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  Apr 2016 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
Like the floral mornings
Become dusty noons
I promise to love you
Like the waves
Love the moon..
But do not betray me
Like the waves
Betray the Earth,
They live and strive on one land
And love the other.
Like the sky
Meets the sea,
I promise to become your horizon..
Like wet sand
call upon the ringlet waves,
I promise to become
Your footprints..
Like the breezy shower
On a summer day,
I promise to always
Make up to you
In all possible ways..
And like a mother's eyes
And like a father's care,
I promise to protect you
Whenever you yearn.,
And like grease
On a formal shirt..
I promise to
EVER!!! know what it means Mr.Sailor..
  Apr 2016 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
Once there stood a Sailor,
Tall and Bold he was,
Upon the waves was his home,
Eye of the storm he was.
Some called him Charming,
Cindrella was in love,
Sindbad wanted a friend
SnowWhite could'nt succumb.
Jasmine searched the seven seas
To bring him back to ground,
And Alladin pushed him underneath
Hoping he'll fall.
But there stood a Mermaid,
Upon a stubborn rock,
Her eyes were like wet sand
Her nose a pebble soft,
She lured the hearty sailor,
Into the sea so dark,
Hoping he would see a world
Where he never had to stop,
Hoping he would call it home,
His home upon the rocks.
He wore his mighty hat aboard,
Underneath he was at flight,
Fought the world of challenges,
With his awe-some sight,
To all he was a Sailor,
A person in disguise,
Wid arms like boulders
And chest fierce
But light..
You would ask
What's their story,
Well here goes,
It might be right,
But Sailor met the Mermaid,
Mermaid fell in love,
Love is what sailed along,
Under the waves of lust,
In a world so arid
It turned hearts dry,
He searched for a place to swim
Where he could also fly,
He swam with the mermaid
Into the glassy ****,
Glossy waters
And coral reefs,
After years of gliding by
He decided to stop,
Not to make him stop,
the Mermaid cried a lot..
The sailor found a new place,
A place called a 'Road',
She thought their adventure was over,
And the Sailor was lost,
She tried to tell him,
Asked him to stop,
For she was no longer she,
Plural now she was,
She cudnt tell him
For he was in a hurry,
And about everything
He forgot..
But alas!
Was she happy
She saw the Sailor pray,
The prayer wasnt an ordinary one
He wanted for her to stay,
He'd seen Her world
For years together,
He now wanted her to see,
His own world of wonders
Above the choppy sea..
He prayed that She could
Join him
With no other blocks,
The only thing he wanted..*
"If only she could walk",
She cried and cried
In the sea of course
She knew that wasn't possible,
She knew He was lost..
One morning she woke up
Washed up on the shore,
The sea no longer wanted her
She was thrown.
She'd seen the seas too much,

Now it was time for her to go,

To Walk with the Sailor
With new legs, aboard.
Happiness got the best of her,Tears would'nt stop,
He caught her arms,
Pulled her up,
And showed her how to walk.

*She told him he had to love her,
And two other people too,
The Sailor was astonished
He dint know what to do!
A few days later
He did understand,
They were now four,
A bundle of all,
Joy had at last rejoiced!
He gave her a pearl,
From the very sea she came from,
To remind her of That world,
She accepted and
Now they were one mind,
A family,
One of a kind..
this is a real story..half of which we have completed and half is left for us to complete..a must read..
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
You asked me what a promise means to me..
Maybe it means that I have seen and heard people break a lot of promises
and maybe this time
I do not expect that to happen..
That I've had enough of ******* in life
And maybe its time everything bad came to an end
And maybe
Its time I got something good out of life
And maybe that good is the result
Of having you in my life
I might not be mature enough
Or old enough
To maybe understand the meaning of
maintaining a relationship long enough
And I might be too young
To know
I love you so,
And u love me.
And too young
That everyone might think
My heart might flutter around a bit,
But what everyone does not know
Is that my heart has made a home,
And as it always is
You always feel,
Peace when u come back home..
And the distress my soul would feel
Without peace
Would be immeasurable
So I made a promise to myself to always be peaceful,
AND that would only
BE possible if i came back home..
YOU are my home sailor..
Forever longing,
Your Mermaid..
today I told him to come back home..
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
as I sit here alone
On the day of Christmas,
As the jolly shadows,
Of jolly people pass me by,
Laughter fills the air,
But I lay here alone,
Waiting for a text,
Or just a call,
Or the slightest
Voice of yours,
I get to hear nothing but sadness,
In myself,
You told me that you'd call me,
The first one to wish me 'merry christmas',
But here i lay asleep,
half awake,
But waiting in silence,
In darkness,
Hearing carols,
hearing reindeer jig,
Hearing bells ring
All around,
Its midnight now,
Still the snow's falling,
As I dream of standing,
And kissing you,
Under the misletoe,
A tear rolls down my face,
Still holding on to the thought,
Of you coming and staying with me,
But I know,
I've got to accept the fact,
that you'll never come,

