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 Apr 2016 AminieMecho
Ash Rose
The pain in your eyes,
your voice breaking as you speak,
it breaks me inside.

You've seen so much hurt,
experienced so much loss,
known so much heartache.

You are so **** young,
you should be so innocent
and yet, you are not.
haiku x3
I wonder, the last time I saw you,
did I tell you I loved you then?
Because I don't think I ever realized
that I'd never see you again.
the light
at the end of the tunnel
was actually a signpost that read
'maybe you should've chosen another tunnel'
so i took it down
because it didn't belong there
and carried on
 Mar 2016 AminieMecho
 Mar 2016 AminieMecho
I heard it, the moment that your heart fell from your chest.
It sounded like glass shattering
I can't lie, the sound, it was startling.
Ear piercing notes in a disheveled melody.
Alone, you were, no company
Except for the bugs in the dirt.
I dug my hands into the pieces
As they cut into my palms and finger tips.
I lifted my ****** hands to my lips,
Infused with clear fibers that once resided in your chest.
"Is this yours? Did you lose this?"
Hope is a fire that life can put out
But it can be rekindled that I don't doubt
The first thing to do when you start to feel down
Is to accept your life for what it is right now
Right now you are aching and empty inside
You start to imagine how it may feel to die
You then take a look at the moon in the sky
Feel your heart beating let tears fill your eyes
Embrace the feeling even if bad
Because your alive and its life to be sad
Know that your different and that's what makes beauty
I assure you that no one feels quite what your feeling
Your soul is an artist that longs to be free
So don't hold it back, let it rage like the sea
Another piece I wrote when I had just overcome a stretch of depression.
 Mar 2016 AminieMecho
m i a
sometimes i have to breathe in,
and breathe out,
so i can remind myself not
to doubt
my existence
so i can remind myself of
the distance
between my room and my
so i can remind myself to not give her another
gray hair
so i can remind myself that
someone out there
probably does care
so that i can remind myself that
i matter,
though my heart
may shatter
and the art
within me probably
won't matter
sometimes i have to breathe in,
and breathe out,
so i can remind myself that i am alive
and that i can survive.
just breathe, you can do it.
Does thoughts of me rise like the morning sun
Does it set your heart on fire
Bright ember red as thoughts of me fill your head
Do you fall in a deep love all over again like someone cast a spell
Does your mind swell like a well Impaled
From the heavens letting go what they withheld
Or does hate perched on your frontal lobe come from behind its veil  
Does thoughts of me crush your soul
Do you become bitter and cold like steal pole in the winter snow
Have you put up safety nets
And when I'm brought up
Do you cast them back out to see
What do you feel when you think of me
 Mar 2016 AminieMecho
 Mar 2016 AminieMecho
I have been long gone.
And none of this makes sense.
But, I wont delete them.

 Mar 2016 AminieMecho
Jannell O
What do you do when you have failed? Do you finally take a breath in and exhale?
Or do you stay stuck in time, becoming quite grime?
Frozen as to ponder your mistakes, thinking each mistake with a heavy heartache.
But there is no time to be crying still, take another breath and stop feeling ill.
No change will happen if you stay in your shell, if you don't move you'll just remain in this hell.
So stand up and and be strong, I will not let you go wrong.
It's time to past your mistakes, and get ready for an outbreak.
Remember even if you fall, always try your best to stand tall.
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