words of your neglect,
the abuse from you,
the pains were so real
but you always made everything a game,
from the very start,
you played the old game of false love
just to find a way to connect your hate
into my life, I prayed to get away from you
I didn’t want a life of confused,
You stress me out,
You gave me so much doubts
Into a life of debts,
I tried so hard to make my heart strong,
But you just kept me feeling even more weaker
Then I already was;
you would always ask me how I was feeling
I just put a smile on my face
And just walked away,
You were trying hard to catch my feelings
You thought I would let them just pour
Out to you like rain,
I guess I’m starting to get good at your games,
You are so disloyal;
But that is who you really are,
You never held back your way of life,
But you held back all your secrets
about how deadly you are,
I could always feel your presence
even if I couldn’t see you,
Oh, how I can feel the cuts while you are
marking up my heart;
Your first words are I love You
The next I will never let you go.

Poetic Judy Emery © 2017
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Judy Emery
 Mar 2017 Anna
I'm just a f*cker who's insane
taking names talking the game
I can't wait for you to complain
I'm already out of the frame
they say something's wrong
in my brain
but the facts don't change
they remain the same
pain or not
I'm not ashamed the way I am
so profane

dealing with blames
juggling thoughts on a chain
I'm the circus and what remains
when you separate
the heart and brain
operate on me
I'm breaking under the strain
stretching, and memories drain
always fetching me more stains

scars I'll wear like medals
dreaming about them butterflies
blue sky and coloured petals
and I still feel so strange
maybe under the weather
don't know whether to
tell you or not
I'm hungry for some shelter
to be the only one
isn't that special
and when you playin' some regret
don't forget what matters
there are too many mad hatters'
ready to falter like feathers
wearing them hats and leather
in a hope they'll feel better

but there's no hope
for the one's plagued with flames
always burning
turning flakes till nothing remains
but they alone in a room
with so much dark to bloom
watching themselves
shine brighter and be tamed

but enough about them
it's gotta' end
I can't be a friend anymore
there's so much to give up
before you can make amends
and the tail never bends
the dog keeps barking on
and things just go on
while you feel like a fool
who cannot go on no more
for he has no strength

afraid, always afraid
with things made
things said
there's no one else here to stop
so why don't we have a face-off
man in the mirror
won't you tell me my name
and keep repeating
till it fits in my brain
so I can keep it in a box
wear it by my neck
with a key to lock
so when the noose breaks
and I'm standing there
I'm ready to disappear

for i fear
what you cannot hear
monsters you never thought
were any real
caught in the middle
trying to figure out the riddle
to catch a moment and heal
this torment is the real deal
everything else is there to rot
and I bless you not
there's nothing there to feel
no mask to peel
everything is what everyone does
not point in screaming insane
and shoot down the doves
when they're not trained
wear them gloves on
nothing wrong in wiping
the evidence as medicine
for a heart too lost to complain
shut in love

and I've told you enough
there's not much left I should be sayin'
but these words keep payin'
and I'm down on my knees praying
taking my chances where none exist
and it's now too late to insist
I cannot resist the shame
no, I want it just the same
all the non-sense wrapped neatly
ever so sweetly in a pill with my name

and I'm trying to
tell you a story that's plain
could be fit in a frame
but that's not how life is
not everybody's happy
when the sun rises
some want just the vices
without having any
sacrifices, that's not pain
you haven't seen the rain
the sky's still blue
I'm walking with you
and you're in my shoes
don't you know where
I'm leading you
can you not feel it in your veins
every word I've been speaking
now forming an illusion
repeating the delusion here
can you not hear ?
confusion in your brain
rippling across the galaxy
ripping off the reality
gripping you when you're lost
in your humanity

stop thinking about the society
there's other variety
another inking virtuality
so many dimensions to choose from
and I don't word what's wrong
but I heard they found
love in some other galaxy

