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  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
Yes,the same old
The same old,
the same way enthralled,
By a clear mess,
Yes indeed I was enslaved
By a power that did not rest,
But burnt and burnt
Until the quest
was finished and foregone,
Until I bewitched
and captured the maiden,
The maiden in the black dress,
With fiery eyes
And lips succulent,
With deep thoughts
And desires immense,
Who walked like a swan
But inside was a snake,
Who was the reason of my meanness,
The only one who could free me now,
with hands of the devil
I seeked for her now,
I searched and looked
Like a hungry soul,
Hungry for freedom
Freedom to use my body once again,
A deal with demon,
oh!  Why did I make?
Regret and despair still on my way,
Depressed spirits going round again,
let the powers start,
Start their journey,
To hit me with strange endevours,
let the spells start the controlling,
let me be free after all the moarning...
Not totally satisfied with this one though..
Would appreciate suggestions! :)
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
It's my last day home,
Feeling I've lost all...
But I tell myself,
"Keep calm,
have faith
And believe in hope..
Just what I told my self..
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
Hold your head high,princess,
Or else, the crown falls..
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
twinkle twinkle little star,
I want to hit you with a car,
Throw you off a tree so high,
hope you break your neck and die! :D
Just something...:D
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
You are the brain to my evil mind,
the logic in my plans,
The soul to my darkside
and the curse to my blessings,
You are the lies in my truths,
A chicken that would never cook,
The pain to my hurt
and the hate in my love.*
In one word...
          You are *
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
What a day!
Oh what a tiresome day!
A guesome hurdle
A dire way,
As afternoon embraced,
The lights all fade,
So does the sparkle in her
little eyes..
oh how pretty *she were

How her tiny feet ran all over the place,
Made me smile
A little gay,
Her nose so tiny,
it fit in as my thumb,
Her tongue so pink
Even strawberries
Looked shy..
But oh! Her jibber jabbering,
Her questions,
Her answers!
Her shouting,
Her cry!
What a sly thing she was,
You know?
she hid behind sofas,
Scared me to death,
So I thought of giving her
a taste of lifelessness.
but, she,
Was my princess,
My beauty in petals,
Her funny giggling,
Made everyone laugh!
Oh such a cherry
Skin like honey,
Her hair amber,
Like wings of burterflies
Flying across the sun..
Oh! But she ****** the life
out of me,
Everyone praised her,
But me,
they said what a lovely
Little thing she is!
The irritation!
The moral dissatisfaction!
She made me look old!
and ragged,and torn,
but how could I cut her
Feeble hands?
Hold her so tight,
That she couldn't breath,
how could I?
after all I was her mommy,
The most beautiful
She considered..
How could I not think about her once?
I gave her life and in
3years I took it back!?
Forgive me lord
For I have sinned,
no how can you forgive someone
So heartless,
so mean,
Such a hippocrit!
such a ***** person?
But who cares?
when I  have my life back,
To start anew,
Never look back,

Yes I hit her,
Hard and numb,
Made her blood,
Come till my feet,
but she was the one who wanted forgiveness,
yes she,
So I gave her
What she wanted,
freedom was my forgiveness,
Stains of her,
still stick to my life story,
but I don't care..
you,fair little fragile thing,
You made me do that to you,
Had you not come,
I never would have been,
An inhuman,
A mother,
A disastrous
This is just about how a mother mercilessly murders her three year old course of time she has old memories and new thoughts emerging through her when she confesses...when she is caught..
Check me out-
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
The foamy waterfall,
reminds me of her floral dress,
The stones floating,
Of her helpfulness
And those precious ones,down under
Of her beautiful dead eyes
On her death bed..
I know I should be sad,
But I need not cry,
it's her everlasting beauty
Not her body to die..
but I felt with that immense a treasure,
One could not help keeping it same forever,
But she was too pretty,
the one too fragile to be broken,
this cruel world would make her old,
old, and with no charm like before,
Yes! She won't be able to handle it,
she's too weak a goddess,
I kept that in mind,
and wanted her safety,
Something she could handle,
Her death in front of eyes,
So now her beauty would forever remain,
The same forever and ever..
Check me out:p-
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