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  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
love that binds us,
truly pure,
love holds us together,
even though blind,
in love you will see all,
but hear none other..
l'amour qui nous lie,
vraiment pur,
l'amour qui
nous unit,
même si aveugle,
dans l'amour, vous
verrez tout,
mais entendre rien d'autre..
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
silences are buried voices,
come and listen to them,
just a touch and you will see them,
burst into a thousand butterflies,
disturbed just to speak a word,
mystery in them lies..
silences are a tune,
try making them into songs,
silences are words,
try making them into sentences,
free them and they will fly away like birds..
silences are the skies,
come open your wings and fly,
silences are the touch of lies,
do you feel them, like I?
silences that lay with me,
I'll share 'em with you,
come, hold my hand,
and let me bury you,
you and I
in the sands of chimes
in the sands of time..

nos silences ..
silences sont
enterrés voix,
venir les écouter,
juste une touche et vous les
éclater en mille papillons,
dérangé juste pour dire un mot,
mystère en eux se trouve ..
silences sont une mélodie,
en faire des chansons,
silences sont des mots,
essayez de les faire
en phrases,
libérer eux et ils vont
se envoler comme des oiseaux ..
silences sont les cieux,
ouvrir vos ailes et voler,
silences sont la touche de mensonges, ne
vous les sentez,
comme je l'ai?
silences qui se trouvaient avec moi,
Je vais 'em part avec vous,
me tenir la main,
et laissez-moi
vous enterrer,
vous et moi dans
les sables de carillons dans
les sables du temps ..
I know I have not used 'big words' to increase the beauty of this..but I do not know what to use..just something.. :)
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
My feelings are
like leaves on
the tree of life,
my life,
filled with
colours of momentum
and  of placidity...
Just something..
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
this one makes me just has a deeper meaning I think very few will understand...! :)
#love #stars #thoughts #simplicity
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
nothing is devoid of Art.
the stars,
the constellations,
the sky,
the Earth..
all are aspects of Art,
the result of creativity..
just something that Nandalal Bose (writer) inspired me to believe in.. :D
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
Did not know who you were
Your name or your birthday
Voice of yours was all i heard
We dint even spend a day
Three hours of chatting
Two hours of play
One hour of clarity
And another hour of day,
Lips smelling like cigarettes 
Body so husky and light
In an aura of musk
Bodies touching like night 
Stars kissing the sky
I heard your voice
You felt mine
I touched your heart
You blew my mind
We saw light coming in
Through the curtains
It was night yesterday
Today everything's uncertain
Maybe it was new
So it attracted me
Maybe it was me
That attracted you
Like a cannibal
We ate up our sorrows
Into a shadow of lustre
And no tomorrow
What happened this time
I cheated perhaps
It was one time thing
Its time to relax
Maybe I forgot how much someone loves me
Maybe it was infatuation that caught me
Love or lust
It no longer matters
As my thoughts include 
You as all that matters
Lust for you
Maybe love for me
But these 6 hours were
Enough for me
One night of regret
One day of lust
One time of sorrow
One game of mistrust
Maybe I am sorry
Maybe it was meant
A six day love story 
That never came to an end..
yes I regret it..
  Aug 2015 Anuj Gupta
Niveda Nahta
I never met a man of your valor,
You held my hand through everything
Even though its only been a month..
I love you and appreciate everything you do,
In a month I found someone
Worth persuading
So much as to,
you were so captivating
I don't care about your past
But I do care about your future
And I hope you will remember
to include me in it!
And I want it to be good
And I want us to be travelers,
And wanderers,
But a thing to remember would be that
We will always be home to see each other..
And I want you to know that I will not make promises that I cannot keep but
do things for you that you will not regret...
so I want you to be with me in everything and always..
I love you and these are not just words and I want you to be happy as much as I want to be happy in life..
So smile and I'll smile and make your day like you make mine..
Longing in anticipation,
Your Mermaid..
yes,I love a sailor, and yes I write letters to him! :D ❤
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