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 Dec 2014 Anna Vigue
 Dec 2014 Anna Vigue
The ground glittered with littered plastic
Houses shrank as time passed
Land became trash
The people were cut into two
One side giving money to build new, pretty communities
Trying to save the face of their dying cities
The others grew tired of rising above
The hot sun and dirt packed them into adobe clay victims
Almost frozen in time
Vesuvius had risen again in this southern land
Maybe the people who kept trying were just too proud
They never admitted how they benefited from enslaving those who understood there was no hope
The ones close to the ground realized there was no escaping hell
Better to ruin and ignore their homes
Because soon enough there would be nothing more but rubble
The hills are sparkling
Death and decay originated in their backyards
All that's left is destroy everything in their wake
In hopes of building from the ground up once again
All look up to the same sky waiting for the day they're kissed by the gods
Most have only seen satan come out to play
They'll continue to pray and pray
Either that or an early visit to the cemetery
Some say soon it'll all end, but are they speaking of the lands poverty or their own lineage
hold your head high boy, because we've been here before.  we have been to this place where sadness holds us and tears us apart.  but we're quiet now.  i have love but we can't look at it.  silence is our home.  it keeps our hearts at bay and let's us keep walking through life like we never were.  and my how we've grown.
hold your head high boy, because we've been here before.
tell me the reason why
has this hold on us
tell me why the clock
talks like a devil.
it's okay
i get it.
so let us hold our hearts apart
and never wonder
but my

how we've grown.
It comes to you in your darkest days,
disguised in a familiar face,
It whispers words you've waited for,
uttered with eloquence & grace.

It touches your skin, holds your face,
Then consumes your self worth without care.
It hides behind a mask, planning & scheming,
leaving you unaware.

It hugs you as you dry your eyes,
it fills your head & heart with lies.
It utters hollow apologies with no intention of change,
It shouts vulgarities in a crowded coney island,
Filling you with embarrassment & shame.

It fakes compassion as you wait to hear,
whether you may indeed have cancer,
You question why it chose you?
but you never get an answer.

It prays at every meal,
mocking God without fear,
It attacks your reputation, your humanity,
and all that you hold dear.

It hides behinds friends, half truths,
and a sea of endless lies,
It marinates in every excess,
so it never has to open its' eyes.

You cannot give it love, expect empathy, or regret,
It is never satisfied because its true needs are not being met.

I'll never understand the cruelty,
the why or even how,
But some things have no answer,
and it no longer matters now.

Despite what has been DONE TO ME,
This I will always implore,
Evil may destroy this world,
WILL win the war.
(* never be so quick to judge have no idea the hell they have gone through or are going through & remember abusers will show you only a morsel of the truth, they will tailor everything to make it seem as though they were the victim...I know because it happened to me. My hope is that this may help someone out there to know that you will survive, & in time, thrive. Sure I hope someday I receive a heartfelt apology, but I won't be holding my breath. It's heartbreaking what drugs & alcohol can do to someone. You know who you are. Please, get help & stop hurting others.
*and no, this is not about Mozart.
...a year ago I didn't want to wake my art is headed to the 2015 Golden Globes...thank you for taking the time to read this.)
we try to play numb
to our thoughts and feelings
like there's a chance
they will leave us alone
as if they will disappear
if we try to avoid them
but they never will
they have no days off on their schedule
they make us who we are
they're parts of ourselves no one can see
at night
during the day
every second
every minute
every hour
we can't avoid ourselves, our minds
we can't escape the mirrors, the reflections
we can't be numb, and refuse to ever feel
You have a cute little nose
And happy wagging tail
You lick me when I come home
You bark because there's mail
You sleep in my bed
And think my shoe is a toy
Sweet little puppy
You fill me with joy
Oh, little puppy
So loyal and true
I just want you to know
How much I love you !
i thought it was time for a change not only depressing poems but happy poems to
I wake up in the morning
All tangled up in her
I still have not shaven
My ****** hair rubs against her soft face
She awakes, feeling lively
Together we share a kiss
She acts so silly
I cannot help but laugh  
Then we play a game
Under the covers we go
We pretend it's the ghost world
And it's an adventure
We share another kiss
And together we smile
floes substaining and undisclosed injury
broken ribb against pittsburg
chest hurting like hell
cant breath
people rushing around
comebback produced
he wanted so bbad since he was a kid
he wanted to play in the super bowl
Broken Rib
Mason substaining an undisclosed injury
concussion against pittsburg
less time to think
Mason gets hit
head buzzing
comeback produced
he wanted so bad since he was a kid
he wanted to play in the stanly cup playoffs
when he trys to stand
he cant legs like jelly
I look over my poems
and it's clear to see
that some of these writes
are apparently just for me--
sometimes I think
words fly from my heart
explode from my brain
and then panic might start
as I re-read a post or two
that happened to be one of those
that so hurriedly flew
from my head to my fingers
on the keyboard to here
and I shudder and wonder
(did I make myself clear?)
but then some lovely soul
will come right along
and write a nice comment or two
and as I read that they "got" my write
relief comes flooding through
then again I allow my fingers to take flight...
hoping it will touch someone
like you...
am i the only one who has doubts sometimes? lol
much love to my amazing fellow poets
on this site!
i hope you guys like it butnot what it is but how it was ariten

#heart   #poems   #fingers   #fly   #panic   #flight   #writes   #explode
 Sep 2014 Anna Vigue
Craig Verlin
I create poetry
by the car crashed juxtaposition
of thought and language.

I create poetry via metaphor,
metonymy, a slight wit.

I create poetry by the
beating and bastardization
of word until the line
breaks just right.
It never truly does.

You create poetry
in your every movement.

You create poetry in the
interaction and absolution
you carry within every waking

You create poetry only
by opening your beautiful
eyes each morning as
the sun rises eagerly
to see you.

You create poetry.

This, my pale
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