why can't we be good neighbours' ?
I'm feeling like you don't care
who's peeking through the mirror
through you to pull your lever
I think I'm gonna' have a fever
give me something to lift this world up
I'm all for love in this season
in a hope good be delivered
no reason for me to not keep her
but it's still treason to stop
when you start to love her
I'm just a weaver
fallin' asleep to be a dreamer
and now I've to wake her
tell her I was never a winner
but I'm gonna' win it all
now that I'm with her

and I feel like such a loser
I just want to wither
I'm too cold now
i cannot wither
I don't know how to linger
I'm in love with winter
but everything melts in summer

and I'm back where it begins
taking names talking the game
I can't wait for you to complain
I'm already out of the frame
they say something's wrong
in my brain
but the facts don't change
they remain the same, so vain
pain or not
I'm not ashamed the way I am
so profane
I give in to your hate
As you bite my lower lip
In despair
My soul unfolds
Only to wrap
All of you like a blanket
To keep you safe
I force your hand
And bend your will
I will not let you ****
The knife piercing my skin
My flesh
My bones
My chest
Wide open
My heart beats
Alive in the palm of your hand
I stand on the edge of your conscience
Give me a push!
 Mar 2017 Anna
the stronger the wind blows
more will I see of the road

that stretches out far
all across my mind
filled with fire and smoke

and now even memories
hurt and choke

now that I see it disappear again
there are so many cracks
running all across my soul

but there's still a reason
from falling apart in pieces

there's hope

fighting silently
violently underneath my skin
giving life to my scars

those howl in madness
so hollow
that they cannot bear
another moment in emptiness

swallowed whole
by the thirsty nothingness
this infinite vastness
that has eclipsed my soul

gripped my heart
worth stones I once stole

breathing dust and dawn
dreaming of something more

quietly, endlessly
no more less
than an ocean without a shore

a home without a door
where we find ourselves
looking through the window

watching the rain
that's what the sky's there for

isn't it ?
As if in a dream you came to me
I spent a year in a dream with you there
You return night after night
Dressed in rags or
Clothed in finery
Sometimes tempered and alert
Sometimes alive with quick wit and laughter
Once you saved me
You saved what I held dear
Last night you crept into our room and curled up in between us
Woke in our arms
Gifted me fine green glass from Tirol
A Seamrog to forever keep me whole
To keep me safe you said
There was warmth in your eyes
That shy smile on your lips as you gave something of meaning
To someone who means something
I could feel you relax under my arms as we curled up together
Maybe all you were was a dream
Still sometimes you seem more present
A memory summons you and my heart twists
A photo seen
A chuckle remembered
The way the light caught your eyes
It's just dreams
On the outside I look like I'm together
But on the inside I ache
I miss you
Miss stupid chats
Miss hearing your voice
Yet I pushed you away
Just as you pushed me
Now I exist in a vacuum
Sorrow fills the chasms in between
Try to fill the void once occupied with anything
I **** the ache with whatever I can
And thus live with dreams
Only half here
A shell with a you shaped hole in its chest
Haunted by spectres
Grasping at mist
Holding fine green glass
 Mar 2017 Anna
Johnny Davis
I am a ******* broken radio that my grandpa wouldn’t even bother fixing
I got a thousand channels, and all of them overlapped in every second
You came to me and said you wanted to enjoy the 90s
I knew what I had and believed this time I was gonna make it right

“Sir, this is location 328…”
“Love is wonderful…”
“Oh, Jonny! You can go **** your own ****…”

All the channels got mixed up. Like the cereal that I had this morning
Uhm, It was more like the **** cake you slapped in my face on my birthday last year

I wished you would stop tapping me with your beautiful finger
At the same time, I loved the new crystal nails you just did yesterday. Your soft skin against mine and nails stuck on my back, left me marks and joy

Stop leaving me
Don’t give up on one tap or two

My frustrations attacked the balance of the stupid sound system
I was either too loud or too quiet