'Cause the ones who go away once,
Never come back,*
They stay far away in the stars,
As my mom says,,
Guess I'll keep waiting for,
a last wish still to be told,
I wish I too get to stay in the stars now,
I don't  want to stay this way,
Me,my silence,
Under the misletoe...
To someone who's no more.....:(
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
They call me a canker,
they say I'm deceptive,
with an absinthe in my hand,
They call me a cahoot,
Abandoned in an abattoir,
They made me a psychopath,
They hurt me and beat me,
With all they had,
I said I am what I am,
They say am possesed,
With black magic,perhaps,
or maybe just a dark spirit,
So collapsed,
They say I look daunting,
Someone who's flummoxed,
Someone who's forlorn,
And a little hoodlum,
but i simply can't make them understand,
I am a labyrinth,
Full of difficult,
passages and paths,
Through which finding out is complicated,
I've had macabres,
which i handled by machetes,
The madder i got,
The smarter they,fed it,
With heaves of sickness,
they got me misspelt,
They didn't know that,
I, a psychopath,
was "okay" in my own way,
they mistreated me,
Misplaced me,
Misunderstood me,
Underestimated me,**
Look! I've come up!
still they were they,
They didn't stop,
So I cut them,
And beat them,
And scared their crap out!
Hit me with a dagger,
Hit me with a knife,
This poem is a cry of some people, who are treated, in different casts, religions maybe societies,I don't know,
but are taken in the shadows for maybe being LGBT or just what they want to be....mixed emotions are the only emotions they've got....
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
Hello! I call out,
As I walk on the cold
wet grass,
With bare feet I walk around,
Not scared if I hear a sound,
I turn around,
My eyes in search of something,
Something I'd like to find,
Here and there I sneak around,
in hope of something divine,
No! Something which can catch
my heart,
not that caught my eyes,
Red,blue,yellow or violet,
Maybe white, or black
like an eye of a pirate,
Across the land,
On a beautiful chariot,
my mind goes round
A girl name Hariot,
who's she,
I don't know well,
But I think I've found the smell,
sweet yet cold,
yes it's the ground,
The old ground on which I lay awake,
yet again as the day shoves in,
through the night in an ancient ship,
please don't let it go,
The moon's no longer beaming,
Yes I hear sceaming,
I've just been dreaming..
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
Now let me tell you what happened next,
The bold the feeble,
Went with the dead,
Down went the rich,
The poor and
The worthless,
The useless and
The innocent,
I was doing it,
No it can't be me,
I took lives,
With tears of glee,
Happiness is what filled my face,
My mouth kept moving,
And my mind insensate,
Insensible acts,
Proved my desires,
Divine were those and
those didn't tire,
shattered blessings,
Built up curses,
Collected bad dreams,
With songs and verses,
They wrote my stories,
Earned the fame,
Forget themselves
Became my tamed,
With fiery eyes
Heart of a master,
I stabbed her hard
With a daring laughter,
smirks and anger
My guiding angels,
my misguiding devils,
Made it stranger,
Misjudging me,
is your mistake,
Cause I was awake
On my bed,
When you were in your dreams,
Far away,
I was the bad man
You met in your way,
your dreams feed me,
Your smile kills,
But what suits you best
Are the smoking chills,
Give me life
Rather death,
I am,I was
A living hell,
I will take you to my nest,
Let's just say,
I was possesed..
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