You finally left the room
I was still on the table
intermittently playing the 90s
Trying to find the perfect volume
 Mar 2017 Anna
Brujo Alligatore
They act like nothing is just another thing
Just zero on the number line between negative one and positive one
But we know it's the natural state
And flaws and fault lines run
More true than any thing
 Mar 2017 Anna
Lonely Poet
I want to cry like a grieving mother
My heart just wants to burst
Wanting these freaking questions to be answered
And now this sadness begins killing all my happiness away
Making me hide under this skin full of lies
Angers overflowing but I can't do anything
Just hide, think and die
Perhaps my life is built to hide
To be part of a perfect pretend
Sending things unto the unreal
This dream begins turning into a nightmare
With the darkness and fears
Why does it turns this way
What a journey it had been
Only to know it ended this way
No turning back that’s what I say
But regrets follow me everywhere I go
No one listens anyway
Floating with my dreams and imagination
But realizing it’s true after all
Believing in the untruth
All of my illusions are gone
And I promise all you can see is black inside my head
And maybe so soon
So soon…
Cuts and knife would be my best friend
Making me understand that I’m still alive
And wounds will hurt like hell
But ending my life would be a problem
And maybe sleep will be my best friend as well
It’ll be the one holding my body
Hugging me till I dream
And I wish it will not let me go.
 Feb 2017 Anna
Ma Cherie
His morning sun just cracks awake,
up an at 'em she crows happily,
looking down on him gawking,
so cozy in that lazy plush bed,
while soft yellow lush sunshine,
says "wake up you sleepyhead"
as she rests easy on his shoulder,
as it blazes through,
and her fury getting bolder
burning holes in his tired brain,
and yeah it does make him happy,
sometimes regardless,

Of where and when,
all things same or not,
save for presently,
this sunshine is burning hot,
where he sits pensive,
in this melancholy morn,
as that sunshine is trying,
her heart it must be torn,
and in her torrid,
and dear desperation,
in a friendzy guy kinda way,
acting crazy just to stick around,
just a chance to have him,
take a grasp the bright,

And shiny illusion she's trying,
to force on him -
molesting his memories,
caressing with spindled refractions,
offerings of her warmth to shade,
truth slipping through,
the complex damage,
created rifts maze his mind puzzled,

Faulty places they say,
probably weakly built with no real,
chance of a brighter day,
no access to better materials,
some doubt his sincerity,
maybe it's just his way,
flawed in creation possibly,
fractured by grievous trauma,
definitely he's affected though,
by the endless seaming drama

What could it be this haunting,
an unbearable long buried truth,
to uncover it to daunting,
or perhaps a recently breached,
mausoleum of memories,
was looted in hate forming,

That creature lurks behind corners,
sneaks up to scare even the bejesus,
tapping him on his shoulder,
softly darting away and back,
eyes BULGE like he's looking at money,
or high on his other white lady,

Light now curving,
becoming more seductive as the day pains,
in the tempting sun's light,
remaining and creating,
a silky dark silhouette,
moving in a lovely shape,
in a shape shifting pirouette,

Beautiful dark ebony woman,
shadows form enchantresses,
sirens in traces of old wolf,
grey skies drift in the air,
of smoking cigarettes and ****,
an he's high flying too on these,
as nicotine-stained tongues burn,
wishing for the night,
his heart will always yearn,

Before he's feasting heavy,
being a glutton for punishment,
savoring thoughts on what never was,
as his alter ego now dances,
seductively for her daylight,

In an iota of darkness expanding,
blots and traces of ink stained,
hearts with crackling finish,
pigments revolving and rotating,
a ghostly apparition appears,
diluting the light forever,
and alleviating any fears,

Terrified though he is so still,
it looked so nice outside,
and now it seems she's broken,
down his only needed will,
who could have known this,
everyone is about their day,
he's so haunted and alone,
an that shiny lady has gone away,
as this heavenly highwayman,
has come to find a home,
a real menacing spector of yesterday,
just takes completely over,

He realizes and submits,
to the possession of his body,
forever becoming his shadow,
to wear it well that's too gaudy,
better to be who you were -once,
than nothing at all,
he figures looking into the mirror,
at his new "normal"
and gratefully bowing down,
to the cold truth of his life.

Ma Cherie  © 2017
I'm starting to think this is about a guy who is obsessed with *** that I know not someone I'm with just so you know. ❤
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